Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 496


A thunderous roar resounded from the heavens above Lu Chen"s palm.

The power of virtue was one of the purest powers in the world. It was the nemesis of all the filthy things in the world.

In addition, the Limitless Thunder Curse"s ultimate move, the Thunder Palm was also a martial art that was extremely masculine.

The combination of the two naturally wasn"t something that the black python could easily contend with.

It was too late. It was too soon!

The Thunder Palm in Lu Chen"s palm was the size of a human head.

He casually raised his hand, and the giant black python was directly struck into nothingness by the palm lightning.

Even the black gas disappeared in an instant.

Everything vanished into thin air, as if it had never existed.

Dao Ba immediately felt fear, but this was his territory after all, he had nowhere to run to.


Lu Chen stomped his feet and disappeared from the spot.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen arrived above Dao Ba.

However, Dao Ba also reacted at this moment, he felt the terrifying lightning in Lu Chen"s hands.

The black mist in Dao Ba"s body once again surged out crazily, forming a black shield, firmly protecting his body.

When Lu Chen"s palm slammed into the black shield, the sound of thunder rumbled and the air seemed to tremble violently.

The dark purple lightning exploded within the black shield, directly burning into a large hole.

After the flash of lightning, Lu Chen moved again.

"Where did he go?"

Seeing Lu Chen"s incredible speed, Dao Ba"s voice turned grim.

The black gas inside Dao Ba"s body was drawn out crazily. The surrounding black gas around his body turned into sharp swords that shot out in all directions of the stone chamber.

Dao Ba did not hold anything back. The speed of the black mist gathering on his sword was extremely fast. The whole process of him casting the sword was disorderly and without order.

At this moment, Dao Ba"s attacks rained down like rain, all he wanted was for Lu Chen to be nowhere to hide.

Under Dao Ba"s crazy attack, the entire stone chamber began to shake as if it was going to collapse in an instant.

"Where do you think you"re going?"

Dao Ba was suddenly overjoyed. He gathered the black fog together and without any hesitation, he shot his strongest attack in the direction southeast of the stone chamber.

With a loud bang, the smoke and dust dispersed, revealing Lu Chen"s figure standing proudly there.

Lu Chen slowly raised his head, looked at the tomb"s owner and smiled, then snapped his fingers.

Lightning flashed in Lu Chen"s hand as well. A ball of dark purple lightning the size of a football impressively appeared in his palm.

The Thunder Palm in Lu Chen"s hand once again struck Dao Ba.

The thought of fear suddenly emerged in Dao Ba"s mind as he thought, "Not good!"

However, at this moment, there was no time for him to hesitate. A cold light flashed in his eyes and Dao Ba immediately gathered all of his strength to block the dark purple lightning wrapped in a violent aura.

But to Lu Chen, this was just a last ditch effort.

Dao Ba was immediately blasted away by Lu Chen"s Palm Lightning. No one even uttered a sound.

Immediately after, Dao Ba"s entire body and soul was burnt into nothingness without leaving any trace.

At this moment, Lu Chen was surprised to discover that Dao Ba was burnt into nothingness, but there was still an invisible force that caused his attack to strike the air, making it impossible for him to exert any force.

Then, Lu Chen heard an ancient voice coming from the void.

"Young man, this old Daoist has existed in this tomb for nearly three thousand years."

"I didn"t expect to meet a fated person before dissipating from this world."

"The power in you is very strange, but you belong to the righteous faction."

"Take this jade box and wait for someone by destiny to open it. This old Daoist will be going first!"

The voice was like a gust of wind, coming and going as he pleased. Lu Chen was unable to react in any way.

A strong gust of wind blew over. Lu Chen subconsciously raised his hand and accurately caught the palm-sized jade box.

At this moment, he still hadn"t come back to his senses.

Because the action just now was not what Lu Chen wanted to do at all.

In such a situation, the real instinctive reaction would be to shatter the shadow with a single punch, not to hold it in your hand.

It was too dangerous.

Lu Chen suddenly had a feeling, then his heart palpitated.

The owner of that voice had actually invaded his consciousness and controlled him in such a short period of time!

This … What was going on?

Could this be the real owner of the tomb?

What had just happened was just a test …

Lu Chen"s thoughts were in a mess, and he was puzzled.

However, he was quickly verified by the little fox.

Lu Chen did not expect that the voice that suddenly sounded belonged to the tomb master.

In other words, the wisp of spiritual consciousness that was attached to Dao Ba"s body was the tomb master.

From the very beginning, the master of the grave had already discovered Lu Chen, and had also picked up some clues from him.

As for what happened next, it was all part of the tomb master"s deliberate plan.

If the resentment in Duanmu Pengcheng"s corpse energy had not been eliminated, then it was highly likely that the owner of this grave had not encountered a fated person since he had waited here for thousands of years.

With the little fox"s perception, the jade box in Lu Chen"s hand was related to ancient artifacts.

As for what kind of magical equipment it was, the little fox actually couldn"t figure it out for a while, so it naturally couldn"t give Lu Chen an accurate description.

However, Lu Chen wasn"t in a rush.

He believed that there must be some deep meaning behind the grave"s owner"s arrangement.

Perhaps, at some special moment, he would be able to unravel the mysteries of this jade box.

At this time, the black mist that had shrouded the entire stone room disappeared, and the world returned to normal.

The merfolk lights that had appeared earlier had disappeared without a trace.

Focusing his eyes, Lu Chen discovered that the scenery around him had completely changed. Zhang Junwei, Murong Xin"er, and the rest had actually appeared.

Lu Chen circulated the Power of Merit and immediately released his Spiritual Sense. He then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He realized that nothing had happened to Murong Xin"er and the others.

"Big Brother Lu, are you alright?"

Murong Xin"er worriedly asked as she looked at Lu Chen.

Just a moment ago, a black whirlwind blew past and Lu Chen was nowhere to be seen.

They searched for a long time, but to no avail.

Just now, another black tornado had arrived, but Lu Chen was once again unharmed.

However, when Xin Er noticed Lu Chen using a strange gaze to look at her and Zhang Junwei, she couldn"t help but feel hesitant. She was afraid that something might have happened to Lu Chen.

It was because this tomb was very strange and completely exceeded the range of her control. Murong Xin"er didn"t dare to let down her guard.

"Don"t worry, I"ve eliminated Dao Ba." After shaking his head, Lu Chen consoled Murong Xin"er.

At this moment, he already knew the whole story. Seeing that both Murong Xin`er and Zhang Junwei had no problems, he finally felt relieved.