Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 5

Lu Chen used his hand to touch the pendant.

The next moment, a white light flashed and a snow-white little fox appeared in his mind.

What was even weirder was that he could communicate with the little fox through his soul, even without talking to it.

At the same time that the little fox appeared in his mind, there were also some information fragments that seemed to have something to do with the little fox.

"Who are you? Why would he appear here? " Before he could even read the information regarding the little fox, Lu Chen asked subconsciously.

"Didn"t you summon me here?" The little fox glanced at Lu Chen, then unhappily said.

"Did I summon you? When did this happen? " Lu Chen asked doubtfully.

"Just now! Didn"t you want to bring this man back to life? " The little fox said.

Lu Chen admitted that he had indeed hoped for a miracle to happen just now to save this man.

Lu Chen felt that since a person had made a mistake, he had to face it and be brave enough to bear the consequences, rather than choosing to flee with his life on the line.

But after thinking for a moment, he managed to summon a little fox?

Moreover, it really could help him wake up someone …

"What are you hesitating for? The soul has been separated from the body for too long, even the Great Firmament Golden Immortal cannot save him. " The little fox reminded him indifferently.

"Can you really save him?" Lu Chen hurriedly asked.

"Of course!" The little fox proudly said.

"Then why are you still standing there? Saving a life is like saving a fire! Hurry up!" Lu Chen urged.

"And the price?" The little fox calmly said.

"Price?" "What price?" Lu Chen asked cautiously.

"What else could it be? Of course it"s the Merit Pearl. " As the little fox spoke, it quickly licked its lips.

"Merit Bead, what is that!" Lu Chen was dumbfounded.

The little fox widened its eyes and asked in disbelief, "Don"t you know the origins of this pendant in front of your chest?"

"What kind of background?" Lu Chen hurriedly asked.

"Wouldn"t you know if you touched it yourself?" The little fox said with a smile.

Lu Chen didn"t think too much into it, and subconsciously held onto the pendant in front of his chest.

Boom — —

A white light flashed in his mind as the information regarding the cat"s eye pendant appeared.

The Eye of Merit …

Spiritual Treasures …

Beginner awakening …

s.p.a.cetime travel …

"Alright, I agree to your conditions!"

As if he had been enlightened, Lu Chen quickly understood the magical effect of the cat"s eye pendant and immediately agreed.

It was for no other reason but to acc.u.mulate enough strength for the Eye of Merit to travel through time and s.p.a.ce!

If he could go back to the day of Hu Xiu"s death, he could stop the tragedy and make everything happen again.

Even though he already knew that the amount of contribution points he would need to acc.u.mulate in order to complete the s.p.a.ce-time shuttle was an astronomical figure.

However, Lu Chen was confident that one day, he would be able to gather enough forces to change history!

There was a spring in front of the Eye of Merit. The spring water that gushed out was actually the power of Merit. The Merit Bead was the essence formed from refining the spring water through the Eye of Merit.

Hearing this, the little fox faintly smiled. A red light suddenly shot out from its eyes and shone through Lu Chen"s eyes onto the man"s fading soul.

In that moment, the middle-aged man felt as if his soul had been baptized, and the hazy gray color on his face disappeared.

"The past will always be the past, and the future will always be full of hope. "The will that has been extinguished, wake up again …"

The little fox seemed to be chanting an incantation as it chanted one after another in a bewitching voice. Even Lu Chen was almost infected by its words.

"I can"t die … I"ve got a lot of things to do. I can"t live up to Alan"s true feelings for me. I can"t escape guilt or the torment of my conscience. "

Lu Chen actually heard the mutterings of the other person"s soul. Then, he saw it land back on its body, lying down slowly.

Cough cough!

Suddenly, the middle-aged man coughed and spat out a large mouthful of blood. He opened his eyes slowly and said with difficulty, "I … "He"s still alive."

When the young woman saw that her lover had finally woken up, the tears that had stopped in her eyes flowed down in a flash.

"How is that possible? Impossible … "That"s impossible..." Jiang Zhenghua widened his eyes with disbelief written all over his face.

He stared closely at Lu Chen, hoping to discover some clues.

Why did he come back to life so quickly...

However, he did not dare to show his head again. He could only hide in the back, his venomous eyes looking towards Lu Chen.

He Qian was also very surprised. She looked at Lu Chen"s direction with her large eyes.

The needle technique used in traditional Chinese medicine had an extreme effect, but it still had an instantaneous effect.

However, Lu Chen"s methods had never been heard of before.

In addition, he was so young. If she didn"t see him with her own eyes, He Qing wouldn"t have believed this to be true.

The surrounding people, who had been discussing and thinking that Lu Chen had no idea what to do, were all flabbergasted. They opened their mouths wide, unable to come to their senses for a long time.

"He"s alive, he"s really alive!" Divine Doctor, it"s really a Divine Doctor! "

"Who said you can"t cure him? Stand forward, I promise I won"t beat him to death."

"I didn"t expect our Chinese medicine to be so magical. With just a few acupuncture points, we"ll be revived!"

… ….

The impact that Lu Chen had on them was simply too great.

The silver needle directly pierced into the heart. Such an incredible acupuncture technique had actually cured a patient who had already been sentenced to death.

It was truly unbelievable!

Lan wiped away his tears, bowed towards Lu Chen with incomparable sincerity, and said, "Sir, thank you. Thank you so much. "Thank you for saving my husband"s life …"

The young woman was so excited that she couldn"t even speak properly.

Lu Chen calmly smiled, "It"s good that you"re fine. Quickly go and accompany your husband! He really loves you as much as you love him. "

Pah pah pah!

It was unknown who took the lead, but the crowd burst into a round of warm applause, lasting for a long time.

However, Lu Chen was not in the mood to care about this.

He took a long look at Jiang Zhengguo, who was hiding at the side. After a moment of hesitation, he quietly went back to his seat.

Because the pendant in front of his chest reacted once again, he was in no mood to pay any attention to this guy.

The Cat"s Eye Pendant slightly trembled, its surface overflowing with light. A faint golden light gathered, gradually condensing into a bead the size of a little finger that emitted a red glow.

The color was as dazzling as a ruby.

The little fox"s eyes were shining as it looked at the pearl, eagerly saying, "Lu Chen, this is the Merit Pearl, condensed from the power of Merit."

Seeing the little fox"s face filled with antic.i.p.ation, although Lu Chen really wanted to investigate if the power of this bead was as miraculous as what was said in the fragment"s information, he still decided to follow the agreement and directly give it to the little fox.

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple. This was the most basic Merit Pearl, and it was red in color.

As long as he absorbed it, he would be able to increase his strength and lifespan to a certain extent.

If he could condense green or even blue Merit Pearls, he could even reconstruct his body to a certain extent.