Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 50

Furthermore, after two times of interaction, he was certain that people like Lu Chen were loyal to their friends. If something really happened, he wouldn"t just stand by and watch.

w.a.n.g Qiang originally wanted to leave a way out for himself.

But now that he had taken the lead, the subordinates behind him seemed to understand something.

In that moment, regardless of whether it was his subordinates or the yellow-haired Ah Kun"s subordinates, they all seemed to have grasped onto a lifesaving straw.

Everyone hurriedly expressed their willingness to acknowledge Lu Chen as their big brother and would follow his lead in the future.

Lu Chen had never thought of accepting any subordinates.

However, when he saw w.a.n.g Qiang"s expression of desire, he was unable to contain himself and began to ponder.

w.a.n.g Qiang appeared to be extremely anxious. Evidently, he was also afraid of the person behind the curtain.

Everything else aside, just based on the fact that he was able to support Brother Qin in that kind of situation just now, it was truly priceless.

In fact, even though he was scared to death, Lu Chen still braved himself to plead with him. Even so, he couldn"t help but hold w.a.n.g Qiang in high regard.

Although this guy was born a hoodlum, he still had a sense of loyalty.

He might not always be able to protect Hu Lingling and his father in the Hu family. With these people, his father would also be able to ensure their safety.

Especially Papa Hu, even if he agreed to demolish the town, he probably wouldn"t be willing to leave Five Willows Town and live elsewhere.

With these local snakes taking care of him, Lu Chen naturally felt at ease.

At that moment, the little fox"s voice suddenly rang out.

"Lord, why are you still hesitating, agree to them!" Guiding people towards the good can also acc.u.mulate a large amount of merits. It"s not any less than you treating a patient and saving a person. "

Hearing this, Lu Chen immediately made up his mind.

He cupped his fist towards the crowd and said straightforwardly, "We don"t know each other without fighting. Originally, there was no deep hatred between us. Naturally, I will settle the matter with the developer."

As he said that, Lu Chen had w.a.n.g Qiang help Big Brother Qin onto the sofa to invite him to sit.

Then, he told w.a.n.g Qiang, "I am currently a lecturer in the university. I would not dare to be your big brother. "However, I have a request. I hope that you can help take care of Uncle Hu."

w.a.n.g Qiang replied seriously, "Brother Lu, don"t worry. Uncle Hu is your uncle. He is also my, w.a.n.g Qiang"s, uncle. Even if I have to sacrifice my life, I"ll still help you!"

Saying this, he looked worriedly at Brother Qin, who was still unconscious.

Of course, Lu Chen understood his worry. Smiling, he said, "Brother Qin"s situation is rather complicated. The reason I destroyed his cultivation ability was actually to save him."

"Otherwise, if he practices this kind of evil technique, sooner or later he will lose his true nature and cause a huge ruckus."

"As the saying goes, one can"t break it, but once the evil aura on its body is gone, it would not be difficult for his body to recover."

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, even though w.a.n.g Qiang was perplexed, he didn"t seem to doubt Lu Chen"s words at all.

Gently nodding his head, w.a.n.g Qiang said gratefully, "Then I"ll thank Brother Lu on behalf of Brother Qin."

Actually, Brother Qin was saved by the little fox.

Until now, Lu Chen still did not know what kind of medicine it was selling in its gourd.

But relying on the soldier"s inherent intuition, he felt that Brother Qin was not that simple.

After all, not everyone could come into contact with black magic.

Also, Lu Chen could clearly feel that during this fight, Brother Qin seemed to be controlled by someone.

His attacks seemed to be fierce, but his movements were not coherent and did not display the true strength that he should have.

There must be a deeper secret behind Brother Qin.

Seeing that there was still a strand of black qi lingering around the unconscious Brother Qin on the floor, a glint flashed across Lu Chen"s eyes.

He suddenly raised his head and looked outside the door. It was as if there was a sharp gaze peeping at him from the darkness.

However, this feeling soon disappeared without a trace.

Lu Chen had a premonition that this matter wouldn"t end so easily.

Right now, what he needed to do was to not change his mind.

He believed that the person behind Brother Qin would not achieve his desired goal and would certainly jump out himself to fight. When that happened, the truth would naturally be revealed.

Soldiers come and block; men come and go.

No matter how much power Brother Qin had behind him, with the Eye of Merit, Lu Chen was confident that he could take care of everything.

At most, they would just fight to the death.

Just as Lu Chen was deep in thought, w.a.n.g Qiang"s voice rang in his ears.

"Brother Lu, one more thing. Look at my injury, is it …" w.a.n.g Qiang looked at Lu Chen with an awkward expression.

When he was helping Brother Qin, he accidentally used a bit of inner strength. The pain in his chest was unbearable, and he almost fell down with Brother Qin.

Of course, Lu Chen understood his thoughts. He smiled, then suddenly pressed a hand on his shoulder.

w.a.n.g Qiang felt a warm sensation seeping into his body from Lu Chen"s palm, and his body spasmed in pain.

His chest, which was still throbbing with pain and difficulty in breathing, was finally back to normal.

"There will be no problem for seven days. "In addition, I"ll leave your number behind. You can go back first and find some time to resolve the issue for you."

Since he asked others to do something, he naturally had to give them something in return.

Furthermore, Lu Chen rather admired w.a.n.g Qiang. Naturally, he had no intention of making things difficult for him.

Of course, one had to be wary of others. w.a.n.g Qiang"s injuries had already been healed, but Lu Chen had purposely said that it was only for seven days.

After all, Papa Hu had to continue living here. Only with someone like w.a.n.g Qiang to look after him would Lu Chen feel slightly more at ease.

Of course, he was also worried that the person behind Brother Qin would harm Father Hu. However, there was no reason to guard against thieves every day. Even if he took Father Hu away, it would be impossible to guard against him if he had such thoughts.

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, although w.a.n.g Qiang was still a little disappointed, he did not hesitate and quickly told him the number of his phone.

Having roamed the world for so many years, w.a.n.g Qiang naturally understood Lu Chen"s actions.

If it was him, he would have to leave some trump cards behind as well.

"Thank you, Brother Lu. If you have anything to do in the next few days, just give me a call. I still have some face here."

Lu Chen nodded: "Then let"s leave tonight"s matter at that! "I usually take care of Uncle Hu with snacks."

Saying this, Lu Chen waved his hand.

w.a.n.g Qiang hurriedly expressed that he would definitely take care of this matter. If anything happened, he would inform Lu Chen immediately.

Then, he looked at Brother Qin, who was still unconscious, and carefully asked: "Brother Lu, then we"ll also take him away."

"There"s no need to take him to the hospital. He"ll wake up in a few minutes at the most." Lu Chen said indifferently.

w.a.n.g Qiang expressed his understanding and quickly called for a few of his lackeys to carry Brother Qin out.

Looking at the unconscious Brother Qin in front of his eyes, w.a.n.g Qiang once again rejoiced that he had not fought with Lu Chen tonight.

The few people he had called carried Brother Qin to the luxurious car he had arrived in and sent him back to the city.

Brother Qin slowly woke up in the car.