Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 503

"This matter has finally come to an end. The grudge and resentment from Clan Head Duanmu"s corpse aura should have dissipated by now."

"Naturally, the earlier this corpse aura is dispelled, the better. In order to prevent any unforeseen events from occurring, it would be quite troublesome."

Lu Chen raised his hand to check the time. It was almost eight o"clock in the evening, and he couldn"t help but speak with a hint of urgency.

Standing at the entrance to the cemetery, he saw that the catacombs had almost completely collapsed.

Fortunately, they were able to escape in time. If they had delayed it even a little, they would have died.

At this moment, Lu Chen could clearly feel that the Yin Qi that was gushing out of the cemetery had slowed down by quite a bit.

He bowed towards the grave, his expression solemn.

It was all thanks to the guidance of the owner of the tomb and the clues left behind that allowed him to obtain the purple jade bead magic tool from the ancient times.

No one understood Lu Chen"s intention for greeting the cemetery, but no one asked.

No one knew whether it was due to the events that transpired below that made them curious.

However, since Lu Chen didn"t say anything, they could only conceal this doubt deep within their hearts.

After saluting, Lu Chen did not stay any longer.

After nodding at Duanmu Fenghua and the others, he moved and returned along the same path he had come from.

The group of people led by Lu Chen also left this place with him.

This place was located deep in the mountains and was even further away from Jiang Prefecture City.

On the way back, the group did not hold back their strength at all, so they displayed it very quickly.

It only took them half an hour to get back to the car parked on the side of the mountain road.

Without stopping for a moment, Lu Chen got into the car and drove back the same way he came, hurrying back to the Duanmu Family.

On the way back, Lu Chen learned from the little fox that the purple jade bead was a medium-grade earth-step magic tool - the Yin Yang Universe Formation.

The formation that Duanmu Fu had described as suppressing his own cultivation had been created from this purple jade bead.

However, because this purple bead was sealed, its usage was limited. Other people would find it difficult to forcefully activate the array, which was why the little fox had spent so much effort to do so.

For the time being, the little fox was unable to forcefully break the seal within the purple pearl.

Only after he recovers his real body can the seal be unsealed.

On the way back, Lu Chen even received a call from Yang Yi.

He had not been able to contact her because there was no signal deep in the mountains.

Through Yang Yi"s phone call, Lu Chen found out that there were actually many patients with major illnesses in the Jiang Prefecture Hospital. Due to the lack of funds, they had never been able to get a good treatment.

And the two hundred million that Lu Chen had contributed could be said to be providing timely a.s.sistance.

Not only in the Jiang Prefecture hospital, Yang Yi is also in several nearby hospitals, donating a lot of money to enter.

This time around, it took some time.

With this experience, Lu Chen was even more certain that whether it was practicing medicine or spreading the wealth to help them, they could all acc.u.mulate merits.

In this area, if there were any conditions, they would have to continue to do so in the future.

He would acc.u.mulate karmic virtue in many aspects in order to raise the level of the power of karmic virtue.

Only after experiencing these few incidents did Lu Chen feel that his strength was still too weak.

Normally, he didn"t feel much, but when he met a strong enemy, he didn"t feel good enough.

After rushing back to the Duanmu family, Lu Chen immediately dealt with the corpse qi in Duanmu Pengcheng"s body.

When the last corpse qi was dealt with, Duanmu Pengcheng had also recovered about seventy percent of his strength. His face was flushed red as if nothing had happened.

According to his circ.u.mstances, as long as he took good care of himself in the future, he would be able to fully recover.

Lu Chen"s medical skills were so high that even Ye Daoming and the others were shocked beyond belief.

By the time Duanmu Pengcheng"s injuries were completely healed, it was already close to ten in the evening.

Even though they were busy until quite late, the Duanmu family had already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

Lu Chen had just finished dealing with the corpse qi, and he was hungry.

After a whirlwind of events, Lu Chen had Zhang Junwei drive him back to the dormitory of the Jiangzhou Medical College.

As for Murong Xin`er, she had been running around with Lu Chen these past few days and began to worry about her grandfather, Gu Tianming.

After all, Gu Tianming had just experienced life and death a few days ago, and the filial Murong Xin`er still wanted to accompany her grandfather.

After bidding farewell to Lu Chen under the dormitory building, she left, feeling a little reluctant.

Before she left, Murong Xin`er even mustered up the courage to heavily kiss Lu Chen on the cheek.

When Lu Chen returned to the dormitory, it was already almost 12 o"clock.

He found a set of Dao Techniques suitable for Zhang Junwei from the legacy of the Eye of Merit.

After all, Zhang Junwei had successfully stepped into the low-rank yellow rank and was relatively stable. As long as he could cultivate properly and break through to the middle rank yellow rank, it would not be a difficult task.

Since that was the case, as Lu Chen"s master, he had to consider things carefully.

Therefore, after some deliberation, Lu Chen decided to teach this Taoist skill to Zhang Junwei.

Otherwise, if the true energy within his body was not present, he would just be a decoration without a dao technique to display it. He would be blind.

The Tao technique that Zhang Junwei had been antic.i.p.ating for a long time was simply too exciting.

Soon after, Lu Chen no longer had the mood to pay any more attention to this noisy fellow. He went upstairs to his dorm alone.

Zhang Junwei hid in his usual place and started to practice.

Lu Chen calmed himself down. After refining a few jade talismans in case he needed them, he immediately immersed himself in cultivation.

One had to be tough in order to forge iron.

After experiencing so many life and death situations, he deeply understood that increasing his current strength was extremely important.

The next morning, Lu Chen received a call from He Qian.

It was because her father"s injuries had improved. He Qian had yet to ask her mother, Dugu Yunyun, why she wanted to thank Lu Chen.

Since there was nothing to do today, Lu Chen agreed.

Around 8 in the morning, He Qian drove a gray Honda and came downstairs to personally pick Lu Chen up.

He Qian didn"t tell him where she was going for her morning tea.

Lu Chen naturally did not ask any further.

Presumably, this little girl wanted to give him a pleasant surprise, so there was no need for him to do anything unnecessary.

The gray Honda Mercedes on the road, He Qian after all, the girl, the car is relatively smooth.

Plus, Lu Chen was someone of utmost importance to her today, so her speed was controlled extremely well, neither fast nor slow.

It was almost 9 in the morning and it was also the peak hour for working. However, there weren"t many cars on this road for He Qian.

On the road in front, He Qian had just turned a corner and stepped on the throttle to increase her speed.

Suddenly, He Qian saw a figure suddenly appear in front of her. She couldn"t help but be shocked.

He Qian, who had a rather calm personality, immediately stepped on the brakes at this moment without panicking.