Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 504

He Qian"s speed was not that fast. Coupled with the fact that Lu Chen was also in the car, the entire process of driving was extremely cautious.

Seated on the pa.s.senger seat, Lu Chen took in the entire scene.

Lu Chen"s strength had reached lower Xuanming cla.s.s, and his hearing ability far surpa.s.sed that of ordinary people.

The car did not touch the old man, but the old man let out a shriek: "Hit the dead man. "He"s dead!"

Immediately after, the old man"s trembling body collapsed to the ground, revealing a painful expression and groaning in pain.

He held one hand tightly to his chest while his other hand held onto his waist.

Everything that had happened just now was as if they"d truly collided with him.

He Qian squinted her beautiful eyes. Although she felt that something wasn"t right, she still quickly got out of the car.

He Qian looked at the old man"s thin figure and couldn"t help but to ask, "Gramps, are you okay? I"m an intern at the hospital. How about I help you see where you"re hurt?"

When the old man heard someone ask, he immediately started shouting and cursing.

"How many of you have so much stinky money! Driving is like flying. "

"Are you driving without seeing the road? Ignoring the lives and deaths of us poor people! Ouch... Ouch... "We hit a dead person, we hit a dead person!"

The old man tightly clutched his chest. His actions were extremely exaggerated, and he was even shouting loudly. That sound was also a bit exaggerated.

Looking into those eyes, Lu Chen couldn"t help but roll his eyes.

He had actually met someone who touched porcelain.

The bystanders also noticed the situation here.

Seeing that there was a show going on here, they all gathered around.

However, they were on the side of a road after all, and there were a lot of cars driving around, so the pedestrians still maintained a certain distance away from them.

"This car didn"t hit you at all. I"m not moving fast, it"s only 30 yards!"

"Gramps, don"t be a scoundrel over here. If there"s really anything wrong with your body, I can help you take a look."

He Qian frowned. She could obviously tell what this old man meant.

Even though she knew that he was intentionally faking it, and that it was very likely that he had met someone who had touched porcelain, the kind-hearted He Qian still felt pity for the old man.

He Qian didn"t know what to do at that moment.

Lu Chen looked coldly at the old man on the ground.

He could see clearly that this old man was merely trying to scam him.

In today"s materialistic society, this sort of thing was actually quite common.

It wasn"t that the old man was getting worse, but that the bad man was getting old.

From the looks of it, he was a habitual criminal, a typical professional pengci.

There might be his accomplices nearby.

Hearing He Qian"s words, the old man cursed again.

"You"re still refusing to admit it even after b.u.mping into someone!" I don"t care if you"re a doctor or not. "

"At this moment, my waist is so painful that it makes my heart go numb. What a pity for my waist!" It was broken from the collision, it was broken from the collision! "

"Do you rich people only care about our lives? Heaven will punish you! Retribution! Ouch... "Ouch …"

As the old man spoke, he suddenly burst into tears, looking very pitiful.

It was unknown if it was because of his experience or because his waist was truly hurting.

From Lu Chen"s point of view, this seemed to belong to the former.

Obviously, being an old man was an old trick, and he was a real actor.

In general, this could also be considered a livelihood.

At least in the eyes of this old man.

But in the end, this kind of behavior lacked morals.

At this moment, the surrounding pedestrians continuously surrounded them.

Other than a few pa.s.sersby who could tell that there was something fishy, the pa.s.sersby behind them naturally did not know about the whole process.

Lu Chen and He Qian looked to be in their early twenties.

There were many young people like this who didn"t have eyes for driving.

As the saying goes, pedestrians should be the first to walk. They should be courteous to pa.s.sers-by.

So what if it hit!

How could he face an old man who was over sixty years old?

"Now that young people are driving because they want to be faster, there"s going to be trouble …"

"That"s right, that"s right. These ten car crashes are nine times faster. When something really happens, you are still so shameless!"

… ….

These pa.s.sersby who had something good going on surrounded him from behind, there were quite a few of them.

Looking at the old man who was lying on the ground with a miserable expression on his face, finally, a few people couldn"t help but start giving pointers to Lu Chen and He Qian.

The rest of the pa.s.sers-by who did not speak also nodded their heads, obviously standing on the old man"s side.

There were only a few pa.s.sersby who knew of the cause and effect, but they had a look of waiting to see a good show.

If they wanted to expose this old man"s behavior, no one would be willing to do such a thankless task!

Based on his experience, this kind of thing was definitely not a one-on-one battle. Everyone might have this old man"s accomplices by their side.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

At this moment, He Qian frowned. This was the first time she had encountered this kind of situation, so she could only sigh at her bad luck.

Initially, he wanted to properly entertain Lu Chen, but this old man had already made it clear that he was here to cause trouble, and he wanted to settle this matter as soon as possible.

"If we were to into it, won"t we need money to treat our backache?" ", if we"re going to settle this privately, we can"t even lose a single point."

"I have to tell you, if you don"t give it to me, I"ll call the police right away!"

The old man saw that He Qian was about to give in and immediately stopped crying. He wanted 100 thousand as soon as he opened his mouth.

Seeing this old man change his att.i.tude as quickly as flipping a book, Lu Chen felt that the meaning of "pengci" had been completely displayed on the stage.

Lu Chen raised his hand to check the time. It was almost nine o"clock.

After all, it wasn"t easy for He Qian to treat him to morning tea.

Besides being free, Lu Chen also needed to catch up with her rest time.

There had been a lot of things happening recently, and 100 thousand yuan wasn"t much of a sum. Lu Chen didn"t want to waste any more time here.

Then, he would go back to this old man and have a good chat.

He had met them today, but he didn"t know who would be the victim tomorrow.

By acc.u.mulating the power of karmic virtue, aside from being kind, punishing evil was also a good thing.

Moreover, Lu Chen already detested this kind of behavior, so he definitely wasn"t willing to let it go like this.

However, just as Lu Chen was about to say something, He Qian"s voice suddenly rang out. Her tone sounded very different from usual.

"Is that so? If you want to call the police, then call the police. My car is also equipped with surveillance, so the police should come and investigate. If you want to hit porcelain, you want beauty! "

When He Qian saw the arrogant appearance of this old man, she suddenly felt a little disgusted. That bit of sympathy from before naturally vanished into thin air.