Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 507

"It"s this dog-couple. Forget about injuring Dad, this time, they"ve even crippled half of your brother."

"Arrest them, traffic accidents can only keep them in custody for a few days. If they hurt us this time, we"ll let them stay in jail for at least a year or so."

The old man"s face turned even angrier as he pointed at Lu Chen and He Qian.

It was no longer a matter of money to injure his eldest son so badly.

"In the end, you"re still a citizen. So what if you"ve learned martial arts? Let"s see if you dare to disobey the law! Capture both of them!"

When the a.s.sistant chief saw his brother"s pale face again, anger welled up in his heart. This command had quite the demeanor of a leader.

To be able to injure his brother to such an extent, this a.s.sistant naturally wouldn"t dare to underestimate them.

But here in the Jiang Prefecture, it is the duty of every citizen to obey the law.

Moreover, this place was very close to the center of the city, so this auxiliary police officer was more confident.

The moment the three a.s.sistant police officers received the order, they immediately rushed towards Lu Chen and He Qian to arrest them.

"Wait a minute, it"s just a few small a.s.sistant police officers. They have the authority to enforce the law, but they don"t have it at all. Why are they arresting us?" Who dares to move and try? "

Seeing that the few a.s.sistant policemen following behind him were really excited, Lu Chen immediately shouted.

Lu Chen was born into a special forces background. He clearly understood the difference between a police a.s.sistant and a police officer.

Hearing Lu Chen"s shout, the three a.s.sistant police officers were truly frightened and immediately stopped in their tracks.

The three a.s.sistant police officers looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

What this young man said was reasonable. If they really were to talk about authority, then the a.s.sistant police were basically a volunteer.

On the surface, they looked somewhat similar to the police, but in essence, they were vastly different.

The volunteer work of the police station was just a volunteer work after all.

"What are you all still standing there for? "It"s none of your business whether or not laozi is a police officer. Lock them up and send them to the station for a few days."

"Don"t think that just because you know a bit of law, you can do whatever you want. As long as you commit a crime, the auxiliary police will still catch you. What are you trying to do? Do you still want to attack the police?"

"If you don"t have the authority to enforce the law, I"ll see who dares to touch me!"

Lu Chen"s cold gaze swept over everyone. The three a.s.sistant policemen who were about to walk over immediately stiffened.

The aura exuded by Lu Chen"s body gave off an inviolable aura. One could tell with a single glance that he was not an ordinary person.

"Kid, I"m telling you, you better behave yourself and don"t play any tricks! Don"t just stand there. Arrest them immediately! "

Seeing the look on Lu Chen"s face, the a.s.sistant in the lead did not seem to care about him at all, his expression turned grim as he shouted angrily once again.

These days, he had encountered a lot of things, but he had never seen many people who actually dared to lay their hands on the police.

Even if he was just an a.s.sistant police officer, he could still be considered a half-family member.

The other three a.s.sistant police officers obviously hesitated for a moment, but after gritting their teeth, they still charged towards Lu Chen.

Seeing that these three a.s.sistant police officers were really about to pounce on him, Lu Chen"s eyes glinted with a cold light. However, he did not make a single move and just stood there quietly.

The three police officers moved quickly as well. There were many of them who did this sort of thing. Once they started moving, they would be on Lu Chen"s back.

The movements of the three a.s.sistant police officers were quite impressive. Both sides held onto Lu Chen"s arms, while the other one half knelt down and pulled on his calves with both hands.

However, these three a.s.sistant police officers were in a very good position, and their faces instantly revealed astonishment.

No matter how much strength they used, this young man in his early twenties felt as if his entire body was nailed to the ground.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not move. He felt as heavy as Mt. Tai.

The three a.s.sistant police officers quickly exchanged glances and pinched each of their thighs. Only after feeling the sharp pain did they finally confirm that they were not dreaming.

The hearts of the three a.s.sistant police officers quivered, and they immediately retreated, maintaining a distance of three meters away from Lu Chen.

Their eyes were filled with shock as they looked at Lu Chen as if they had seen a ghost.

They had never met such a strange situation before. All of them set their gazes on the a.s.sistant chief constable.

"Captain Chen, something big is happening here. Hurry up and send some reinforcements. Someone is going to die..."

At some point, the a.s.sistant police leader had called and told Zhang Tie the situation in an exaggerated manner.

At this moment, the a.s.sistant police officer"s heart was thumping non-stop after he hung up the phone.

These auxiliary police officers often mixed together, and they all knew each other very well. The three a.s.sistant police officers under their command naturally wouldn"t joke around at this time.

As for the onlookers, they were all confused by what was happening.

What kind of situation was this?

Were a few a.s.sistant police officers acting?

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, it would still be hard for them to believe that three burly a.s.sistant police officers could not stand up to a young man in his early twenties.

On the contrary, it made the citizens feel that these people were just joking.

Is this a child playing house?

Lu Chen did not say anything and just stood there quietly. In front of these ordinary citizens, he did not want to use his true qi"s power.

After all, the Celestial Sect of Wonders kept a low profile when it came to ordinary people. Lu Chen did not want to use the power of a cultivator until it was absolutely necessary.

"Brother Lu, let"s not waste time with these people here. Let"s go!"

He Qian walked to Lu Chen"s side and swept her cold gaze across those people as she spoke with an indifferent expression.

"You want to leave after injuring my son? When Captain Chen comes over to deal with you and doesn"t suffer, you might think there"s no law left. "

At this moment, the old geezer immediately called for Lu Chen and his companion. He directly lay down on the hood of He Qian"s gray Honda, looking as if he wouldn"t let anyone go.

A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, but a young man who has just come out of society.

However, when a human enters his later years of life, he too would not be afraid of death. The older he was, the less afraid he would be of death, not to mention protecting his own son.

Lu Chen frowned. This person was really being shameless. From the looks of it, he wouldn"t be able to leave in a short while.

Helplessness surfaced on Lu Chen"s face. If such a situation were to occur in the Celestial Sect of Wonders, the other party would only be able to admit defeat after a series of whacks.

But now, to the ordinary citizens, Lu Chen felt that it was even more difficult to make a move against them. After all, this was a law of the Jiang Prefecture.

Just based on this point alone, it did not seem like they had established their own factions within the Celestial Sect of Wonders. There was simply no way to unify the rules and regulations.

Besides, the major forces in the Celestial Sect of Wonders were at different levels from each other, so it was difficult to determine the strength of each of them. Naturally, no one was convinced by each other.

However, the police officers of the Jiang Prefecture were armed with bullets. Even if these people had wings, they would still not be able to escape being shot.

The crowd had gathered close to the center of the city, and there were already over a hundred people watching. The commotion had already attracted the attention of the police.

Not even three minutes had pa.s.sed when Lu Chen saw a team of police officers rushing over from afar.