Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 508

These police officers didn"t even drive a police car. It was obvious that they were patrolling nearby, or that they were doing something nearby.

"Captain Chen!" "They"re here! It"s these two thugs! They"re driving around and they"re even kicking and beating us. We have to capture them immediately to the detriment of the safety of our citizens!"

The a.s.sistant police officer immediately approached Captain Chen with a smiling face. He pointed at Lu Chen and Zhao Shu, then turned his gaze towards his pale older brother.

The moment Captain Chen entered the scene, his gaze first fell on Lu Chen and Liu Yang.

When his gaze swept past He Qian, Captain Chen"s face suddenly froze, as if he recognized He Qian.

"Li Erzhu, you"ve f * cking grown up. Haven"t you seen that I"ve been busy lately? What did you call me here for?"

Captain Chen immediately glared at Li Erzhu and gave him a subtle look.

"Captain Chen … …" These two were too arrogant. Not only did they run into people, they even relied on their underhanded methods to hurt people. Aren"t we asking you to arrest him …? "

Li Erzhu was stunned.

For a moment, he didn"t understand Captain Chen"s expression at all.

When he thought of that pale-faced older brother and the words of the old man at home, Li Erzhu could not help but feel this way.

With his head heating up, Li Erzhu didn"t think too much and told them everything he had discussed beforehand.

"A thug, and a thug …" You know, this is Jiang Zhou"s hospital"s Doctor He. The stomach disease that my mom has been suffering from for three years was cured by Doctor He! "

"If you say that she is a thug, then my mother is a thug"s healer, right? Li Erzhu, what do you mean by this? "

Captain Chen first gave an apologetic smile to He Qian, then his eyes turned cold. He glared angrily at Li Erzhu and roared.

Hearing the words of the newly arrived Captain Chen, Lu Chen immediately came to a realization.

So it turned out that He Qian had saved half of the captain"s life.

It was precisely because of this that he had such an att.i.tude towards Li Erzhu.

Lu Chen noticed that the number of bystanders had rapidly grown to nearly two hundred people.

The police had already moved out, so it was obvious that there was quite a bit of trouble here.

It was the nature of the people to watch the show.

Other than a few people who were in a hurry to leave after taking a look, there was nothing urgent that they needed to do, so they decided to stay.

These people really wanted to take a stool and bring the melon seeds to watch.

Some people had already taken out their cell phones and were vying for a more advantageous position. They were prepared to post in a group of friends for a bit.

He turned out to be Captain Chen"s benefactor …

Li Erzhu"s head buzzed continuously as he muttered in his heart.

He really didn"t want to go out and see the calendar. He had accidentally kicked an iron plate.

He knew about Captain Chen"s violent temper, he would take revenge for whatever he had, and he would take revenge for whatever he had done.

At this time, Li Erzhu was stunned on the spot, unable to say a word.

He"d done this sort of thing quite a few times while cooperating with his family"s old man.

It didn"t matter if he didn"t stop him. On the surface, he was doing justice, but he was secretly helping the old man.

He had made a lot of money doing this over the years.

Looking at Captain Chen"s current att.i.tude, Li Erzhu felt that the other party should be doing official business, or even a little unlucky. Cold sweat poured out all of a sudden, and his face was somewhat pale.

"Doctor He, are you alright?"

Captain Chen didn"t pay any attention to Li Erzhu and immediately went in front of He Qian and asked with an apologetic smile.

"You are … Auntie Liu"s eldest son? "

When He Qian saw the familiar silhouette of Captain Chen on his face, she vaguely remembered.

He Qian had treated quite a few difficult illnesses in the Jiang Prefecture Hospital, so she was quite famous.

However, there were many people who could be cured, and he didn"t try to remember them.

Over time, He Qian found it difficult to recall these faces.

However, he had a little impression of this Auntie Liu.

In addition to the spiritual talisman he had recently obtained from Lu Chen, his entire being had undergone a tremendous change. Even his memories had improved greatly.

Having been reminded like this just now, He Qian immediately remembered this Captain Chen"s ident.i.ty.

"That"s right, that"s right! It"s me!" "Doctor He, you have a good memory. I have always remembered your kindness in my heart."

Seeing He Qian remember, Captain Chen nodded happily and said excitedly.

However, a hint of an apologetic expression appeared on his face. He then smiled apologetically at He Qian and said,

"Don"t worry, Doctor He. I am the Public Security of Jiang Prefecture. I cannot shirk my responsibility. At the same time, it is also my mission."

"These pengci criminals have been on the lookout for a long time, but there is no evidence."

"In addition to that, at many times, the injured are just spending money to eliminate the calamity, and the failure to report the case has increased the difficulty by quite a bit."

"Bring them back to the station now. We can definitely get an answer out of them and they won"t get away with it."

"At that time, both you and the citizens of Jiang Prefecture will have a satisfactory answer."

Captain Chen spoke very seriously, his entire body emitting a righteous light.

"Nice to meet you, police officer. There are so many people who have touched porcelain these days. There should be more decent people like Captain Chen …"

"A while ago, there were some people who caused trouble for others. They even harmed the families of others even when they were courting death. They need to be treated properly. Officer Chen, you did well!"

Seeing that Captain Chen was acting impartially, clearly displaying the glorious image of the people"s police officers, everyone on the scene applauded and cheered.

Of course, there were also a small portion of pa.s.sersby who were very clear on Captain Chen"s actions. They knew exactly what kind of character this guy was and couldn"t help but reveal a look of disdain.

Seeing the way Captain Chen was acting, Lu Chen couldn"t help but sneer.

Actually, when they first arrived, Lu Chen already felt that this Captain Chen was not a good person.

It should be a worm that sneaked into the police force.

In fact, it was Li Erzhu"s protection.

Who knew if these guys could be so arrogant, this Captain Chen would have his own benefits too.

However, this guy had concealed his ident.i.ty well on the surface, and because he recognized He Qian"s ident.i.ty, he didn"t put on such a righteous face until he met a true G.o.d.

However, for Lu Chen, this result was still acceptable.

No matter what, this Captain Chen was able to protect the fairness of the security department.

As for the other matters, he could wait until later.

Seeing the reaction of the surrounding citizens, Captain Chen was also full of smiles.

"It"s over..."

The old man who was still in front of He Qian"s car suddenly felt his body go soft, and he found it hard to even stand.

The Li brothers and the old man looked at each other. They could see the fear in each other"s eyes. Their faces were pale and their bodies were trembling.