Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 516

In his memory, Lu Chen had extraordinary means, almost omnipotent.

And looking at his current calm appearance, it was obvious that he had a plan to deal with it.

Furthermore, He Qian didn"t want to show her fear in the depths of her heart.

This might affect Lu Chen.

Secondly, in front of Lu Chen, she had to consider her own face and not allow him to underestimate her.

"Enemies are knocking on your door. I didn"t expect them to arrive so quickly. Brother Lu has let you down and even involved you."

Lu Chen had sharp senses, so he could obviously feel He Qian"s pounding heart and heavy breathing.

He knew that even though she was calm on the surface, there was actually fear in her heart.

As he spoke, Lu Chen"s hand grabbed onto He Qian"s wrist.

He Qian didn"t say anything and only nodded slightly.

It was only when Lu Chen grabbed her wrist that He Qian realized that even though she pretended to be very calm, her body was actually trembling slightly.

Before she entered the cultivation world, He Qian had only studied medicine diligently.

Even if she could not walk the path of cultivation like her mother, she had to realize the value of her life.

Now because of Lu Chen, He Qian had successfully stepped onto the road of cultivation.

Deep down, she was grateful to this man.

In reality, even if that wasn"t the case, when He Qian first met Lu Chen, she already had a favorable impression of this highly skilled and warm-hearted fellow peer.

It could be said that He Qian"s heart was completely tied to Lu Chen. At this moment, she was actually blaming herself a little.

He had been too useless. Not only was he unable to help Lu Chen, he had become a burden to him.

Most importantly, she had intentionally chosen this teahouse, and something like this had happened.

He Qian blamed herself in her heart. Lu Chen was the same as well.

In reality, He Qian did not know that even if she did not invite Lu Chen to this place, similar situations would still occur.

But it was only a matter of time.

The Sima family had spent so much effort to create such a big battle formation. It seemed they were determined to win.

At this moment, Lu Chen felt a great sense of pressure in his heart.

He Qian was just a peak low-rank Yellow Rank martial artist after all. In the face of this situation, she didn"t even have the power to protect herself.

It could be said that if a huge rock were to hit He Qian, she wouldn"t be able to withstand it at all.

"Big Brother Lu, don"t worry about me. I can take good care of myself …"

He Qian saw that the surrounding situation was getting more and more dire. Meanwhile, Lu Chen suddenly seemed to have realized something as he stood there motionlessly.

Although He Qian did not know the actual strength of the opponent Lu Chen was facing, but thinking of the rumors she had heard from her mother about Lu Chen, He Qian had every reason to believe that the enemy she was facing definitely could not be underestimated.

It was rumored that Lu Chen had killed three Quasi-Earth Stage experts in a row. Although He Qian was very surprised, deep in her heart, she was still willing to believe that Lu Chen possessed such methods.

However, such a person had such an expression on his face. It was clear how difficult the situation was in front of him.

"Don"t spout nonsense. No matter what, I won"t let you get injured. Hold on tight!"

Lu Chen understood the meaning behind He Qian"s words. It was clear that she was thinking for her own sake and didn"t want to be a burden.

However, it was impossible for him to just let He Qian go and escape by himself.

Even though Lu Chen knew that the Situ Family members might be wary of He Qian"s status as a netizen, he couldn"t take the risk.

The moment Lu Chen finished speaking, He Qian"s heart palpitated. She didn"t say anything and just held his hand tightly.

In this short span of time, more and more boulders appeared around him. Lu Chen continuously used the Thundering Steps to dodge them.

At the same time, an invisible zhen qi layer had been erected around his body, firmly protecting both him and He Qian.

"What did you say?" This is an illusion? "

The little fox"s sudden reminder shocked Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen had absolute trust in the little fox.

Especially when it came to matters like these, the little fox had no reason to joke around with him.

Thinking back to those strange waiters just now, Lu Chen quickly understood.

"Lord, that"s right. Little Fox also just realized that too much cultivation had been consumed before. His spirit body has not completely recovered yet."

"I almost let little fox see that. This is the formation within the formation."

When the little fox said this, its expression was cold and its eyebrows creased.

Lu Chen naturally expressed his understanding.

After all, the other party was a Quasi-Earth Stage powerhouse. With his deliberate and unintentional calculations, it was within reason that the little fox"s weak state had been deceived.

Furthermore, according to the little fox, Lu Chen had already been moved to another s.p.a.ce before entering the Earth Devouring Array.

There was an illusory magic array in this s.p.a.ce, and it was extremely clever, concealing it extremely well. If one was not already in the array, it would be very difficult to discover it.

The main purpose of this formation was not to create illusions.

This spatial formation was equivalent to isolating the person in the trap array from the original world.

In essence, it was still in this world.

However, the battle here did not affect the outside world in the slightest.

It"s kind of like parallel s.p.a.ce.

Of course, it wasn"t as complete as a parallel dimension. It was more like a spatial rift.

In other words, even if Lu Chen were to die here, his corpse would not be found.

From this, it could be seen that the Sima family had indeed been forced into a corner. No matter how large of a price they had to pay, they still wanted to get rid of Lu Chen as soon as possible.

And the scene that had just occurred was all an illusion.

The rich morning teahouse was still functioning.

However, it wasn"t just Lu Chen who was being moved, even He Qian was trapped in this s.p.a.ce.

This was what gave Lu Chen the greatest headache.

"Brat, today is the day you die. No matter how powerful the forces behind you are, you must die here today!"

"We would like to see what kind of sky-reaching ability you have to be able to escape this formation."

"Repaying the debt with the money, killing to repay the debt with his life!" The cycle of the Dao of the Heavens was a form of retribution. Therefore, you better obediently accept your death! "

A hoa.r.s.e voice sounded and echoed in the s.p.a.ce.

Lu Chen appeared to be in an extremely sorry state, dodging the huge rocks that came smashing at him.

The number of rocks here was already too many to count. Lu Chen practically tried his best to dodge the rocks at a rapid pace.

When he really couldn"t avoid it, he would just take it head-on.

Even so, every time he was struck, he felt as if the world had turned upside down.

This sort of collision wasn"t as simple as just being struck by a giant boulder on the surface. It also contained the power of the formation itself.

This was not just a matter of speed, but also timing.