Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 517

Lu Chen pushed his speed to the maximum while simultaneously releasing all his six senses. He dodged left and right, moving around as he tried his best to minimize the damage and to preserve his strength as much as possible.

At this moment, Lu Chen was in no mood to pay attention to this voice.

The other party was obviously afraid of him.

Else, there would be no need to go through so much trouble to borrow the power of such a complicated formation to eliminate him.

Seeing Lu Chen nimbly dodge the attack, the other party didn"t seem to be in a hurry at all.

It was clear that they were trying to keep exhausting Lu Chen"s strength to kill him.

Lu Chen was also aware of this point. As he quickly walked among the falling stones, he thought of a plan to deal with them.

As he continued to dodge, the power of karmic virtue was continuously being depleted. If this continued, Lu Chen would probably only be able to endure for another fifteen minutes before he lost the ability to even sustain the zhen qi shield.

Moreover, once his speed slowed down, these boulders would probably be able to attack him no more than ten times. At the same time, it would also be able to shatter his zhen qi shield.

"Little Fox, if you have any ideas, then don"t try to hide it. If He Qian is really injured here."

"What"s wrong with her? How am I supposed to explain it to my father"s brother, Uncle Zhan?"

"Besides, the exhaustion of the Power of Merit isn"t a solution. I"m afraid I won"t be able to get away by then. "

Lu Chen"s frown was getting tighter and tighter, and his forehead was already covered in sweat.

"Lord, take out the Blue Lotus Sword!" The little fox called out anxiously.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but be puzzled.

Using the Blue Lotus Sword?

Although this was an Ancient Divine Weapon and its power was extraordinary, Lu Chen was still unable to link it with the predicament he was in.

The little fox bluntly said, "Sir, Little Fox has been thinking about this for quite some time. We have finally found the method to break the Green Lotus Sword! "

Hearing those words, Lu Chen"s eyes lit up.

If he could truly use the power of the Blue Lotus Sword, then dodging these formations would be no problem.

The little fox continued, "But it"s only a short break, at most one minute or so."

"Furthermore, we can only use 50% of the power of the Green Lotus Sword, so the lord has to seize the time!"

Lu Chen immediately urged, "Then what are we waiting for!?" This is just nice for them to see our true strength with their own eyes. "

"Unfortunately, we were too secretive when we killed Sima Xiu Zhu and Hui Wei, causing them to have the mentality to get lucky."

"Today, I"ll scare them off. I"ll make them give up completely so that they won"t come looking for trouble again in the future."

Lu Chen"s eyes glinted with a cold light. Without saying anything further, he took out his Blue Lotus Sword.

If these people came every few days to hara.s.s him, he would be annoyed to death.

That was definitely not the result Lu Chen had hoped for.

When He Qian saw the cyan longsword in Lu Chen"s hand, she felt a sense of familiarity.

She soon remembered that she had seen this treasured sword at her cousin Wu Siqi"s house.

At that time, it had been gifted to Lu Chen by the Duanmu Family, and his name was Green Light Sword.

It was said that the jade talisman was only used to reduce the consumption of spiritual energy.

He Qian did not understand Lu Chen"s intention for taking out the Azurelight Sword at this time.

However, she did not care that much. Lu Chen had actually used this treasure at such a crucial moment. There must be some sort of magical effect.

While holding onto the Blue Lotus Sword, Lu Chen"s body continued to dodge, shuttling through the gaps between the boulders.

Sometimes, when it was impossible to dodge, the boulder would also graze the edge of the zhen qi shield.

Although it was just as unbearable, it had already minimized the impact.

At this moment, the little fox transformed into a streak of white light and entered the Blue Lotus Sword.

The little fox told Lu Chen that even if it had a limited amount of time to undo the seal on the Blue Lotus Sword, with its current ability, it would still need at least ten minutes to do so.

Therefore, during this period of time, Lu Chen had to continue performing his movement techniques and bring He Qian along to dodge the falling boulders.

"Boy, I want to see just how much of your strength you have to use up. To be able to last until now within the Earth Devouring Array Formation, you are truly worthy of pride."

"But unfortunately, young and arrogant, you"ve offended someone you should have offended. Geniuses always die prematurely. If you know what"s good for you, then stop struggling and just surrender. Maybe I can choose to leave you with a complete corpse. "

Seeing that Lu Chen did not make a sound and did not slow down at all, the voice sneered and continued to ridicule:

"Stop showing off here. I just want to have a good time with you and take this opportunity to practice."

"Instead, it"s a bunch of old monsters like you guys who like to scheme behind the scenes and still don"t dare to show your face. Let"s have a good show."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, the other party fell silent.

Lu Chen took advantage of the situation and coldly harrumphed, "They"re just a bunch of cowards. Don"t think that this spatial array can trap me. You"re overthinking it!"

As if trying to prove what he had just said, Lu Chen focused slightly. His figure, which was already as fast as lightning, suddenly sped up a little.

Thunder rumbled beneath his feet. With the power of his merits, Lu Chen had already pushed the Heavenly Thunder Steps to the limit.

As Lu Chen"s movements rapidly increased, these boulders that were constantly floating in midair did not manage to touch him in a short period of time.

Most importantly, Lu Chen was still carrying He Qian.

Lu Chen had his reasons for doing so.

Today, if he could give these Sima Clan"s people enough awe, it would be pretty good.

As for breaking the formation while simultaneously killing them, the difficulty was extremely great.

Moreover, this time Lu Chen did not want to kill anyone.

He wanted these people to go back and spread the news of his terrifying strength.

Right now, the more relaxed Lu Chen appeared, the more shocked and shocked he would be when he succeeded.

Since the Sima family wanted to use such a despicable method at all costs, it was sufficient to show that they were very afraid of him.

Lu Chen only needed to add a few more psychological shadows on this foundation and then find an opportunity to enlarge it as much as possible.

To be honest, two fists are no match for four hands.

In terms of individual combat, Lu Chen was actually very confident in this fair fight.

However, Lu Chen still felt very pressured when dealing with a situation like this.

It was impossible for him to be able to react as he pleased, or even make light of it.

It wouldn"t be too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!

Of course, Lu Chen didn"t need ten years at all.

If he was given two years, everything would change.

Lu Chen had every reason to believe that the day he made a move on the Sima Family would come when they would definitely regret their actions and fall into despair.

"Brat, to be able to cultivate the Maoshan technique to your level, you are indeed a monstrous genius. "It"s a pity, it"s really a pity."

"Run, keep running. Let"s see how long you can run!" If he was tired of running, then the time of his death would come. So enjoy it to your heart"s content! "