Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 52

However, in his heart, as long as he knew exactly what that power was, he was almost 100% sure.

Not only that, he was also very interested in Lu Chen.

"Good!" Old Ma, I"ll leave this matter to you. But you must not alarm Miss He, otherwise I will have to trouble you. "

The man nodded and looked into the distance with narrowed eyes. It was unknown as to what he was thinking …

Lu Chen had been busy the entire night, but because of his contribution to the fight, he did not feel tired at all.

He sat silently in the living room, lost in thought.

The owner of those eyes just now was clearly no ordinary person.

Lu Chen suddenly realized that the developer he was facing behind the scenes was most likely much more troublesome than he had imagined.

Looking at the time, it was already 3 in the morning.

It was the end of July and dawn was early.

Lu Chen wasn"t sleepy either. He rubbed his stomach and prepared to find something to eat.

Ye Zichen twitched his nose, as he seemed to have smelled the scent of a barbecue.

In small towns like this one in the south, although nightlife was not very plentiful, a business like barbeque would often last until four or five in the morning.

He walked towards the smell of the barbecue. Sure enough, there were two barbecue stalls side by side at the corner of a three-way intersection.

One of the soldiers" older brother even grilled fish in a light box in Wanzhou.

Lu Chen took a look and saw that the fish shop was a bit less busy. There were only two tables full of people, and they seemed to be workers at the construction site. Every table had a portion of grilled fish.

There was a beer in front of him, so someone just drank it.

In the neighboring room, there were five tables full of people. At least six or seven people were boisterously waving their fists at each table.

There were quite a few empty bottles beside them. Some of them simply fell to the ground in disorder.

With another light sniff of his nose, Lu Chen walked over to the one with fewer customers and sat down in a corner.

The moment he sat down, a beautiful woman in her early twenties walked over.

"Handsome, what do you want to eat? "Our new store is open for business. One serving of two and a half kilograms of Wanzhou grilled fish costs forty-eight yuan!"

"Roast beef and fat sausages!" One would get ten strings first. I think your tin carp is pretty good, let"s have a taste. And another twenty bunches of vegetables and a grilled eggplant. " Lu Chen said casually.

"Beer or drink?" The woman quickly recorded it down and asked again.

"Two bottles of Cyan Island Purity!"

When the woman left for the restaurant, Lu Chen took out his phone and called w.a.n.g Qiang.

"Brother Qiang, are you still in Wuliu Town?"

w.a.n.g Qiang suddenly heard Lu Chen"s voice. Although he was a little puzzled, he still quickly said, "Brother Lu, my home is in Five Willows Town, what"s wrong?"

Lu Chen said, "I just happen to want to go back to the city. Get someone to drive me there! I"m having something to eat over at Brother soldier"s barbecue. Come over and have a seat, I"ll have a chat with you at the same time. "

"Brother soldier, let"s have a barbecue …." w.a.n.g Qiang, who was on the other end of the phone, was stunned for a moment.

Lu Chen smiled: "Why, is there a problem?"

"No problem, no problem, Brother Lu." Five minutes … "No, I"ll be there in three minutes!" w.a.n.g Qiang hurriedly agreed.

Sure enough, just as he ordered the 10 kebabs of beef and leeks, a Toyota Land Cruiser stopped in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen noticed that the young boss, who was busy with work, raised his head when he heard the sound of brakes. A complicated expression flashed across his eyes.

However, he soon regained his composure and continued with his work.

The moment w.a.n.g Qiang got out of the car, a group of people immediately stood up and greeted him, "Brother Qiang, this way!"

Some of them even ran up quickly. However, because they had drunk too much, their steps were a bit unsteady.

The man had a crew cut and an extremely obvious scar on the right side of his head.

He originally had an evil expression on his face, but now, he slightly bent his waist and greeted with a smile, "Brother Qiang, you"re alone?"

"Friends, let"s talk about something. You can drink by yourselves!" w.a.n.g Qiang obviously didn"t want to chat with these people, so he walked towards Lu Chen.


That person hesitated for a moment before turning to look at w.a.n.g Qiang. Soon, he locked onto Lu Chen.

"Who is it?" Your little brother? Invite him to come along! No matter what, you have to take care of your own people! " The little guy frowned and said with his tongue hanging out.

"Luo Haitao!" Open your f.u.c.king eyes wide for me. Don"t just hang up a few kilograms of cat p.i.s.s and you don"t know which direction is which and which direction is which. Remember, this is my big brother! Don"t talk nonsense! Otherwise, don"t blame this daddy for being impolite! " w.a.n.g Qiang frowned as he lifted Luo Haitao up.

"Big... "Big brother?"

Luo Haitao shuddered and immediately regained half of his consciousness. He looked at w.a.n.g Qiang in disbelief, then at Lu Chen.

w.a.n.g Qiang wasn"t in the mood to bother with him. He walked up to Lu Chen and said, "Brother Lu, these fellows are useless. Nonsense."

After saying that, w.a.n.g Qiang turned around and glared at the group of people drinking with Luo Haitao.

At this moment, although they were astonished, no one dared to speak anymore.

Lu Chen smiled indifferently: "Hurry up and sit down. I just ordered some random things. Add more and I"ll treat you!"

w.a.n.g Qiang quickly said, "Brother Lu, please order whatever you want. I only need to drink. I just need to drink."

Lu Chen waved his hand: "Brother Qiang, you drove here alone! You don"t drive when you"re drunk. I"ve had a drink, so you"ll have to be the driver today. "

w.a.n.g Qiang naturally did not object.

He had been thinking that if he drank some wine later, he would call over a trusted subordinate to act as a subst.i.tute.

Lu Chen then told the Lady Boss to bring him two cans of Red Bull before saying to w.a.n.g Qiang with a smile, "I think you"re someone who has seen the world, there"s no need to be so reserved in front of me."

"Brother Lu, I"m actually not used to hearing Brother Lu"s words, especially since you are clearly much older than me. I think this is the case. You can just call me Lu Chen, and of course, Lu laoshi can as well. "

"Lu laoshi..." w.a.n.g Qiang looked at Lu Chen with suspicion. It was clear that he did not connect Lu Chen and his teacher at all.

Lu Chen laughed self-deprecatingly, "I"m Hu Xiu"s comrade, a good friend. However, I"ve already retired. I"m a university lecturer at the Jiang Prefecture Medical School. "

"And the reason I came to Jiang Prefecture is to help look after Hu Xiu"s family. You should understand that this is a political mission."

Hearing those words, w.a.n.g Qiang"s eyes grew even wider.

A soldier suddenly became a university lecturer?

Furthermore, it was a very specialized inst.i.tution like the Jiang Prefecture Medical Academy...

The difference in status was too huge.

w.a.n.g Qiang felt that he was unable to keep up with Lu Chen"s tempo.

However, Lu Chen had openly mentioned the political mission. w.a.n.g Qiang felt that this was a bit too much for him.

It was clear that neither Hu Xiu nor Lu Chen"s ident.i.ty was ordinary.

Thinking about Lu Chen"s terrifying methods, he felt relieved.

How could such a person have an ordinary ident.i.ty?