Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 524

If it was anyone else, they would definitely think that it was someone with an old hat. They didn"t even know this sort of common sense.

However, after knowing Lu Chen"s ident.i.ty, everyone wanted to know what kind of background Lu Chen had.

Lu Chen wasn"t in the mood to pay attention to the gazes of the bystanders. Instead, he directed a hint of a smile at the middle-aged man who was giving him a kind reminder.

He concentrated slightly and circulated the power of the achievement points into the palm of his hand. A dark purple lightning suddenly appeared and let out bursts of thunder sounds.

Lu Chen meticulously controlled the Thunder Palm in his hand and carved a neat character of "Lu" onto the jade token.

Because he had used the Palm Lightning to carve, apart from the smooth surface of the character, there was still a faint trace of a dark purple glow remaining, giving it a strange appearance.

In Lu Chen"s heart, the word "Lu" naturally represented the Lu family that Fu Qing and Lu Qingtian belonged to.

Of course, the Lu Clan was referring to the Lu Clan. Zhang Xuan could only allow others to imagine.

However, in Lu Chen"s heart, he knew that he always carried the blood of one of the Nine Families of the Celestial Sect of Wonders, the Lu Family.

Regardless of what the Lu family had done in the past, this point was unquestionable. Even Lu Chen would not deny it.

Now that he had intimidated the Sima family, Lu Chen had no intention of hiding anything.

Thus, he decided to use his palm lightning, Heavenly Thunder Steps and other similar unique skills to deepen the impression of the people around him.

As expected, this action greatly shocked the people around them.

Everyone looked at Lu Chen with their mouths agape, their eyes filled with shock.

He had casually raised his hand like a thunderbolt in the palm of his hand, and had even carved a jade tablet!

It was truly unbelievable that he had witnessed such extravagant behavior with his own eyes.

Lu Chen smiled inwardly. This was exactly the kind of effect he wanted.

Speaking of which, there had been a lot of things going on in the Gate of Wonders these days.

There was no way to hide the dazzling light being emitted from within. Lu Chen felt that there was no need to hide it any longer. Rather, he should try his best to strengthen everyone"s impression of him.

After Lu Chen entered the battle arena, the originally noisy square suddenly quietened down.

Numerous surprised gazes were cast towards Lu Chen who was standing at the entrance of the square.

"Lu Chen, Divine Doctor Lu!" This was the kind of man he was with big sister Xin"er, but … "Sister Yanran, isn"t this person too flowery!"

A young girl from the Mu Rong family looked at the thin figure at the entrance of the plaza. Her charming face immediately revealed a refined smile.

However, when the girl"s gaze landed on a girl beside Lu Chen, she saw them holding hands at this very moment. They looked extremely intimate, and her gaze immediately sank.

She couldn"t help but complain to Murong Yanran, who was beside her. She clearly didn"t like Lu Chen"s way of handling things.

Murong Yanran looked deeply into Lu Chen"s eyes, and then her gaze landed on He Qian. She gently nodded her head.

The young girl beside Murong Yanran knitted her brows and insisted, "Sister Yanran, you think so too! This man is just a playboy, hurry up and tell big sister Xin"er to stay away from him. "

Murong Yanran finally retracted her gaze, turned her head to look at the young girl, and said with a smile:

"Li, excellent men will always have quite a few women by their side. I believe that the woman that this Mister Lu has set his eyes on must also have something extraordinary in her. "

The young girl called Ah Li widened her eyes and looked at Murong Yanran in shock. "Sister Yanran, why are you …"

Without waiting for her to finish, Murong Yanran continued, "Alright, alright, don"t worry too much about this kind of thing. Let"s think about your match today!"

"Today, my cousin is here to accompany you. Relax, this is just the beginning of the compet.i.tion, so let"s just treat it as a practice exercise."

On the surface, Murong Yanran didn"t seem to care, but in reality, she valued Lu Chen very much.

One must know that Murong Yanran herself was an outstanding individual among the young generation of the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

In the entire Celestial Sect of Wonders, there were only a handful of people her age who were able to catch her eye.

In Murong Yanran"s eyes, even these people were just barely pa.s.sable.

But Lu Chen was definitely an exception.

Prior to this, Murong Yanran had only heard rumors about Lu Chen.

However, after hearing about Lu Chen for the first time, he discovered that this person"s exposure rate was truly too high.

Even if she had devoted herself to cultivation and not doing anything, there would always be people from her family. From time to time, she would bring up various matters regarding Lu Chen.

Especially since Murong Xin`er had taken a fancy to this man and was so determined to kill him, she became even more curious.

Of course, what Murong Yanran said to her cousin A Li just now was the norm within the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

A girl who had grown up in the Celestial Sect of Wonders would still somewhat resent having three men and four concubines. However, it was a fact that she had to face.

For those from the Celestial Sect of Wonders who valued bloodlines, the bloodlines flowing through such an outstanding man were definitely not simple.

Especially in the Age of Chaos, it was difficult for ordinary people"s talents to awaken. On the contrary, in the Celestial Sect of Wonders, due to the nourishment of spiritual energy after both parents embarked on their path of cultivation, the offspring that were born would often awaken their innate talent.

Having been able to learn and cultivate since young, naturally he had twice the results with half the effort. He would often travel much further than those who did not know his way out of the clan.

As time pa.s.sed, everyone accepted this fact and became accustomed to it.

Under Guo Jingming"s lead, Lu Chen quickly pulled He Qian to a seat.

As for the gazes from the surrounding people, Lu Chen completely ignored them.

Today, he only wanted to observe and see the strength of the younger generation of the Celestial Sect of Wonders as a whole. Unless he met a true expert that was worth fighting, he really had no intention of going down in the ring.

Just as he sat down, a thought suddenly popped into Lu Chen"s mind, a look of urgency appearing in his eyes.

Lu Chen immediately took out his phone and dialed Qing Yun Zi"s number.

"Dao leader Qing Yun, h.e.l.lo. I"m Lu Chen. Are you busy right now?"

Lu Chen asked with some urgency after dialing Qing Yun Zi"s number.

He had almost forgotten about it.

"Oh, it"s Mr Lu. Is something the matter?" As long as This Penniless Priest can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to tell me.

Qing Yun Zi"s voice came from the other end of the phone.

Affected by Lu Chen"s urgent voice, Qing Yun immediately realized that something important must have happened and quickly expressed his att.i.tude towards it.

"It"s not that big of a deal. It"s just that I want to find something in the Kunlun Ruins and need Miss Lin"s help."

"Please ask if Miss Lin has time today." When I have time, I will arrange for someone to bring her here. "

Looking for something?

Murong Yanran was sitting right above Lu Chen. Hearing his words, she couldn"t help but feel a little interested.