Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 527

Vajra Palm!

Listening to the crowd"s discussion, coupled with the power released by Guo Jingming"s hands, Lu Chen"s eyes couldn"t help but glaze over.

This Guo Jingming truly wasn"t simple.

He had actually stepped into the middle Xuan grade at such a young age. Moreover, the power he was unleashing had actually reached the high Xuan grade.

He was definitely an outstanding existence among the young generation of the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

The little fox, who was already sitting on Lu Chen"s shoulder, quickly explained the origins of this Great Strength Vajra Palm to Lu Chen.

The Mighty Vajra Palm originated from Shaolin"s Mighty Vajra Finger and belonged to the Buddhist cultivation technique.

And Guo Jingming"s use of the skill had also a.s.similated into the Taoism"s characteristics.

When the two of them combined their powers, they had already formed a school of their own, displaying immense power.

At this moment, Lu Chen"s gaze once again fell onto Guo Jinming"s hands.

As the golden halo revolved, his hands felt like they were made of steel, giving off an invincible feeling.

The most important thing was that this strong Vajra Palm was extremely demanding on one"s true qi, and the destructive power it produced was also extremely strong.

With Lu Chen giving up on using the power of merit, he really couldn"t let his guard down.

"Mr Lu, I apologize..."

As soon as Guo Jingming finished speaking, he was already the first to make a move.

The amount of zhenqi required to execute this ultimate skill was simply too much. With his cultivation, it would be difficult for him to hold on for too long.

Although he knew he would lose, since Lu Chen was so serious, Guo Jingming didn"t dare to hold anything back. r

Lu Chen"s gaze darkened as the corners of his mouth hooked into a smile.

Guo Jingming"s speed was extremely quick. In the blink of an eye, he appeared less than half a meter away from him.

Without the use of the Power of Merit, it was impossible for Lu Chen to have such speed.

This feeling made Lu Chen realize that it was even more troublesome than dealing with Duanmu Wuguang, who was suppressed by the middle grade Profound Rank martial skill, by his Devouring Spell.

The main reason was because Guo Jinming"s fighting style was close to close quarters combat, and his speed wasn"t slow either.

In the martial arts world, speed was the only thing that could not be defeated!

Wherever Guo Jingming"s palm swept past, even the air was torn apart.

At this moment, Guo Jingming couldn"t help but open his eyes wide.

His iron palm was about to land on Lu Chen"s head, but the latter did not move at all.

"A thousand pounds!"

Lu Chen let out a soft shout as his body sank, but his upper body became extremely light.

In that instant, an all-encompa.s.sing power was released from his body.

In the inheritance of the Eye of Merit, Lu Chen directly activated the True Meaning of Taichi that originated from home.

There were no fixed moves, but all of these happened at random.

Such a paradoxical martial skill was perfect for Lu Chen"s current situation.

Lu Chen already knew that without using the power of merit, it was impossible for him to beat Guo Jingming in terms of speed.

Right now, the fist art that Lu Chen was displaying was extremely similar to the Taichi Fist that everyone else had seen.

At least on the surface.

However, some of the experts present quickly understood what was going on.

This was not a simple move, but a thought.

Lu Chen was quite at ease. Under his opponent"s attacks that were like a torrential storm, he managed to block every attack with his unchanging punching posture. However, every attack was extremely dangerous, but was easily neutralized.

In a battle between experts, once one got close enough, not only speed, but also reaction speed would be required.

Lu Chen, who came from a special forces background, as a qualified special forces soldier, naturally possessed a decent reaction speed.

Moreover, in the earlier years, the self-proclaimed Daoist Master Lu had also taught Lu Chen Five Birds of Chimes or Taiji Fist cultivation techniques.

Back then, Lu Chen had taken it for granted that these things were the same path as those spread by the common folk.

But later on, he gradually understood that the things that the old man was teaching were more focused on actual combat.

It was also because of this that Lu Chen had successfully entered the special forces and became a famous ace warrior.

Due to the inheritance of the Eye of Merit, it had gathered all the knowledge and essence of Taiji theory and imprinted it deep into Lu Chen"s soul.

The moment he used this fist technique, it was as though he had practiced it thousands of times. It was smooth and flawless.

In fact, this was all thanks to Lu Chen"s physical attributes as a foundation. His body was often tempered by the power of karmic virtue, which was not something an ordinary person could compare with.

It was even much better than the tempering of some of the old demons in the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

After a few moves, Guo Jingming was already overwhelmed with shock.

Of course, he did not dare to hope that he could defeat Lu Chen. However, he did not expect that after so much suffering, he actually did not even manage to touch the hem of Lu Chen"s shirt.

Furthermore, during the entire process, he discovered that Lu Chen"s speed wasn"t that exaggerated.

He seemed to have predicted the angle of his attack and then made his move ahead of time. Every time he made the slightest mistake, he successfully avoided his killing move.

If he were to continue like this, Lu Chen reckoned that he could only last for another minute before the zhenqi in his body was completely depleted and he would lose without a fight.

The more Guo Jingming thought about it, the more compet.i.tive he became.

He did not wish to injure Lu Chen, but at the very least, he wanted to be in contact with his body!

Otherwise, he would not be willing to accept it and lose face.

As if he had seen through Guo Jingming"s thoughts, Lu Chen didn"t dodge in advance this time. Instead, he lifted his hands into the air, turned his palms into fists, and went straight towards Guo Jingming"s iron palms.

When the fist and palm collided, the expected explosion did not occur.

Everyone present looked at this scene in astonishment.

As cultivators, their eyesight was already astonishing.

They could clearly see that their fists and palms seemed to collide, but in fact, they were not complete. It was as if they were just clashing against each other.

This kind of strange method of escape made everyone present immediately feel rea.s.sured. This was the ultimate manipulation of Taiji Fist.

The eyes of everyone present could not help but light up.

Putting aside whether Lu Chen was here to act tough or to take a walk, this kind of pure body technique battle felt very fresh.

There were tens of thousands of Tao techniques and techniques, of course, there were many experts that practiced martial arts, but many people would not continue to persevere after truly stepping into the path of martial arts.

Relatively speaking, everyone would take it for granted that the martial arts they had originally persevered in was a relatively backward cultivation method. Apart from being used to strengthen their body, they would often forgo it.

This was also because martial arts practice was more difficult and its power was limited. No one was willing to continue to adhere to the stupid method and waste precious time and energy.

Lu Chen had only recently stepped into the lower dark cla.s.s, but Guo Jingming was already a whole level higher. In theory, his true qi was enough to crush Lu Chen.

If Lu Chen had only won by a fluke, everyone would naturally understand.

However, this was a purely martial skill, yet it still won by strength. It was truly surprising.

Under everyone"s gazes, Lu Chen"s fist slightly rotated in front of Guo Jingming"s palm.