Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 532

At the moment of collision, Murong Yanran, who was greatly surprised, stopped in her tracks for a split-second.

Lu Chen had expected this and immediately grabbed onto Murong Yanran"s movement gap, attacking like lightning.

He borrowed the momentum to leap up. While he was still in the air, he flipped his wrist, and with a flatten stance, he descended downwards, aiming the long sword in his hand at Murong Yanran"s face.

The man and the sword seemed to have become one. The sword and the sword seemed to have become one.

"What... The Heaven Flying Immortal also used it! "

Xie Zimu had just been speculating on how Lu Chen should deal with Murong Yanran"s previous forceful attack.

However, before he could do anything, he thought, Lu Chen"s Heaven Flying Immortal attack and Xuanyuan Jiufeng"s Broken Sword Style were actually linked together like flowing water.

With Xie Zimu"s experience and experience, he naturally knew the profoundness of the Heaven Flying Immortal technique.

This move was from high up in the sky, and when all the power in his body was absorbed into this sword, it was only a simple straight thrust. There was no change, and it was also the best change.

Even to the point of being extremely soft, it was transformed from unchangeable to unchangeable.

Everything had changed so quickly. Murong Yanran had just unleashed her ice blade, and she had not used up all of her energy, so even if she knew what was going to happen, she couldn"t do anything else.

Lu Chen"s sword tip swooped down from the sky, causing her to feel a deep sense of pressure.

She was horrified to discover that not only was she unable to block this attack, she was even unable to dodge it.

In this split-second, Murong Yanran was shocked to discover that she was completely locked on by Lu Chen"s sword radiance. There was nowhere for her to run.

Murong Yanran quickly reacted to the weakness she revealed just now.

That"s not right!

More accurately speaking, this wasn"t something he had revealed himself, but something that Lu Chen had long since arranged …

How was this possible?

In a fight between experts, it was already rare to see a single move being disa.s.sembled.

However, with such a cultivation level and having to completely abandon the use of Dao arts, it was truly unimaginable for him to walk into the trap that he had set up.

This was simply looking at three steps at a time.

It was as if the one standing in front of him was not a person with a weaker cultivation, but an unshakable grandmaster.

As for sparring with her, it was purely playing with the children.

No wonder Lu Chen was valued so highly by his cousin, Murong Xin"er. Moreover, the Five Poison Cult, which originally disliked the idea of Murong Xin"er having a boyfriend, did not openly stop him.

Once Murong Yanran realized this, her previous fighting spirit was instantly extinguished.

However, now that life and death was at stake, even though Murong Yanran"s fighting spirit was gone, she was not about to be slaughtered.

Since he couldn"t dodge in time, he could only block with all his might!

After all, her cultivation was still in a disadvantageous position. Although she was at a disadvantage, it was not impossible for her to make a comeback.

Thinking up to here, Murong Yanran immediately formed an ice wall in front of her in an attempt to block Lu Chen"s attack.

However, just as the ice wall was formed, it was pierced by the tip of the Blue Lotus Sword that was accompanied by a berserk aura. Then, it shattered into pieces as if it had exploded.

The Azure Lotus Sword in Lu Chen"s hand did not slow down in the slightest as it went straight for Murong Yanran"s throat.

Although under Murong Yanran"s control, the strongest ice wall was constantly formed.

However, no matter how fast she circulated her arcane skills, it was still not as fast as Lu Chen"s speed.

At this moment, Murong Yanran"s heart was filled with despair.

Although it was just a spar, it ended just like that. However, with how fast Lu Chen was, Murong Yanran naturally believed that Lu Chen had done his best.

By then, even if he wanted to stop, he would be powerless.

At this moment, Murong Yanran had already lost all thoughts of resisting. She froze on the spot, waiting for the final judgement.

However, a full second pa.s.sed and as expected, the feeling of the sword piercing her throat did not appear. Murong Yanran subconsciously opened her eyes and was immediately surprised and happy.

It turned out that when Lu Chen"s sword tip was less than an inch away from Murong Yanran"s forehead, he had already prepared for this and flipped his wrist.

The blade of the sword moved slightly to the side and slid across her face. Then, she followed the Blue Lotus Sword and jumped out, standing firmly behind Murong Yanran.

"I"ve lost."

After Lu Chen landed on the ground, he steadied himself with some difficulty and spoke to Xie Zimu who was not far away.

At this moment, Lu Chen could feel that his internal organs were still trembling.

The backlash from the collision with Murong Yanran just now had caused his blood and Qi to churn. Even with the power of merit, it had only stopped him from coughing up blood.

However, even now, the raging waves and waves caused by the power within his body had yet to completely calm down.

After Lu Chen finished this sentence, he didn"t care about everyone"s reaction.

He sat down on the floor and started to circulate the power of karmic virtue in his body to calm his body down.

He was also prepared to lose this match.

Because no matter who the other party was, Lu Chen just wanted to make a scene.

If the other party were to lose his qualifications to partic.i.p.ate in the Grand Meeting of the Celestial Sect of Wonders, this would not be the result he wanted to see.

Moreover, the woman in front of him was Murong Xin"er"s cousin, so he had to give her more face.

It was just that he had never expected that the power Murong Yanran displayed would make his heart itch, which was why he didn"t admit defeat after exchanging blows.

Of course, with how strong Murong Yanran"s attack was, it would have been impossible for Lu Chen to retreat even if he wanted to.

After Murong Yanran came back to her senses, she paused for two seconds before slowly turning around.

When she heard Lu Chen admit defeat, her gaze fell on Lu Chen in a daze.

Of course she understood Lu Chen"s intentions, but deep in her heart, she just couldn"t accept it.

Murong Yanran was undoubtedly proud.

She did not wish for the victory of charity.

However, in front of this man who was even a little younger than her, Murong Yanran could not bring herself to resist.

She even opened her mouth, but no words came out.

He just stared straight at Lu Chen, as if trying to imprint him into his mind.

When Murong Yanran attacked, she had already thought of all sorts of possibilities.

The reason why he was so merciless when he first made his move was because he was unwilling to use his own Dao arts while the opponent was still fighting with their weapons.

In that case, regardless of the outcome, it would be meaningless.

She, Murong Yanran, also wanted face.

Therefore, Murong Yanran was more looking forward to the result, which was Lu Chen being forced to use his Dao arts.

Even if she lost to him directly, Murong Yanran would willingly accept it.

After all, Lu Chen had killed Blood Fiend Ghost King and three Quasi-Earth Stage experts.

Her loss was completely within reason, and the others naturally had nothing to say.

But even so, she was still able to measure Lu Chen"s true strength with her own hands. This trip was not in vain.

After hearing about Lu Chen"s various deeds, Murong Yanran"s heart was filled with curiosity towards this enchanter who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

And in the battle just now between Lu Chen and Guo Jingming, Lu Chen had indeed been able to completely crush them with just his martial skills.

One move to deal with the enemy!

While Murong Yanran yearned for that scene, she was also a little unconvinced.