Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 542

According to what the little fox said, there wasn"t just one spatial rift between the mortal world and the other seven realms; there were countless spatial rifts.

Moreover, these spatial rifts were random. They were the result of collision and fusion of forces.

Most importantly, these cracks in s.p.a.ce were invisible and untouchable. There was no trace of them at all.

The one in front of him was a special case.

It was obvious that this senior expert, who had pa.s.sed away in meditation, had noticed the abnormality of this place and decided to cultivate here.

However, he did not know the reason why, but in the end, he died in meditation, leaving behind only a pile of dried up bones.

Of course, the Seven Realms Pa.s.sage that Lu Chen"s parents, Lu Qingtian and his wife, had sealed was the true gateway to the Seven Realms.

Therefore, they were not doing useless work.

Whether it was the humans who wanted to go over or the other ones who wanted to come over, these so-called s.p.a.ce cracks were not that easy.

After all, the two strongest powers in the world were undoubtedly time and s.p.a.ce.

Hence, these spatial rifts were bound to bring with them chaotic energy. Once struck by these chaotic energy, one would definitely be destroyed in body and spirit.

Thus, it was extremely difficult for one to cross two worlds through a spatial rift.

Of course, this didn"t mean that these spatial tears were useless.

In fact, the power that came from the s.p.a.cial rifts was a huge fortune.

For example, right now, Lin Siyun felt that the pure spirit energy was actually the spirit energy of the Demon World.

Through the little fox"s explanation, Lu Chen"s thoughts gradually became clearer.

This was equivalent to his parents sealing the entrance to the Seven Realms. Indeed, it was a place where invaders from the other six realms could easily pa.s.s through.

The more it was like this, the more Lu Chen felt that his parents were great.

At the same time, he also wanted to grow even more urgently. Not only did he want to free his parents, he also wanted to continue sealing the entrance to the seven realms and protect his home.

Then, Lu Chen cleared his mind, and the wall in front of him crumbled.

As the rock wall crumbled, Lu Chen"s gaze was fixated in front of him, but he did not discover anything.

After the wall collapsed, the wall in front of him was still the same as before, and there was no change at all.

It felt like he had just taken off a layer of rock.

The strange scene that Lu Chen expected did not happen.

"Milord, the spatial crack is right in front of you. Once you enter, you will reach the location of the Demon World."

"However, my lord must think carefully. I wonder where this spatial tear connects to the Demon World."

"It might be a desolate mountain range, or it might be the habitat of demons and ghosts in the demon realm …"

While Lu Chen was still stunned, the little fox immediately reminded him.

Hearing the little fox"s reminder, Lu Chen immediately understood what was going on.

But after hearing the little fox"s description, Lu Chen couldn"t help but shiver in his heart.

Indeed, the other world did not seem to be much fun, and it might even be more dangerous.

However, the only thing that surprised him was that this pa.s.sage gave off an abnormally calm feeling. It seemed to be very stable!

Lu Chen couldn"t help but be puzzled. Could it be that he had thought wrong? The little fox already knew everything and lured him here on purpose.

But in private, what was its purpose?

However, the secret to breaking through an Earth Stage Low Rank powerhouse was within, which made Lu Chen eager to try it out.

"You two wait here for me for a while, I"ll scout ahead!"

After Lu Chen gathered in front of the stone wall to observe for a long time, a look of determination flashed in his eyes. Then, he turned his head towards Lin Siyun and He Qian and said in a serious tone.

Lu Chen wanted to understand the situation, but he did not intend to tell them first.

It would be difficult to explain in a short period of time.

Moreover, if he really said it out loud, he was really afraid of scaring them.

Let alone He Qian, even Lin Siyun might not be able to accept this.

Once he understood the situation, Lu Chen wanted to bring them in directly.

Lin Siyun didn"t need to say anything. Breaking through to the Earth Stage was only a matter of time.

On the other hand, He Qian was different.

After all, it was too late to start. Even if the resources were plentiful, the speed of progress would still be greatly limited.

If there were no surprises, then the fact that He Qian was able to reach middle Xuan cla.s.s by the age of 40 was already very rare.

Moreover, this was the result that would happen only when he cultivated arduously day and night.

With this opportunity, as a friend, there was no reason for Lu Chen not to give her a hand.

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, the two of them were immediately unable to react. They looked at him, stupefied.

What road was this?

There was clearly a rock wall in front of them!

They"re not blind.

However, after being stunned for a moment, the two of them nodded their heads in unison.

To the two of them, they had no doubts about Lu Chen"s words.

This was not the first time she had met him.

In his impression, Lu Chen never made a joke.

Especially in this situation, he must have put in a lot of effort to get here.

Although this place looked peaceful, it was actually filled with oddities. It was definitely not as simple as they had imagined.

And with Lu Chen"s cultivation level being so high and full of miracles, since he said so, he must have made some special discovery.

Seeing Lin Siyun and He Qian nod their heads, Lu Chen didn"t hesitate any longer. Without holding anything back, he activated the power of his merit, forming an invisible barrier that tightly wrapped around his entire body. Then, he walked towards the stone wall.

Just as he was about to touch the rock wall in front of him, Lu Chen could feel the s.p.a.ce around him warping.

However, the tearing force that he had imagined had disappeared without a trace.

He couldn"t help but calm down and secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Honestly speaking, with his current cultivation level, he didn"t feel that he had much confidence in being able to withstand the tearing of s.p.a.ce.

He had even made up his mind to turn back the moment there was any movement.

Of course, he was somewhat confident on this point.

After all, no matter how strong the power of s.p.a.ce was, it was extremely difficult to completely tear apart the power of karmic virtue and form a barrier.

He still had a little time to react.

It was just that Lu Chen did not care what kind of backlash he would suffer.

In that split-second, Lu Chen suddenly discovered that the scene in front of him had undergone an earth-shattering change.

Upon stepping in, Lu Chen saw ancient trees that he knew had been growing for hundreds or thousands of years, blotting out the sun.

There were all sorts of weeds and brambles growing all over the place.

The withered leaves fell to the ground.

The surrounding old vines and were also densely packed.

When Lu Chen"s feet stepped on the ground, creaking sounds immediately rang out.

Without a doubt, this was a completely new world!

Especially the incoming spiritual energy, it actually made Lu Chen feel agitated.