Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 544

Honestly speaking, Lu Chen could also determine that the surrounding demon realm creatures" strength was not a threat to him.

However, he was truly afraid of being attacked by a group of people.

There were paths where two fists could not fight against four hands.

These demon sword lifeforms had an absolute geographical advantage. If there were more of them, Lu Chen wouldn"t have any confidence at all.

However, the little fox"s words really did remind Lu Chen.

On the other hand, Lin Siyun and He Qian could come here and train for a while.

This was especially true for Lin Siyun. With the density of the spirit energy here, it was very likely that the spirit vein in her body would be thoroughly stimulated.

As for how far Lin Siyun would be able to grow in such a short period of time, even Lu Chen himself found it hard to estimate.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen immediately turned around and returned to the place he had just appeared in.

This was where the spatial crack was located.

He could see nothing in front of him.

However, ever since Lu Chen had stepped into this unknown world, he had been exceptionally cautious.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were going about their business step by step.

He had long since left an inconspicuous mark on a rock on the ground, leaving an imprint of the power of merit.

With this symbol, Lu Chen would be able to find the exact coordinates, find this stable spatial rift, and travel through these two worlds.

At this moment, Lu Chen seemed to have thought of something and immediately entered the spatial crack.

Sure enough, after feeling the s.p.a.ce around him warp, Lu Chen returned to the place he had just entered.

"Brother Lu... Where did you go? How did you suddenly disappear? "

A wave of worry appeared on He Qian"s face as she grabbed Lu Chen"s arm and asked anxiously.

Just now, Lu Chen had disappeared into thin air. She did not feel that he had used the Five Element Escape Technique.

On the contrary, it was as if it had disappeared for no reason, and not even a trace of its aura could be detected.

Not long after, He Qian became very worried.

There were several times that she had wanted to pa.s.s through this seemingly ordinary wall, but in the end, she had been stopped by Lin Siyun.

Lin Siyun"s expression was still relatively calm, but when Lu Chen emerged from the stone wall in front of him, he couldn"t help but be stunned.

He had seen a lot of strange things when he was dealing with Qingyun Peak"s Subduing Demon Subduing Subduing Fury, but this was the first time he saw a situation where he disappeared without using his Escape Technique.

However, Lin Siyun could still accept Lu Chen"s miraculous methods.

She guessed that this was another secret technique that belonged solely to Lu Chen"s sect, so she naturally wouldn"t ask too much.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Chen directly told the two of them, "To be honest, this place leads to another world, which is known as the Demon World."

Of course, Lu Chen did not intend to explain it too clearly.

It would probably take Lu Chen some effort to make them understand.

The best explanation would be to prove it directly to them.

Therefore, as long as Lin Siyun and He Qian personally went over to take a look, they would understand everything.

"Demon World …"

Lin Siyun and He Qian looked at each other.

Actually, they could already understand what Lu Chen meant, but because it had completely overturned their view of the world, they did not dare to believe it.

Lu Chen saw the expressions of the two girls were within his expectations, so he went further and said:

"The Spiritual Energy inside is extremely dense and pure. I"ll bring you guys in to cultivate."

"There are still more than ten days until the Celestial Sect of Wonders. Maybe I"ll just have to train inside for a bit."

"As your strength increases, it will also help you to obtain a good ranking during the compet.i.tion at the Celestial Sect of Wonders."

Seeing Lu Chen"s serious expression, the two of them felt grat.i.tude in their hearts.

Due to their trust in Lu Chen, they believed that they would definitely reap great rewards wherever they went.

Lu Chen was even willing to share such a secret with them and even help them raise their strength. This was the most important thing for the two girls.

Thus, Lin Siyun and He Qian both nodded seriously, revealing looks of listening to Lu Chen"s arrangements.

Just as Lu Chen was about to turn around and bring them into the spatial crack, he suddenly thought of something.

Other than the three of them, there was still a fourth person who knew of the existence of this place!

Of course, it was Murong Yanran who was following them.

I can"t leave her here.

If Murong Yanran was curious and felt her way through the wall after they entered, without any help, it would be very dangerous even if he had high talent.

"You two wait here for me, I still need to bring someone!"

Lu Chen said with a smile. Then, with a movement of his body, a burst of thunder rumbled from the bottom of his feet. Immediately, he transformed into a dark purple stream of light and flew towards the cave entrance.

In less than ten seconds, Lu Chen appeared in front of Murong Yanran, who could not react in time.

"Miss Yanran, do you know that curiosity killed the cat?" When Lu Chen appeared in front of Murong Yanran, he looked at her with a serious expression.

After a brief moment of absent-mindedness, Murong Yanran revealed a smile and said while nodding her head:

"Indeed, it"s very curious. Mr Lu actually found such a cave with a special dimension in this place!"

"Yanran can"t control herself at the moment and she rushed in. I hope that Mr Lu can forgive Yanran for her impudence! "Yanran will leave immediately."

She had to admit that Murong Yanran had the bearing of a general.

Seeing Lu Chen appear in front of her at such a terrifying speed, Murong Yanran, for the first time in her generation, felt this kind of pressure. She couldn"t help feeling a little fl.u.s.tered in her heart.

However, on the surface, she seemed abnormally calm. If one were to look at her appearance, even her heartbeat and breathing, there would be no flaws at all.

It was a pity that with the power of karmic virtue, Lu Chen was able to find some clues from the change in Murong Yanran"s aura.

Of course, being able to do this already made Lu Chen sigh emotionally, and he naturally wouldn"t reveal it.

What Lu Chen did not know was that Murong Yanran was completely subdued by his methods, so she acted calm.

Murong Yanran was proud. Ning Xuemo was already the number one person among the new generation of the Celestial Sect of Wonders. She didn"t want to be looked down upon by her brother-in-law.

She had kept a hidden distance along the way, but she had not expected to be discovered.

Previously, Lu Chen had already crushed him in terms of strength. Now that he was unable to escape her perception, Murong Yanran was completely convinced.

"It"s too late to leave now!"

Lu Chen grabbed Murong Yanran"s arm, and attacked very quickly.

Even though Murong Yanran was Murong Xin`er"s elder cousin, there were times when even blood brothers and fathers fell out in the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

Naturally, Lu Chen would not use his sister"s relationship with Murong Xin`er to intimidate Murong Yanran.

If Murong Yanran had kept her distance from him from the very beginning, Lu Chen would naturally not have paid any attention to her.

However, now that he had secretly followed them, some things had to be exposed.