Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 546

"Both of you, hurry up and follow me!" Lu Chen turned around and instructed Lin Siyun and He Qian.

Lin He and Lin Mu nodded their heads seriously as they followed suit, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Seeing this, Lu Chen did not care about Murong Yanran"s reaction and grabbed her arm. With a flash, they entered the spatial crack.

In front of Lu Chen, Murong Yanran had given up any thoughts of resisting.

Under the suppression of true strength, she seemed to be very cooperative.

As for any pointless struggles, they were useless in Murong Yanran"s eyes.

A rational woman like her naturally wouldn"t do such a thing.

At this moment, Murong Yanran did not resist at all, allowing Lu Chen to do as he pleased.

The s.p.a.ce around her distorted. In just a split-second, the scene in front of her eyes had undergone a tremendous change.

What was this place? Why did it feel like a lifetime had pa.s.sed?

It wasn"t just Murong Yanran. Lin Siyun and He Qian, who had followed in, couldn"t help but gape at the scene before them with their mouths wide open. They couldn"t believe what they had just seen.

"This is another world …."

After they entered, Lu Chen slowly said this.

"What does the other world mean?" He Qian frowned slightly as she took over Lu Chen"s conversation with a puzzled expression.

Hearing this, Lu Chen smiled and explained it to them as carefully as he could.

After all, there might be a lot of unknown threats ahead.

Even if He Qian hadn"t asked, he would have told them in detail about the hidden dangers and precautions, at least to let them be mentally prepared.

Although Lu Chen was able to ensure their safety, there wasn"t much point in doing so.

His true purpose was to train here and raise their level of cultivation.

Such a good opportunity was something that could only be found but not sought for. It was something that could not be missed.

Therefore, the three of them had to at least have a certain level of understanding towards this Demon World, so as to be able to take the risk and experiment later.

While the three of them were immersed in their astonishment, they listened attentively to Lu Chen"s every word, which was clearly reflected in their minds.

After Lu Chen explained in detail, the three women finally understood the reason why Lu Chen had brought them in.

Including Murong Yanran, the expression on her face quickly changed from shock to excitement.

Realizing all of this, they clearly felt the extremely dense and pure spiritual energy around them.

This Demon World is indeed a good place for the members of the Celestial Sect of Wonders!

Even though Lu Chen had already made it clear that there were dangers everywhere, even He Qian appeared to be in high spirits.

They then circulated their mystical arts, absorbing the spiritual qi around their bodies to increase their cultivation.

To increase one"s cultivation was to hone one"s skills, and the more spiritual energy one had, the better it was.

With this absorption, he actually discovered that the spiritual energy here didn"t have any resistance and was very easy to refine. He was truly pleasantly surprised.

Murong Yanran was actually the one who felt it the most.

At this moment, she could not believe her eyes. She could not help but pinch her thigh. Feeling the pain coming from her thigh, she finally believed that she was not dreaming.

Everything before him was real!

If it was before he had entered the spatial rift, he would probably not have believed Lu Chen"s words, even if he had said them extravagantly.

However, the truth was right in front of him!

She even suspected that Lu Chen was up to something in the beginning.

But from the looks of it, she was trying to help him!

Was this because of her cousin, Murong Xin"er?

It was probably … That"s right!

Unfortunately, Murong Yanran was unable to use this reason to convince herself.

She always felt that there was something else in it.

As for what it was, even she wasn"t sure.

Of course, time had become extremely precious at this point, and she had no time to think about it.

Who cares!

Since he was already here, he might as well settle for now.

Such a good opportunity, of course he had to grasp it with all his might.

At this moment, Murong Yanran no longer hoped to have the chance to surpa.s.s a monstrous genius like Lu Cheng.

However, in her heart, she secretly made up her mind to use this opportunity to become the number one person of the new generation in the Celestial Sect of Wonders!

"Everyone, follow me closely. There are some low level spirit beasts around. Each spirit beast has a certain probability of having spirit crystals."

"I gave you a detailed explanation of the spirit crystal"s specific situation. Having it is equivalent to possessing a small moving spirit vein. "

"As long as I refine and absorb the spirit crystal, the pure spirit energy inside will be able to increase my cultivation even faster.

Lu Chen said to the three of them as he looked around vigilantly.

Spirit Crystal was the energy crystal within the body of a Spiritual Beast or a demon that had already cultivated to the Exquisite Realm. It was also known as the inner core.

Spirit crystals were divided into seven levels: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

The higher the grade of the Spirit Crystal, the greater the energy contained within it, and the denser the spirit energy gained from refining and absorbing it, the more obvious the increase in one"s cultivation level.

This was similar to the power of karmic virtue.

Apart from being used to refine spirit crystals to increase one"s cultivation, spirit crystals could also be embedded into weapons.

This was a commonly used method by some artificers. A weapon that was embedded with spirit crystals would be able to greatly increase one"s strength.

However, in the present Age of Chaos, there were a few refiners who frequently used spirit crystals.

However, during the Age of Chaos, there were very few spirit beasts or demon spirits, and their levels were generally rather low.

Because he didn"t get any good Spirit Crystals, his method of inlaid Spirit Crystals was slowly eliminated and discarded.

It was only under the little fox"s instructions that Lu Chen learned the exact details.

The little fox seemed to have a very thorough understanding of the demon realm, which gave Lu Chen the feeling that it was born and raised in the demon realm.

"Mr. Lu … How did you find this place? "

Murong Yanran saw that Lu Chen seemed to have a deep understanding of the demon realm, and couldn"t help but dare to ask him.

Lu Chen chuckled lightly, no longer showing his strict expression from before.

"I just happened to find this place by chance, but my teacher mentioned this place to me before and told me a lot of information about the Demon World so that I could provide you with this information."

In response to Murong Yanran"s question, Lu Chen merely found a random excuse to fool her.

Murong Yanran seemed to have suddenly understood and did not continue asking.

"He Qian, follow me closely later. You must hold my hand tightly, do you understand?"

Just as Lu Chen was preparing to leave, he turned his head towards He Qian and said solemnly.

Amongst the people present, other than He Qian, Lu Chen wasn"t too worried about Lin Siyun and Murong Yanran.

After all, with the strength of the two of them, they shouldn"t be too much of a problem to deal with.

However, this place was extremely suitable for He Qian.