Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 548

Lu Chen carefully hid in the weeds. Through the gaps in the gra.s.s, he could vaguely see the Iron Headed Sika Deer not far away.

At this moment, Lu Chen took out the Blue Lotus Sword from his chest.

Suddenly, his figure flashed, and he leapt out of the weeds like a rabbit, pouncing towards the iron-clawed sika deer that had no reaction.

When the Iron Headed Plum Blossom Deer became aware of the danger and turned around to look, Lu Chen had already dived down from the sky, barely landing on its body.

With the support of the Heavenly Thunder Steps, Lu Chen"s speed was extremely fast. Even the air around him was blown, creating whooshing sounds as he rushed towards the Iron Headed Sika Deer with a powerful gust of wind.

Suddenly encountering an enemy, the Iron Headed Sika Deer did not retreat, but advanced instead. With a cry, its steel-like ironclad hooves charged towards Lu Chen.

When it was almost in front of Lu Chen, the Iron Headed Sika Deer aimed its front hooves at Lu Chen and ferociously kicked him.

The speed of the hooves, which were a size larger than a fist, was extremely fast. At this moment, it was as if the air was being torn apart and a strong gust of wind blew across their faces.

At the same time, an earthen yellow halo shrouded its hooves, giving it a terrifying appearance.

If he were to be kicked by this iron hoof, the consequences would be unpredictable.

After all, this was a Rank Two spirit beast, only equivalent to a middle Huang grade spirit beast.

Of course, even if these Spiritual Beasts had reached Rank 2, equivalent to the strength of a middle Huang grade human, they were unlike humans who knew how to use cultivation techniques and techniques and could only use the simplest and most direct brute force.

In this way, the true strength of the spirit beasts would be greatly reduced when compared to human cultivators of the same level.


As the iron hooves struck, Lu Chen suddenly let out a loud shout and immediately brandished the Blue Lotus Sword in his hand to block in front of him.


Immediately, the forest produced two clear clanging sounds, and the Azure Lotus Sword firmly blocked the Iron Headed Sika Deer"s two front hooves.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen forcefully lifted the Azure Lotus Sword upwards, and the 200 jin iron-clawed sika deer was lifted up to a height of nearly 10 meters.

Without waiting for his prey to land on the ground, he once again activated the Heavenly Thunder Steps.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

Accompanied by a violent explosion, thunder rumbled from his feet, and Lu Chen immediately chased after it.

He approached the Iron Headed Sika Deer, the Blue Lotus Sword in his hand moving as natural as the clouds and flowing like the water, and pierced towards the heart of the Iron Headed Sika Deer.

The Iron Headed Plum Blossom Deer was still floating in the air and did not have the strength to move. It was inconvenient and with a "puchi", the Blue Lotus Sword pierced its way through its heart.

The Blue Lotus Sword was a divine weapon from the ancient times. No matter how tough the deer"s skin was, it was still unable to withstand it.

Moreover, Lu Chen could faintly feel that in this atmosphere filled with spiritual energy, the Blue Lotus Sword seemed to have awakened some of its power, becoming even sharper than before.

At least he didn"t feel any resistance when he pierced through the body of the Iron Plum Deer.

The Iron Headed Plum Blossom Deer immediately let out a heart-tearing and lung-splitting wail. When its muscular body rapidly descended, it seemed to want to do something else.

Lu Chen"s senses were sharp. Before the Iron Headed Sika Deer could react, he quickly pulled out the Blue Lotus Sword in his hand.

The Blue Lotus Sword turned around and struck towards the head of the Iron Headed Sika Deer.


With a crack, the skull of the Iron Headed Plum Blossom Deer was shattered into pieces. Following that, its mountain-like body was slammed into a large tree.

With the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground, the fallen leaves and rocks on the ground were all knocked flying away, causing the surroundings to become hazy.

When the dust and fallen leaves dispersed, Lu Chen saw that the iron hoof and sika deer that was still alive a moment ago had its skull shattered, falling straight to the ground in front of him.

Immediately, the brain matter of the Iron Headed Plum Blossom Deer seeped out from the cracks in its skull. Fresh blood kept oozing out of its mouth.

After landing, its four limbs struggled and trembled for less than 10 seconds before no other sound could be heard.

The whole thing happened in a split-second. He Qian was the closest to Lu Chen, and before she could react, he had already killed a Spiritual Beast.

He Qian couldn"t help but open her eyes wide in surprise.

When Lin Siyun and Murong Yanran heard the commotion, they also hurriedly used their movement techniques to follow.

The two were ready to lend a hand at any time.

However, just as they got close to Lu Chen, a sika deer fell onto the ground. The two of them exchanged a quick look and were equally shocked.

Especially Murong Yanran, she realized that Lu Chen seemed to be very familiar with this place, and it didn"t look like he had just arrived at all!

At this moment, a bold idea suddenly emerged in her mind.

Could Lu Chen have come from this unknown world?

Thinking of the various methods that Lu Chen had displayed, Murong Yanran quickly confirmed this idea. Thus, the way she looked at Lu Chen changed again and again.

Murong Yanran also felt that this was the only explanation that made sense.

Otherwise, if he had just arrived, how could he have killed a spirit beast so quickly?

This was not only because of his outstanding skills, but also because he seemed to have a good understanding of the terrain and spirit beasts. He knew that a single strike from a spirit beast would be enough to deal a fatal blow.

Of course, Lu Chen did not know that Murong Yanran had misunderstood him. At this moment, he was in no mood to pay attention to the astonished gazes of the three women.

He had to deal with it quickly.

He approached the Iron Headed Plum Blossom Deer, raised the Blue Lotus Sword, and in two or three seconds, completely removed its skull.

Then he raised his sword and picked up an unremarkable red crystal with the tip of his sword.

The moment this red spirit crystal appeared, Lin Siyun and the other two couldn"t help but closely stare at it with wide eyes.

"This is the Spirit Crystal you were talking about …"

Murong Yanran could clearly feel the energy emitted from the Spirit Crystal.

This was an extremely pure Spiritual Energy. Moreover, it contained an extraordinary power.

Although Murong Yanran was a proud son of heaven that the Murong family had trained with all their effort, possessing a lot of resources and extraordinary knowledge, he couldn"t help but look at the spirit crystal with envy in his eyes.

Although Murong Yanran had never come into contact with such a thing, but having read so many books, she knew that there were spirit beasts in the ancient times when the spirit energy was still abundant.

Therefore, there were many people in the Celestial Sect of Wonders who would hunt for spirit beasts and acquire spirit crystals.

It was a pity that after the Age of Chaos, the spiritual energy was depleted and the number of spiritual beasts decreased.

Especially in recent years, it was impossible to find any trace of him.

Therefore, it was Murong Yanran"s first time seeing such a fresh spirit crystal. Her activity was much stronger than the treasures she usually saw in the family treasury.

In the apocalyptic era of the human world, the strength of the various spirit beasts themselves had been greatly affected.

There were even some that were simply unable to produce spirit crystals and simply disappeared into the crowd. It was no different from an ordinary beast.

In short, in the current mortal world, forget about spirit crystals, even retail sales would be hard to find.

It was no wonder that Murong Yanran reacted in such a way.