Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 555

It sounded like someone had invaded their territory and issued a warning ….

Spirit beasts had a strong sense of territory. If Lu Chen were to go into Stealth, it would be hard for him to find it.

However, Lin Siyun and Murong Yanran followed behind him. They would not use the power of merit like Lu Chen to conceal their auras so well.

Snakes were born with a keen sense of touch. No matter how careful they were, it was very difficult for them to escape their senses.

These Earth Dragon Pythons were able to reach the third stage of cultivation. Although they didn"t have very high intelligence, they still developed a bit of consciousness.

At the very least, he was extremely sensitive towards danger.

As such, he issued a warning when he first sensed Lu Chen and the others.

At this moment, Lu Chen focused his vision in the direction of the roar. Through the misty white mist, he could vaguely see a lush gra.s.sland.

He raised his vigilance to the highest level, at the same time, he focused his attention on the gra.s.sland in front of him, and at the same time, he urged his spiritual consciousness to expand its range as much as possible, probing deeply.

These Earth Dragon Pythons were moving in groups of three to five. Naturally, there could not be only one pa.s.sage. It was very likely that the roar had detected the enemy and had called for other people to help.

At this time, Lin Siyun"s breathing also became a little hurried.

Apart from the fact that the pressure here was relatively high and she wasn"t used to it, she had never faced a spirit beast head on before.

If it were an ordinary evil demon, the monetary whip in Lin Siyun"s hands would still have some deterrence.

She had learned quite a few techniques to behead demons and suppress devils from the Dragon Tiger Mountain"s Void Monastery. However, she was only slightly proficient in offensive Tao techniques and was not proficient in them.

If he were to face a real spirit beast now, the monetary whip would probably only be used as an ordinary whip.

Amongst the three of them, the one who was the calmest was none other than Murong Yanran.

She keenly sensed the aura around her, and maintained a calm and composed appearance the whole time. It seemed that she still had a little bit of confidence.

The water mist was dense, and to Murong Yanran, who trained in water type Tao techniques, this was a naturally created environment. To a certain extent, it allowed her strength to gain quite a bit.

"Third Brother, do you think these youngsters can really do it? When we"re almost thirty, we should have a good look at this place. "

"Young people these days, why do they have to work so easily? Isn"t it all just to take off their pants and fart?"

Chen Wu was lying on his stomach behind a rock, looking at the blurry figures of Lu Chen and the rest in front of him, he couldn"t help but complain.

How could they still have the heart to kill Earth Dragon Pythons at this time? Just the situation with Lu Chen was enough to pique the curiosity of Chen San and Chen Wu.

Chen San actually did not say much. He just looked in Lu Chen"s direction without saying anything.

On the other hand, Chen Wu kept mumbling to himself. At the beginning, he was surprised, but at the end, he was amazed.

"It"s not like there are no talented youngsters, but even if there were, it would be impossible for them to look at the southern part of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range."

"Moreover, the Spirit Crystals of this Earth Dragon Python can only be considered as a stall at most. Unless there is a special reason, otherwise there is no need to take risks. "

Lu Chen noticed the Chen brothers" auras not too far away. However, he could not hear Chen Wu"s" high "a.s.sessment of him from a distance.

If he were to hear Chen Wu"s comment, how would he feel?

At this moment, Lu Chen was most worried about the Earth Dragon Python"s attack from the empty nest.

He was on full alert, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

It was still the same. If there really was an accident and he was alone, there would definitely be no problem in escaping.

However, with He Qian and the rest by his side, it was a different story altogether.

"Everyone be careful, these beasts seem to be coming over!"

If Lu Chen were to use the Everlasting Thunder Curse"s Palm Lightning Strike and Heavenly Thunder Steps, he would have some confidence in dealing with these Earth Dragon Pythons.

However, this was not the main purpose of his visit.

He wanted to borrow the unique environment of the Demon Realm to undergo training and prove his true strength.

"Hiss — — Hiss — —"

It was at this moment that Lu Chen noticed three auras rapidly closing in on him. He did not expect that this legless earth dragon python would have such a huge body and move so quickly.

He Qian, who was also in Lu Chen"s arms, looked on vigilantly. Her hands were still holding onto the orange spirit crystal.

Lu Chen could also feel He Qian"s feelings. Right now, she needed to be protected.

However, Lu Chen could still feel He Qian"s desire to take the risk deep within her heart.

With her craving for power, her future achievements would probably be limitless.

"Even though you are being protected, I believe that one day, you will also be able to protect Brother Lu!"

As Lu Chen took out the Blue Lotus Sword from his chest, he whispered to He Qian.

When He Qian heard this, it was like a stream of warmth flowed into her heart. She couldn"t help but feel warmth in her heart, and her gaze became firmer.


At this time, a shadow swiftly streaked across the sky, directly smashing towards the three of them.

A long whip that looked like it was cast from steel was precisely the Earth Dragon Python"s huge tail. With a piercing sound, it suddenly lashed out, producing a loud bang.

Lin Siyun and Murong Yanran had already made their preparations. With a leap, they dodged to the side.

The two of them were at the peak mid-grade Profound Rank and were only a step away from reaching high-grade Profound Rank. Their strength was above the Earth Dragon Python to begin with.

As for the area that he had just stood in, rubble flew everywhere and smoke rose into the air, leaving behind a shocking deep scar.

"d.a.m.n!" Third brother, quickly look. With this reaction speed, those two girls don"t seem to be simple! "

Chen Wu widened his eyes in shock. He pulled on his third brother"s arm and said in disbelief.

Chen San did not pay any attention to his chatty brother. He also narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Chen and the others, feeling a burst of shock in his heart.

This was a Rank 3 Earth Dragon Python!

They actually dodged it so easily?

He had truly misjudged just now. So it turned out that these two women were also very secretive.

Thinking of this, Chen San couldn"t help but look at Lu Chen.

He really wanted to know what kind of strength this handsome young man possessed.

Because he could clearly feel that Lu Chen was the backbone of this group of four.

"What the h.e.l.l. This is truly not something that can be judged by appearances. The sea and water cannot be measured by one"s strength. It can"t be those old monsters that know the Face Preserving Technique, right?"

"No matter how you look at it, it doesn"t look like it. The tender skin doesn"t look like it was fake, wait …" Look at that kid... "That brat actually has some skills!"

Chen Wu frowned and stared at Lu Chen, revealing a surprised expression.

But halfway through his words, Lu Chen"s situation immediately caught his attention.

The first wave of attacks from the Earth Dragon Python"s tail were mainly aimed at Lin Siyun and Murong Yanran.

However, the second Earth Dragon Python that immediately appeared was like a steel tail that lashed out, landing less than half a meter away from Lu Chen.