Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 556

Lu Chen"s figure flashed, and he immediately dodged to the side, unharmed.

However, where he had been standing before, the ground itself had been ripped open, revealing a pit nearly three meters wide. It was a shocking sight to behold.

The strength of this python"s tail was truly astonishing.

If it actually landed on a person"s body, they might even be smashed into minced meat!

Lu Chen turned his head to look at this black scaled Earth Dragon Python. It was over three meters long, and its entire body was emitting an ice-cold aura that could cause one"s heart to tremble.

Having reached the level of a Rank 3 Spirit Beast, the Earth Dragon Python already understood how to use water-attributed Tao techniques.

From the little fox"s mouth, he understood that this was actually an innate ability that they were born with.

Once the Earth Dragon Python reaches adulthood and its strength reaches rank 3, it will know how to use this technique.

The Water Sculpture was also a water type Tao technique. It could produce cold energy, which was extremely similar to the Dao technique Murong Yanran was casting.

Immediately, Lu Chen moved once again. Raising his Blue Lotus Sword, he charged straight at the incoming Landwyrm Python.

However, before he could even get close to his prey, he stopped.

In the blink of an eye, the originally menacing Earth Dragon Python was chopped into several pieces by the numerous ice blades.

The body that was divided into several parts did not die immediately. It kept twisting and turning until half a minute later, when it was completely silent.

As for the other two Earth Dragon Pythons, they also suffered the same fate and died.

It was obvious that Murong Yanran made the first move.

The snake blood smelled extremely fishy, giving off a suffocating feeling.

However, the air suddenly became stiffer, as if an even bigger crisis was rapidly brewing.

Of course, Lu Chen could guess the reason.

These giant snakes could only be considered vanguards. Perhaps they were stimulated by the smell of blood. In this nest of snakes, more and more giant snakes would follow the smell and pounce over.

"Miss Yanran, how about leaving one for us to train?" Your ice blade is too powerful! "

When Lu Chen looked at Murong Yanran, he smiled and said this, as if he was not the least bit worried.

This girl was still acting like the arena as she attacked like the wind. Moreover, she didn"t hesitate at all, and she was extremely clean.

This was simply a valiant female warrior whose strength and beauty combined together.

However, Lu Chen had a faint feeling that Murong Yanran did this with some ulterior motive.

Murong Yanran was the first to reveal her strength before Lu Chen and Lin Siyun made a move. This prevented Lu Chen from revealing his true abilities too early.

It would be a good idea to try to avoid exposing his strength and to keep his trump card hidden.

He was truly worthy of being the new elite of the Mu Rong family!

Murong Yanran handled the situation meticulously and had a good grasp of the situation.

Lu Chen further recalled that Murong Yanran"s attempt to kill the man in black must have been done on purpose.

This little girl was really thoughtful.

Or perhaps she already felt the existence of the Chen brothers who were not far away.

"Mr Lu, Yanran was unable to stop herself for a moment. She accidentally attacked and attacked him. Sorry about that!"

Murong Yanran was still smiling faintly at Lu Chen. An ice sword appeared in her hand, imitating the movements of his Blue Lotus Sword.

The ice sword easily pierced through the Earth Dragon Python"s skull. Not long later, she took out a green spirit beast core.

Murong Yanran"s movements didn"t stop. Her body flashed as she did the same thing and took the spirit crystals from the other two Earth Dragon Pythons.

The entire process of Murong Yanran collecting the spirit crystals was completed in one go. It was as smooth as flowing water, pleasing the eyes.

She had completely mastered it just by observing Lu Chen once.

This made Lu Chen"s eyes light up.

Geniuses were geniuses.

It was no wonder that Murong Yanran could achieve such a high achievement at such a young age. It was probably not only because of the hard work the day after tomorrow and the resources she possessed, but also because of her innate talent.

"Come, Mister Lu, these spirit crystals are for you!" After Murong Yanran put the spirit crystal away, she turned around and handed it over to Lu Chen.

"Very good, not bad. We"ll find a suitable place to cultivate in a while."

Lu Chen looked at Murong Yanran with a appreciative look and said with a smile.

After taking the three green Spirit Crystals, he carefully put them away in his bosom. It was actually the s.p.a.ce of the Eye of Merit. He scanned the depths of the valley with a thoughtful expression.

Lu Chen did not intend to ma.s.sacre the Earth Dragon Python.

He understood that extremes are reversed, so he felt that it was better to stop there.

Of course, the most important thing right now was that the spirit crystal in his hand should be digested as soon as it was fresh enough.

On the other hand, their strength still needed to be improved.

Therefore, if he wanted to continue taking risks, it was more important to replenish his strength as soon as possible.

"Let"s go find a place to refine these Spirit Crystals first!"

Lu Chen nodded in acknowledgement of Murong Yanran before turning to Lin Siyun and He Qian.

He then wrapped his arm around He Qian"s body and moved, dashing towards the top of the valley.

At this moment, Lin Siyun and Murong Yanran did not stop either, and hurriedly followed Lu Chen.

… ….

"Where did all these young people come from?" b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You actually dare to touch our Southern Tiger Gang members, do you think that I, Duan Pei Hu, am an easy target? "

In a s.p.a.cious hall, a middle-aged man sitting on the seat of honor heard the news from his underlings. With a face full of rage, his hoa.r.s.e voice exploded in the hall like thunder.

This person was the Sect Leader of the Southern Tiger Gang, Duan Pei Hu.

As he spoke, he flipped his palm and shattered the teacup on the table.

Facing the furious Duan Pei Hu, although the inner hall was filled with the Southern Tiger Gang"s upper echelons, it was abnormally quiet at this moment.

No one present dared to say anything at this time, lest they receive the wrath of the Sect Master, which would only bring disaster to their own bodies.

"We, the Southern Tiger Gang, have always been the ones bullying people in the southern regions of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range. When has it ever been someone else"s turn to bully us?"

"If it"s just hurting our people, there"s still room for manoeuvre. But they actually took our South Lake Gang"s lives as soon as they made a move, just where did they put our South Lake Gang"s life?! "

"If this news gets out, then how can we face the face of the Southern Tiger Gang in the future? Wouldn"t we be laughed at by people from other gangs?"

Duan Pei Hu cursed for a while, then heavily panted as he fiercely slammed the table in front of him, causing the ground to tremble.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. They were at a loss for words, not knowing what to do.

"The origin of the people who did this was indeed unknown. Furthermore, their clothes were extremely strange, and did not seem like those of the people around here."

"Not to mention the entire southern region, I have never seen any gangs dressed like this even in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range …"

"Among them, there seems to be a 20 some year old girl whose strength has reached the peak of the middle grade Profound Rank. Could she be from some great clan?"

Seeing that the hall had fallen into silence, the middle-aged man beside Duan Pei Hu coughed dryly, and could only brace himself and a.n.a.lyze the situation.