Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 56

"Who do I think it is? So it"s you brat, haven"t you gotten enough of a beating? And you"re still doing things here that are neither human nor demon? " Lu Chen asked with a smile.


With a backhand slap on the skinny monkey"s head, Brother Xiong loudly cursed: "You blind thing, this is Brother Lu, how could you possibly offend him? Can you afford to offend me? Hurry up and apologize! "

As if he was not satisfied, he kicked the skinny monkey once again.

The skinny monkey"s body tilted and fell to the ground.

After teaching Skinny Monkey a lesson, Brother Xiong turned to Lu Chen and smiled, "Brother Lu, this guy has eyes but doesn"t recognize Mt. Tai. I have already taught him a lesson for you. "If you have a lot, please don"t bother to lower yourself to the same level as this trash."

Su Yun looked at the scene in front of her and a trace of surprise flashed across her eyes. After which, the corner of her mouth curled into a deep and shallow smile.

She was becoming more and more interested in this mysterious man in front of her.

Seeing his att.i.tude, the group realized that they had messed with the wrong person.

Skinny Monkey finally recovered from the shock, and his face turned green.

Earlier, he had thought that Lu Chen wasn"t simple, but he had still offended him in the end. Now, he probably didn"t have any medicine to regret his actions any longer.

He decided to continue lying on the ground and play dead to see if he could get away with it.

Lu Chen looked at the somewhat embarra.s.sed big brother Xiong and lightly smiled: "Looks like you still remember me. What do you think we should do about this matter today? "

Brother Xiong thought about it with a bitter face, then said carefully: "Brother Lu, you can do whatever you want. I, Xiong, will say anything!"

With that, he kicked Skinny Monkey a few more times.

At this moment, Skinny Monkey was truly out of breath.

Lu Chen raised his head, and said with a flat voice: "Da Xiong, it"s not that I"m unreasonable! But your little brother hara.s.sed my girlfriend, that"s difficult for me. What do you think we should do? "

Lu Chen said the last sentence to Su Yun beside him.

It was obvious that he wanted this matter to be resolved once and for all.

"Don"t look for me in the future!" That debt has nothing to do with me. " Su Yun immediately said.

She had long been fed up with these people, but there was nothing she could do.

It was unexpected that they would actually make a move today. Fortunately, they had met Lu Chen. Otherwise, it would have been unimaginable.

"Sure, sure!" When Brother Xiong heard Su Yun"s conditions, he couldn"t help but be overjoyed.

He pulled the skinny monkey up from the ground and slapped him again, waking him up.

"You blind thing, how could sister-in-law owe you money? Today, I will cripple one of your fingers and let you have a long memory! " Brother Xiong gritted his teeth as he cursed.

When the skinny monkey heard this, his body trembled and he fell to his knees with a thump, kowtowing as if he was pounding garlic.

"Sister-in-law, I was wrong, I was really wrong." Please spare me! "Forgive me …"

This caused Su Yun to not know what to do.

She had no idea how good she felt when she saw them being humiliated.

But now that she heard that she was going to cut off one of Skinny Monkey"s fingers, she couldn"t bear it any longer and could only look towards Lu Chen and wait for his decision.

Although Lu Chen was very disgusted with these usurpers, even thinking that it was not a big deal to cut off a single finger of theirs, he gave up on this idea when he saw Su Yun"s appearance.

Therefore, he looked at the skinny monkey in front of him, waved his hand and said, "Alright, you can leave now. Don"t let me see it."

Skinny Monkey stopped wiping his snot. He turned around and ran like a stray dog.

Where was the arrogance from before?

As for the group of people brought along by Skinny Monkey, they quickly left as if they had received amnesty.

Lu Chen looked at the time. It seemed a little early, so he sat back down and asked the bartender, who was still in a daze, to serve him another gla.s.s of the Dragon Crossing Rivers.

"Brother Lu, tonight"s alcohol bill is mine. Furthermore, those ignorant b.a.s.t.a.r.ds have disturbed your interest, so I will compensate you with another bottle of wine from the bar! "

As he spoke, he called the bartender over.

"Wei, go and get my treasured Louis XIII."

Hearing this, the bartender rushed to the bar"s warehouse.

Moments later, a wrapped and exquisite wine box appeared in front of Lu Chen.

Putting everything else aside, just the exquisite workmanship of this wooden box made people feel that its contents were of extraordinary value.

Lu Chen had no intention of refusing.

Because he noticed that Su Yun seemed to be very interested.

Lu Chen pointed to Su Yun and said: "Give it to her. I"m not too interested in these things and there"s no need to waste these things."

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, a trace of surprise flashed through Su Yun"s eyes.

Give it to him?

This fellow was truly generous.

This was the best of the best. It was over fifty years old and its quant.i.ty was very limited.

Even if they didn"t know the exact price of Louis XIII, they should have at least heard of it, right?

However, Su Yun could tell that Brother Xiong was truly afraid of Lu Chen and didn"t dare to fool him.

Since he said it was Louis XIII, then it must be Louis XIII.

Su Yun was originally a good drinker, and this type of top-grade brandy was exactly what she liked.

Of course, Brother Xiong wasn"t an idiot. He naturally saw that Su Yun genuinely liked this bottle of wine.

For him, it was enough as long as he could send the items out.

"Sister-in-law, take it!" Brother Xiong hurriedly handed the wine over to Su Yun.

Su Yun looked at Lu Chen with a bit of hesitation.

Lu Chen smiled and nodded at her: "Since I"m giving it to you, then take it. Consider it my gift to you!"

Su Yun"s beautiful face turned slightly red as she took over Louis XIII and held him in her arms in a cherished manner.

Lu Chen looked at the relieved Brother Xiong, his eyes calm as he said, "I can"t blame you for this matter, but if I encounter you again, then I won"t be polite."

"I understand, I understand. There will never be a next time!" Brother Xiong hurriedly promised while nodding and bowing.

"In that case, you may leave." Lu Chen waved his hand and said as if he was shooing away flies.

Towards a rich second generation like Brother Xiong that cared about face, he actually wasn"t optimistic about it.

He had already been taught a lesson last time, and yet he was still hanging out with this group of friends. There would probably be a day when he would suffer greatly.

Of course, Brother Xiong didn"t dare to say more and quickly took his leave.

As she watched Brother Xiong lead the group of people and leave, Su Yun laughed softly. "Today, I have to ask for help from my benefactor, and not only did I not suffer any grievances, I even obtained a bottle of good wine! It feels like a dream. "

"Speaking of which, ever since I offended these guys, I haven"t had the chance to taste this kind of good wine for almost half a year."

Lu Chen smiled, and said half-jokingly, "If you"re dreaming, then hurry back to sleep. It"s already five-thirty in the morning."

"Do you really want to woo me?" Su Yun asked with a smile.