Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 563

Putting everything aside, just the fact that one"s foundation was unstable was enough to affect one"s later stages of cultivation. It was easier for one to reach the bottleneck faster than later stages.

Once he encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation, his cultivation would stagnate. In fact, his cultivation might even be stuck at a certain level for the rest of his life, making it difficult for him to break through.

Lu Chen naturally wasn"t willing to see this sort of situation from He Qian.

Therefore, even though it was troublesome, Lu Chen still made up his mind. He would guide He Qian to gradually improve her strength step by step, rather than easily increasing her strength.

Although He Qian instinctively knew what to do with the refinement of spirit crystals, she was still not as adept as Murong Yanran and was still in a fumbling state.

While explaining the key points of refining and absorbing spirit crystals to He Qian, Lu Chen also explained it to them.

After all, Lu Chen was just learning from the little fox about the importance of refining. It was extremely precious, and was definitely the sum up of the experiences that the sages had acc.u.mulated through continuous experimentation.

Furthermore, Lu Chen had no doubt that the Nine Tailed Heavenly Fox would most likely be able to grasp the best refining method so far.

He had every reason to believe that as long as He Qian and the rest followed this method, the spirit crystals would undoubtedly increase the speed and quality of the entire refining process.

Similarly, in the process of absorbing the energy from the spirit beast cores, the consumption rate would be reduced to a certain extent, and the utilization rate of the spirit crystals would be increased significantly.

Lin Siyun and the other two received detailed instructions from Lu Chen. Although they were a little surprised, they weren"t too shocked.

Amongst the three of them, Murong Yanran had already sensed that Lu Chen"s understanding of the demon realm was beyond ordinary.

It was as if he had lived here for countless years!

This further confirmed Murong Yanran"s guess about Lu Chen"s ident.i.ty and background.

Relatively speaking, Murong Yanran didn"t find the various cultivation techniques or knowledge that Lu Chen possessed very strange. Instead, she wanted to know more about Lu Chen"s ident.i.ty in this world.

And what was the purpose of his sudden appearance?

Regardless, Murong Yanran was not too worried.

After all, if Lu Chen had shown enough goodwill, it was unlikely that he would make an enemy of her and the Murong Family behind her.

As for how it would affect the entire Celestial Sect of Wonders, that was not something that Murong Yanran could care about.

Lu Chen was simply too strong.

She was so strong that she had no courage to fight him.

Actually, thinking back, the events that had happened to Lu Chen had already given him too many surprises and surprises.

It was no wonder that there was such a miracle.

Because he was already numb to it.

Who told him to be Lu Chen!

In less than a month"s time, there were already people in the Chinese Xuan sect who equated Lu Chen with the word "Miracle".

After listening to Lu Chen"s pointers, the three women were filled with grat.i.tude.

Especially Murong Yanran.

Once again, she felt very lucky.

Initially, Murong Yanran had thought that it would take a few more years before she could achieve a breakthrough.

Now, it seemed, it wouldn"t be long before she would be able to improve by leaps and bounds.

There was no time to lose. After listening to Lu Chen"s narration, they pondered for a moment and after digesting a little bit of it, they immediately circulated their zhenqi through their bodies according to Lu Chen"s instructions.

After experiencing it for a bit, Murong Yanran was shocked in her heart.

Although he had already predicted that the time it would take to refine the spirit beast cores would increase by quite a bit, it was only when he had a real try that he realized that he had underestimated this brilliant method.

This method had more than doubled in comparison to the previous method!

The key is that the utilization factor is still high.

Overall, it was three times faster than before!

The effect of such an increase on one"s cultivation might not be significant in a short period of time, but as time went on, it became even more important.

At that time, the only thing restricting one"s cultivation growth would be the quant.i.ty and quality of the Spirit Crystals obtained, and not the amount of time and effort one could put in to cultivate.

In addition, other than this method of refining the spirit crystal, the support of external power was equally important.

Lu Chen estimated that everyone still needed to have the Immoveable Bright King Talisman and the Innate Spirit Gathering Talisman in order to have the best results.

The moment he realized this, he took out three safety buckles from his pocket without the slightest bit of stinginess.

Amongst them, there were the Immoveable Bright King Array and the Xiantian Spirit Gathering Array. These were both considered composite array formations.

After taking out the "Safe" option, Lu Chen once again felt that the undulations from the Upper Sky Spiritual Concentration Formation had undergone the most obvious change.

Influenced by the surroundings, the spiritual energy here was a qualitative change compared to that of the Age of Chaos. It could not be described in the same breath.

Apart from the spiritual energy contained within the jade, the most important part of this Innate Spirit Gathering Talisman was the absorption of spiritual energy from the air.

Through the tempering of the Innate Spirit Gathering Array, the spirit energy absorbed by the outside would become purer and easier to absorb by the human body.

With the high quality spiritual energy in the outside world as well as the second tempering of the Innate Spirit Convergence Talisman, the spiritual energy in the talisman had increased by a whole level.

At this moment, it was time for He Qian and Lin Siyun to change their jade tokens.

After all, these were all previously crafted masterpieces, and weren"t of high quality. Moreover, they had some flaws.

Thanks to the increase in his strength, the jade talismans that Lu Chen had refined recently, regardless of grade or effect, had increased in all aspects.

Lin Siyun and He Qian were stunned for a moment when Lu Chen pa.s.sed them the safety b.u.t.ton, before they put it away gratefully.

Murong Yanran didn"t know whether to laugh or cry. When Lu Chen had sent the two of them safely, he had been very much like someone sending candy to a child.

With such a high rank safety b.u.t.ton in his hands, how could he not feel any sense of value?

He truly had a deep foundation!

If he had not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed it. This kind of treasure that was supposed to break one"s head in the Gate of Wonders was given away so casually.

"Take it! I have plenty of these jade talismans, so please don"t treat them like something valuable. Otherwise, if you find it embarra.s.sing to accept them, it will be arduous for me to give them to you! "

Seeing that Murong Yanran was still in a daze after seeing him deliver the safety check, Lu Chen could only touch his shirt. He held six or seven safety check in his hands and spoke to her with a smile.

"This …"

Murong Yanran was stunned when she saw a bunch of safety buckles appear in Lu Chen"s hands.

After regaining her senses, she subconsciously sent out her Spiritual Sense.

Murong Yanran was shocked to discover that each of these safety buckles really had two formations carved into them!

Too rich!

This Mr Lu was indeed omnipotent from the rumors. Moreover, he was unusually generous!

No one would be able to refuse such a person.

No wonder his little cousin Murong Xin"er had such an att.i.tude towards Lu Chen.

Looking at these jade talismans, Murong Yanran couldn"t help but swallow her saliva, but she seemed somewhat hesitant.

Each blow was equivalent to the full power of a peak Quasi-Earth Realm expert. Murong Yanran didn"t know what to say.