Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 568

Such a strong energy wave caused Lu Chen"s heart to tremble, and he even had the thought of giving up a few times.

To personally experience a battle between low-rank Earth Realm experts was the same as bravely touching a tiger"s b.u.t.tocks.

However, he could not suppress the curiosity and excitement in his heart. Adding on the little fox"s promise, Lu Chen took a deep breath and composed himself, forcing himself to continue moving forward.

About fifty meters away from the battlefield, Lu Chen leaped onto a towering tree. Under the cover of the branches, half of his head was exposed.

At this moment, Lu Chen was under a lot of pressure.

He was acutely aware that just watching them fight was like risking his life, and he had to be careful.

Even though they were still quite a distance away, they could still feel the pressure emitted from their bodies.

Not just physically, but spiritually as well.

With the double pressure, not only did Lu Chen feel suffocated, he also found it difficult to calm his heart.

From this position, Lu Chen could clearly see the battle in midair.

His entire body had been tempered by the power of virtue. Regardless of whether it was his sense of smell, vision, or hearing, they all far surpa.s.sed those of many pract.i.tioners.

This distance of nearly fifty meters was already the limit that Lu Chen had imagined.

If he continued to get closer, even with the protection of the protective barrier, Lu Chen had no way of ensuring his current state.

Although the little fox had said that it would be fine to get closer, Lu Chen"s body was no longer under control.

The people in front were Earth Stage powerhouses, and this could be said to be easy. How could they dare to get any closer?

With the cover of the dense forest, Lu Chen stood behind a tree branch, attentively watching what was in front of him.

This was the first time Lu Chen truly experienced the ferocity of an Earth Stage Low Rank powerhouse from such a short distance away.

Under the bright moonlight, a green and a red ray of light appeared exceptionally glaring in the air, filling up half of the sky.

Lu Chen had never seen such a spectacular scene in any battle between experts from the Celestial Sect of Wonders. Moreover, if he had not seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard to imagine.

It was too dazzling.

His gaze first swept over the Rank 5 Spirit Beast in the air. This Spirit Beast was extremely large, and was at least three feet long.

The spirit beast"s body was covered in a layer of red scales, and its head looked like a wolf head.

Its beast eyes were currently suffused with a strange red light, and in its huge mouth were two fangs the size of big men, appearing especially prominent.

The spirit beast stood in the air, a red cloud swirling around its four limbs, supporting its entire body.

Every step that the wolf-headed spirit beast took caused the air to tremble. It was truly hard to imagine how strong the power within it was.

An invisible pressure descended from the sky. Even though there was a distance of fifty meters between them, Lu Chen still felt his heart tremble.

"Lord, this is only a level 5 Red Scaled Wolf King. However, based on our current situation, we should still be extremely careful!"

"If this fellow grabs us with one claw, we"ll only have a chance to run away!"

"Hehe, and that girl in the air is also not simple. She has already stepped into the low-grade earth-step realm at such an age!"

The little fox didn"t seem to be too shocked. Instead, it spoke with a relaxed expression.

After all, with its original strength and scope, this low-grade earth-step battle was only mediocre.

"What, she"s actually just a young girl?" "He looks like he really isn"t even 20 years old, just what kind of monstrous talent is that!"

Hearing that the little fox had revealed the ident.i.ty of the human Earth Stage powerhouse, Lu Chen was greatly shocked in his heart.

At this moment, he finally experienced the shock the members of the Celestial Sect of Wonders felt at his young talent.

At first, Lu Chen was stunned by the Red Scaled Wolf King"s gaze. However, he immediately shifted his attention to the young lady who was in a confrontation with the Red Scaled Wolf King.

He was extremely shocked in his heart. He never thought that the human talent in the Demon World would be so terrifying.

Although Lu Chen couldn"t help but wonder if the girl in front of him knew how to maintain her composure, with the little fox"s Fiery Eyes of Truth, he could completely eliminate that possibility.

Following that, the little fox immediately solved Lu Chen"s doubt. There were indeed many monstrous geniuses in the Demon World, many more than the Mysterious Gate in the Age of Chaos.

Most of these monstrous geniuses came from large clans or great powers, because of their unique bloodline, even in the Demon World, they were still extremely eye-catching.

This had a direct impact on a person"s cultivation path. From this, it could be seen that this young girl had an extraordinary background.

Lu Chen"s heart tensed up as he stared at the genius girl floating in mid-air. She was wearing a light purple dress that wrapped around her voluptuous body.

She was holding a two feet long bamboo flute in her hand. The surface of the bamboo flute was emitting a green light while the girl was held in mid-air by a green bamboo that had suddenly sprouted from the ground.

This green bamboo was several tens of meters tall, but it was only as wide as a person. With a single glance, one could tell that it wasn"t a normal plant.

The young girl had a head of shiny black hair and wore a n.o.ble phoenix jade hairpin. Her charming face had a calm expression.

Even in the face of a great enemy, her face remained impa.s.sive as she faced the Rank 5 Red Scaled Wolf King.

"This King is currently in seclusion. To think that my interruption would waste nearly half a year of time. What do you want with this entanglement?"

In the air, the Red Scaled Wolf King shouted angrily.

A spirit beast that could speak human language?

And he even spoke very clearly.

Although Lu Chen was already mentally prepared, he still couldn"t help but be shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

Let"s not talk about the existence of such a colossus in the Gate of Heavenly Mystery. Just a Spiritual Beast speaking the human tongue was already enough to shock people.

According to the little fox, when the spirit beast reached Rank 5, it had already activated its intelligence.

It was even because the spirit beasts had seen many battles in the mountain regions where the strong preyed on the weak. All of these scenes would be branded into their consciousness.

These consciousnesses had naturally become their experience. Thus, once their wisdom was awakened, their intelligence would be no lower than a human"s.

"Wolf King, you can be considered a difficult opponent, you have patience!" I"ll only answer the same question one last time. "

"Wolf King, you only need to lend me six pieces of the red scales on your body. How can you be so petty with just a few pieces of the hundreds of red scales on your body?"

The purple-dressed girl"s eyes were fixated on the Red Scaled Wolf King. Her calm voice was as clear and melodious as the chimes from heaven.

"d.a.m.n it, you still dare to mention it? The red scales on this king"s body is a part of his body, it wouldn"t do if I lost even a single piece!"

"Any part without a scale is equivalent to a weakness. How could it be something you said you want?"

The red clouds beneath the claws of the Red Scaled Wolf suddenly increased dramatically. It seemed like it was ready to fight to the bitter end.