Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 578

He did not know if practicing medical treatment in the Spirit Demon Realm would produce the same amount of virtue, but right now, it was an opportunity to try.

According to the little fox, as long as one did good deeds and good deeds, no matter where one went, they would still be able to obtain the power of merit.

Although the little fox had already solved Lu Chen"s doubt, he still wanted to personally verify it.

At this moment, Lu Chen noticed that his stomach rumbled. Only then did he suddenly remember that he still had unfinished business.

Afterwards, Lu Chen once again took out the Blue Lotus Sword in his arms and sliced off a large chunk of flesh from the Red Scaled Wolf King"s body.

This piece of thigh meat weighed almost 20 pounds, so it shouldn"t be a problem for him to bring it back to the cave with Murong Yanran and co. for a feast later.

To eat meat in the Spirit Demon Realm, there was no need to eat too much.

Furthermore, it was impossible for them to lack meat to eat in the Spiritual Beast Mountain Range.

Furthermore, as a Rank 5 Spirit Beast, the meat of this Red Scaled Wolf King had been nourished by spiritual energy for a long time. It was a great tonic for cultivators.

In the end, the Red Scaled Wolf was truly treated as a food by Lu Chen. It would never even dream about it.

After putting the thigh meat into the Eye of Merit s.p.a.ce, Lu Chen carried Han Zixi and prepared to make his way back.

He then moved his body, immediately turning into a purple stream of light and flying towards the valley where he had been standing.

Along the way, Lu Chen activated the Power of Merit and tried his best to conceal his own aura.

Just now, the battle had been so intense that it was hard to avoid the smell of the Red Scaled Wolf.

He didn"t know if there were any reinforcements for spirit beasts of this level, but he still had to be careful.

After nearly three minutes, Lu Chen finally returned to the cave.

After she carried Han Xiyi into the cave, she was surprised to find that the three girls in front of her seemed to have entered a meditative state.

Did he enter a meditative state while refining the spirit crystal?

On closer look, Lu Chen felt that they were more immersed in this kind of refining.

Just like when Lu Chen was refining the Spirit Crystal earlier, time had pa.s.sed unknowingly.

With the guidance from the little fox, as well as the support from the Immoveable Bright King Formation and Innate Spirit Gathering Formation, he was able to refine the pill successfully.

It was not surprising that these three girls could achieve effects similar to his. To them, this was a piece of good fortune.

This actually made Lu Chen feel relieved.

They were afraid that if they found out that it had been such a long time since they last returned, it would be troublesome if they ran around the vicinity of the cave and beyond.

After which, Lu Chen activated his zhenqi and formed an invisible barrier around his body, blocking out all sound, so as not to disturb the three ladies.

At this moment, it was still necessary to quickly heal Han Xiyi"s injuries. The longer this sort of serious injury lasted, the more difficult it would be for him to treat it.

After Lu Chen placed Han Xi Yi"s body properly, he suddenly stopped moving.

The injuries on her body were the most serious in front of her chest.

Seeing the drowsy look on Han Xi Yi"s face, Lu Chen decided not to delay this kind of thing.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Lu Chen finally made his decision. He began to untie Han Xiyi"s purple dress from top to bottom.

However, the moment Lu Chen touched the first b.u.t.ton on her body, Han Xiyi, who originally had her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes.

Lu Chen was momentarily stunned. He had incorrectly estimated the time it would take for him to fall asleep.

After all, the other party was a low-grade earth-step powerhouse. They couldn"t be measured by ordinary people.

However, what caused Lu Chen to be at a loss was the embarra.s.sment and slight joy that appeared on Han Xi"s face.

"Ugh …" You"re awake? "I can see that you"re severely injured and lack of time. Furthermore, you"re in a coma …"

But no matter what, Lu Chen still apologetically explained to Han Xiyi.

The other party"s influence in the Demon Realm was unfathomable. Even if they did not have a good relationship with him, they could not easily offend him.

At this time, Han Xi Yi came back to her senses and immediately sensed three auras.

She lifted her head and realized that it was three young women. She looked around and found that the surrounding rock walls looked like a cave.

When Han Xi Yi turned to look at Lu Chen, her eyes were immediately mixed with a complicated expression.

There were three young women in the cave!

Han Xi Yi was not a child, so she naturally thought of other possibilities.

"This... These are just my friends, please do not misunderstand! "

Lu Chen had just withdrawn his hand when he saw Han XIyi"s gaze. He immediately laughed bitterly and explained.

"Thank you for saving me … "What"s your name?"

Han Xi Yi hesitated for a moment, before looking at the three young women that were immersed in cultivation.

She didn"t continue to think about it. In the end, her eyes softened a bit as she spoke in a tender voice.

"Lu Chen!" Lu Chen said with a faint smile.

"Lu Chen …" Han Xi Yi murmured. Her arm slightly moved, but she still found her whole body in a numb state.

Her gaze once again landed on Lu Chen, and the scene of his frail body fighting with the Red Scaled Wolf King appeared in her mind.

Every scene that was recalled was extremely shocking. It was as if he was walking barefooted on the edge of a blade, causing waves of worry to appear in everyone"s heart.

A moment later, she gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Please untie it for me, sorry for the trouble!"

Han Xi Yi"s voice was pleasant to listen to.

However, perhaps it was because of her extraordinary ident.i.ty, but there was a hint of unconcealable n.o.bility in her voice.

"Cough …" "Then, I am going to take action now?" Lu Chen"s gaze landed on Han Xi Yi"s face. He blinked slightly, confirming once again.

"However, you have to take care of your hands and eyes. Don"t look around, or else …"

Han Xi"s voice slowed down, but in the end, she stopped.

"Otherwise what? If you don"t mind, I"ll treat you through your clothes. It might be a little less effective, but it"s still okay. "

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment before he said with a faint smile.

"Healing... Are you a physician? " Han XIyi"s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she couldn"t help but voice the doubts in her heart.

While she was unconscious, she vaguely felt a strange energy nourishing her chest.

Other than that, although she did not see in detail how Lu Chen had used the three silver needles in the beginning, she felt that they had a distinct effect, as if they had some connections.

"I only know a little about acupuncture. It can still be used to treat your current injuries."

Lu Chen said modestly. His words still had some self-confidence, but at the same time, he didn"t say it too confidently.

"Acupuncture... Are you sure you can do it? " Han Xi Yi"s eyes were filled with surprise.

Using acupuncture to heal her injuries from such a heavy blow did not seem right to her.

No matter how he looked at it, the other party was only in his early twenties. Even if he knew a bit about medicine, his attainment was limited.