Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 58

Master Zhao ignored his wife and gratefully looked at Lu Chen: "It doesn"t hurt anymore! Little Divine Doctor, is this the legendary Qi Gong? "

Lu Chen actually didn"t want to explain too much. Since Old Man Zhao had an answer, he simply nodded his head and didn"t explain too much.

"I just temporarily made Old Master Zhao"s bed sore not hurt, but it can"t be cured."

"As the saying goes, being sick can be like tipping a mountain over a mountain, and being sick can be like drawing silk. After all, this is an illness caused by years of age, and one cannot be negligent."

Lei Ming and the other two exchanged looks and nodded in agreement.

Lei Ming asked, "Teacher Lu, you must have a cure?"

Lu laoshi...

When these words were spoken, although there was a moment of doubt, Old Master Zhao quickly felt relieved. However, Old Madam on the side widened her eyes and looked at Lu Chen, Lei Ming, and the rest with disbelief.

She had always thought that Lu Chen was the disciple or junior of one of the three doctors. She didn"t expect that even Doctor Lei would address Lu Chen as teacher.

Furthermore, her old man had mentioned something about Qi Gong earlier. This gave her an inexplicable feeling of severity.

At this time, she also p.r.i.c.ked up her ears, wanting to hear what kind of brilliant treatment plan Lu Chen had.

As the saying goes, a long illness makes a doctor.

All these years, for the sake of her family"s old wife"s illness, Old Lady Li could be considered to have worried her heart out. She was familiar with all kinds of treatment methods.

Although he was overstepping his boundaries, Lu Chen could still see that neither Lehman nor his two senior brothers were petty people like them.

Otherwise, they wouldn"t have created this Sanhe Hall together, and would also have conducted regular consultations on behalf of others.

Lu Chen naturally wouldn"t hide it, and lightly smiled: "The bed sores on Old Master Zhao"s body are extremely large, and the most typical three situations are Qi stagnation, blood stasis, poison decay, and deficiency of qi and blood.

"It will take a long time for medication and physical therapy. "In addition, there are some details to be paid attention to in terms of the meals." "… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….

"The internal medicine is to use < the="" meaning="" of="" this="" gra.s.s=""> and the cuttlefish bones mixed with the honey of the locust flower can be used. The heart and kidney can be adjusted and the essence astringent until it stops."

"Local use of secret made medicinal oil ma.s.sage, to help dredge meridians and restore blood flow. "In addition, I will arrange a few nourishment medicine recipes. Not only will the bedsore be good, it will also grow new flesh on the original bedsore. In less than half a year, it will be as clean as new."


Without even waiting for Old Lady Li to speak, Qiu Wuzhi and Bai Wenjing could not help but exclaim in admiration.

Putting aside the fact that Lu Chen had merely casually pressed a hand on his shoulder to help the patient temporarily get rid of the pain, the sight of such a rare treatment plan was truly amazing.

As the saying goes, an amateur would watch the excitement while an expert would watch the flow.

Both of them were experts. Although Lu Chen"s treatment plan wasn"t very clear, just listening to it for a little bit was enough to show that he really had some skill.

Lehman was more clear of Lu Chen"s abilities than his two senior brothers. Moreover, he had personally experienced it himself. Although he sighed, it was unlikely for him to have too much of a reaction.

Seeing the expressions of his two senior brothers, he hurriedly gave them a comforting look, instructing the Zhao couple to follow Lu Chen to the side to get the medicine.

Lu Chen was the first to walk in front. Although this was his first time in the pharmacy, he had actually grabbed the medicine.

Although there was a label on the medicine box, seeing Lu Chen grabbing the medicine like flowing water, not only was Qiu Wuhan and Bai Wenjing shocked, but even Lehman was stunned.

He was relying on his senses to grab the medicine …

The most exaggerated thing was that Lu Chen did not use the scale on the side just because he felt the medicine with his hands.

Ginseng, ginseng, angelica, tortoise sh.e.l.l...

The whole process went smoothly, and those who didn"t know the situation would think that he must have worked here for a long time, and that he already knew the locations of all kinds of Chinese medicine like the back of his hand.

Lu Chen quickly wrapped up the three packets of medicine and said to Old Madam Li, "These medicine are for internal consumption. When you go back, cook a bowl of them using three bowls of water, frying them for two hours and drinking them three times a day."

"Also, you have to be careful, this medicine should be fried by yourself, otherwise the effect will be a bit worse!"

Old Madame Li nodded her head hurriedly. "Don"t worry. Unless it"s absolutely necessary, we will always make our own medicine and won"t send it to the Chinese medicine store."

Lu Chen nodded his head and continued to speak: "Three days later, just use the prescription that I wrote you in a moment and catch the medicine in the local Chinese medicine store."

"You don"t need to use wild ginseng, just ordinary ginseng is very good. "No, it"s fine to plant ginseng by hand, but the dosage must be doubled."

Old Madame Li quickly said, "Use the Ginseng under the forest, Ginseng under the forest!" My second daughter-in-law came from the northeast side of the hometown earlier with a lot of ginseng. "It"s said that he"s the one under the tree."

Lu Chen smiled lightly: "Traditional Chinese medicine is only for treatment. The most important thing is the external application of the medicine. However, I need some time to do some processing work here. I can"t give it back to you two for now, but I"m afraid it"ll take a few days. "

Old Master Zhao"s bed sores need not be too tiring. It"s best to go back and rest for now. I"ll help you prepare some external medicine and temporarily use it.

At this moment, Old Madam Li could tell that although Lu Chen was young, he was definitely someone with true ability.

She received the medicine with both hands and bowed to express her grat.i.tude, "Thank you, Lu laoshi! As long as this illness can be cured, we"ll pay whatever price! "

A conflicted look flashed through Old Master Zhao"s eyes when he heard Old Man Li"s words, but he didn"t say anything further.

Although their two sons were doing quite well, they hadn"t saved up much money for their illness.

He watched as their own children grew up, and when it was time to use the money, he actually didn"t want to cause them any more trouble because of him.

Qiu Wuzhi looked at Old Master Zhao"s troubled expression, then said with a chuckle, "Old Master Zhao, Old Lady Li, you don"t have to pay for the medicine. There will be many ways for Old Master Zhao to recover his money in the future! "

"Moreover, we agreed that today is a free clinic, and according to the rules of the Three Peace Hall, we are to act according to the patient"s financial circ.u.mstances. So just pay a few bills of traditional Chinese medicine and you don"t have to care. "

"Then... How can I accept this? " Of course, Mrs. Li knew her wife"s thoughts. At the same time, the family"s finances were truly stretched to the limit, so she could only embarra.s.sedly reply.

"That"s right!" Cost always comes. I saw that the medicinal herbs that Lu laoshi grabbed a moment ago were all expensive. No matter what, we can"t let you guys suffer a loss! " Old Man Zhao quickly said.

"Lu laoshi, look..." Qiu Wu looked at Lu Chen.

"Since it"s a free clinic, I will naturally waive the fees." Lu Chen smiled and said, "Speaking of which, this is the first time I"ve caught medicinal herbs over the years. I"ve always gone up the mountain with grandfather to pick medicinal herbs. So I have no idea how much this medicine costs. "