Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 587

As far as Lin Siyun was concerned, it was Lu Chen who had brought her into the Demon World after all. Regardless of whether it was a major matter or a minor matter, everything had to be centered around him.

"I really want to take a good bath at this time, but …" Where can I find a place to bathe in the wilderness? "

Murong Yanran jumped along with him when she heard his suggestion.

It was just that she had put forward another difficult problem. If she wanted to take a bath, she had to have a suitable opponent!

As for He Qian, although she didn"t interrupt, her expression showed the same intention.

"Not to mention you girls, even if I didn"t bathe for a day, I would still feel uncomfortable all over. Especially after the fight with the Red Scaled Wolf King last night, there"s still quite a bit of blood on my body!"

"Miss Han, you should be more familiar with the Spirit Beast Mountain Range than us. Where"s the lake for bathing?"

Lu Chen lifted his sleeves to smell it. After a night of blood, it was giving off an unpleasant stench.

Actually, Lu Chen, who was born into a special forces background, didn"t mind this sort of flavor too much.

In other words, even if he didn"t like the smell, he had gradually gotten used to it during the special forces training and missions.

However, as a bachelor dog, he didn"t have much of an impact.

However, the situation now was different. There were a few good-looking girls accompanying him, so he had to pay more or less attention to his personal appearance.

"Let me think of a place to bathe …" I"ve got it. I know a place near the Spirit Beast Mountain where the spring water is extremely clear, and it"s not too far from here. It"s a good place to be. "

"Since no one has any objections, why don"t we go take a bath first?"

As Han Xiyi spoke, she started to leave. Half of her body had already left the cave, she turned around and said with a smile.

"There"s no time to lose, let"s go! Qian"Er, follow me closely! "

Before Lu Chen made his move, he naturally saw He Qian"s progress with a single glance.

He first threw a look of approval at He Qian, then took her hand.

Sensing the praise in Lu Chen"s eyes and the warmth in his palms, He Qian nodded her head heavily, but her heart was beating rapidly.

Lu Chen smiled, then moved and pulled her out of the cave.

Han Xi Yi"s heart couldn"t help but thump when she saw Lu Chen and He Qian flash past her.

A strange feeling welled up in his heart, making him unable to describe it.

However, Han Xi Yi continued to smile as she rushed out of the cave, following closely behind Lu Chen.

Lin Siyun and Murong Yanran looked at each other with a strange expression on their faces. At this moment, their bodies also moved and followed him.

The morning sun was shining brightly, and the group of five was walking at a moderate pace through the Spirit Beast Mountain.

Han Xi Yi was at the front, leading everyone towards their destination in a practiced manner.

Throughout the entire process, Lu Chen had raised his guard, appearing to be on high alert.

After his battle with the Red Scaled Wolf, he was well aware that this Spirit Beast Mountain didn"t have any absolute safety. If it wasn"t a place where high ranked spirit beasts resided, it was highly likely that high ranked spirit beasts would appear.

No one could predict if a powerful spirit beast would suddenly appear in the next moment. Therefore, he didn"t dare to let his guard down.

After all, there were some high ranking spirit creatures who might like to roam about.

Even in a situation like Han Xi Yi"s, she would unconsciously attack other places when fighting the Red Scaled Wolf King.

Led by Han Xi Yi, Lu Chen pa.s.sed by several mountain peaks and pa.s.sed through a few dense forests. He saw a mountain spring that was faintly discernible in the distance.

The mountain spring was surrounded by lush vegetation, making it look exceptionally beautiful.

In the Demon World, Lu Chen could always feel an ancient aura. This was something he had never felt before in the mortal world.

It was likely that such a scene had appeared in the long river of time in the mortal world.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen grabbed onto He Qian"s hand and arrived at the mountain spring.

This mountain spring was nearly five meters wide, and the spring water was so clear that the bottom could be seen.

"Big Brother Lu, this water is really so clear. I"ve never seen such a pure mountain spring …"

He Qian stood by the mountain spring with excitement on her face. Her grip on Lu Chen"s hand tightened.

Lin Siyun and Murong Yanran also had excited expressions on their faces. They even wanted to dive headfirst into the mountain spring.

"I"ll go and keep watch for you. After you"re done, it"ll be my turn."

Lu Chen"s eyes scanned the surroundings, vigilantly looking around for any signs of activity.

Even at this moment, he didn"t dare to let his guard down.

After speaking, just as Lu Chen was about to sit down with his back facing Shan Quan, Han Xi walked over, grabbed his hand, and said with a smile:

"Big Brother Lu, it"s hard to avoid people pa.s.sing by this kind of place. We all wear clothes to bathe."

"There"s no need to go through so much trouble. You can just bathe with us and take care of it. "Come, let"s go into the water together with Xi Yi, and Sister Qian"Er, you too …"

As Han Xi Yi said this, she had already stretched out her hand to pull Lu Chen to the side of the mountain spring.

Lu Chen thought that what she said made sense, so he could only smile wryly and nod his head before jumping into the spring.

When He Qian was addressed by Han Xiyi, she was stunned for a moment before she immediately understood, a blush appearing on her face.

Afterwards, her face flushed red as she followed Lu Chen. When she fell into the mountain spring water and felt the cool water of the spring, the redness on her face dissipated slightly.

The cool spring water flowed over his body, reaching just above Lu Chen"s waist, and he dove straight into the spring.

When Lu Chen"s head sank into the water, his whole body felt refreshed. It really had been a long time since he had swam.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but reminisce the time when he was training in the Special Forces. It had been quite a few days since he had felt the sensation of diving into water.

Now that his strength had reached middle Xuan grade, with the enhancement of Lu Chen"s true qi, he was like a powerful fish swimming in the spring.

To Lu Chen"s surprise, the four girls quickly started to get on good terms with him.

Even though they were underwater, Lu Chen could still hear the sounds of them laughing and chatting.

It was clear that in this environment, he was in a good mood.

Swimming in the mountain and spring water, Lu Chen could still see some spring light seeping out of the water.

The bodies of these four girls were truly impeccable, full of curves.

Even if they were to partic.i.p.ate in the Model Compet.i.tion, even if their innate strength wasn"t enough to get first place, they would still occupy a very high position.

Before he could enjoy the seductive scenery, Lu Chen suddenly sensed a few unfamiliar auras slowly approaching the mountain spring.

Lu Chen, who was in the water, immediately withdrew his aura. He was not in a hurry to surface.

Instead, he hid his body beneath a rock, waiting for the right opportunity to make his move.

If there was any unusual movement, the opponent would definitely be caught off guard and be attacked.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen spread his Spiritual Sense from the bottom of the water to the surroundings, scanning the surroundings.