Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 593

It was an extremely ancient street. There were all sorts of shops on both sides of the street, making it look like an ancient street with buildings.

However, Lu Chen discovered that this place was bustling with activity, with all sorts of things being sold in various shops.

Apart from all sorts of food and drinks, the ones that caught Lu Chen"s attention the most were weapon shops and some jade shops.

Not only that, but there were also a few gra.s.s pharmacies and spirit beast cores that attracted a lot of people.

To put it bluntly, as long as one had money, the resources needed for cultivation could be bought anywhere.

Money was the way of the G.o.ds, regardless of whether it was the Mortal or Demon Realms, this was a logical conclusion.

When Lu Chen"s group pa.s.sed by the store, there would always be quite a few bosses raising their voices and shouting, inviting them to do business.

At the same time, they noticed that the pedestrians on the streets were constantly looking at them with strange gazes.

Lu Chen lowered his head to look at his own clothes. Compared to his modern attire, they were indeed outstanding.

After all, this modern fashion style was completely different from the clothes they usually wore. Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that it was a completely different style.

Due to the increasing number of strange gazes, Lu Chen helplessly turned his head to smile bitterly at Han Xi Yi.

"Miss Han, um …" If you don"t have the money to borrow, then let"s change into a new set of clothes. "

"It seems that our clothing doesn"t fit the style here. This weird look still doesn"t feel good. Do you know where there is a clothing store nearby?"

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, Lin Siyun and the other two women also realized the problem. They all secretly set their sights on Han Xiyi.

The gazes that were thrown over were not only somewhat strange, but also attracted the attention of quite a few men in the eyes of these three women.

And from their eyes, there were even a lot of vulgarity.

They were naturally unhappy and extremely angry. If they had had a temper in the mortal world, they would have exploded already.

It was only because there were as many experts as clouds in the Demon World and the danger was heavy, so they could not cause trouble for everyone, which was why they held back from erupting.

"Big Brother Lu"s clothes from home do have some special characteristics, but it"s better for us to follow the customs of the country. There"s a clothing store not too far away, let"s go there together!"

Han Xi Yi"s gaze swept across Lu Chen and the rest. She had long realized the problem. It was just that she did not bring it up directly at the beginning. When she heard Lu Chen take the initiative to ask about it, she said with a smile.

Immediately after, Lu Chen and his group bought some suitable clothes at the clothing store on this street and changed their appearances.

After all, they were borrowing money from others to buy clothes. Lin Siyun and the other two women were more self-aware, so they only picked out some relatively cheap plain dresses.

However, Han Xi Yi seemed to be even richer than Lu Chen had imagined. She insisted on picking out high-quality clothes for Lu Chen.

As for Lin Siyun and the other two, they had also chosen the best quality clothing.

Faced with Han XIyi"s insistence, Lu Chen could only nod his head helplessly. He was secretly confident that he would need to earn some money, otherwise, it would be really awkward.

It"s hard to be a hero for a penny.

This was probably the truth!

Even so, Lu Chen still unhurriedly chose five black cloaks.

The main reason was because the faces of the four girls next to him were truly too eye-catching. It was better to just cover it up a little.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, in a situation where he did not have the strength to protect them, Lu Chen tried his best to conceal their appearances, so as to not attract unnecessary trouble.

After each of them changed their clothes and came out, they obediently followed Lu Chen"s instructions and put on their black cloaks.

The shadow of the cape completely covered their faces. In the Demon World, a place where fish and dragons were mixed together, Lu Chen thought this was the wisest decision.

At the very least, before entering the Sacred Cloud Academy, Lu Chen would have to be extra careful when dealing with such matters.

At this moment, when Lu Chen, who had changed his attire, was walking down the street, he felt like he was living in a country.

Everyone was in a good mood as they continued to follow Han Xiyi to the auction house.

Not long after, Han Xiyi pointed to the road ahead. The auction house was right in front of them, and it was getting closer and closer.

This place wasn"t the center of Everlasting City, it was only in the south.

Arriving at the entrance of the bustling auction house, Lu Chen raised his head and saw a few conspicuous words — Everlasting Southern Auction House.

The enormous auction house in front of him caused Lu Chen to be unable to refrain from exclaiming in surprise.

The size of this auction house was in no way inferior to some of the most common auctions in the mortal world.

On the contrary, its scale was extremely grand, and compared to the buildings in the human world, it seemed like a minor event.

At this moment, Lu Chen noticed He Qian, who was beside him, and couldn"t help but let out a cry of surprise. This kind of scene was too shocking for her.

Of course, Lin Siyun and Murong Yanran were no exception. Only Han Xiyi had a relatively indifferent expression. In the Demon World, this was only an ordinary auction place.

However, every time Han Xiyi"s gaze turned towards Lu Chen and the rest, it would instead be because of their shocked expressions, causing her to furrow her brows slightly.

Everyone was in the Demon World, but why did Lu Chen and the others give him the feeling that they were from two different worlds?

Could it be that they are not from the Demon Realm?

This kind of situation had already exceeded the scope of Han XIe"s thoughts. He might as well stop thinking about it.

Just like this, Lu Chen and Han Xiyi led the way, while the other three women followed closely behind them. The group arrived at the main entrance of the Everlasting Southern Auction House.

Nearly twenty to thirty men with indifferent expressions stood at the entrance. They all wore a set of black armor and wore a unified sword on their waists.

They were as sharp as night eagles as they continuously scanned the stream of people entering and exiting the city. It was likely that they would be able to see even the slightest movement in the surroundings.

Lu Chen was less than five meters away from them, and he could feel the faint fluctuations of Qi coming from these men"s bodies.

What shocked Lu Chen the most was that these men were clearly auction house guards, and most of them had reached the realm of Quasi-Earth Stage experts.

Some weaker ones were at least at the Superior Grade Profound Rank.

This man was just casually brought out to guard the door. He was like a very powerful army.

If these people were placed within the Celestial Sect of Wonders, it would be enough to set off a b.l.o.o.d.y war within the sect.

This was truly terrifying strength!

Now that he thought about it, the core strength of the Celestial Sect of Wonders, would indeed not be able to withstand a single blow if it was placed in the Demon World.

Also, from this point of view, the Everlasting Southern Auction House had a strong foundation.

This meant that those who dared to cause trouble in such a place would be immediately surrounded and attacked by these armed soldiers.