Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 597

After all, in the Demon World, Murong Yanran and the rest were penniless and had not even started their journey yet.

It didn"t feel good to be short of money. The money he had just bought these clothes for was borrowed from someone else.

In the mortal world, these three girls had never lacked money. The experience of borrowing money to buy clothes had left a deep impression on them, and they did not want it to happen again.

If Lu Chen could auction some good stuff to earn some money, then the feeling would be completely different.

As far as borrowing money from him was concerned, their hearts were more at ease.

It was perfectly justified for a woman to spend a man"s money!

"Nothing much, just those safety buckles. It"s worth a little money!"

As for Han Xi Yi"s curiosity, Lu Chen directly took out a platinum card from his chest, and only let her see it clearly before putting it away.

Lu Chen didn"t think that it was a good thing to show off a platinum card like this before the auction started.

Han Xi Yi"s gaze noticed the reflection of the metal on Lu Chen"s hand, and immediately understood.

Following that, when she looked at Lu Chen, her eyes were filled with shock. A hint of joy appeared on her face, but she did not continue asking questions.

Having seen Lu Chen"s various miraculous methods, it was no surprise that he could obtain this Platinum VIP card from the Everlasting Southern Auction House.

Seeing the reaction of Lu Chen and Gu Ruoyun, the three ladies did not ask any further questions.

He was unfamiliar with this place, so it would be better to not talk about it.

Following the signs, Lu Chen"s group soon found the Everlasting Southern Platinum High Cla.s.s Restaurant.

After they arrived at the counter in front of the restaurant and displayed the platinum cards, Lu Chen and the others arranged the seats under the astonished gazes of a few middle-aged or elderly pa.s.sersby.

Upon entering the restaurant, Lu Chen"s gaze swept the surroundings, clearly seeing that the people sitting there were all middle-aged men and elderly men.

Even if some youngsters appeared, they would still follow the elders.

In this platinum restaurant, only Lu Chen and his group were around twenty years old, which was very eye-catching.

It was no wonder that quite a few people looked at them with surprise, however, Lu Chen did not pay much attention to these gazes.

He noticed that even though they were at the entrance of the platinum restaurant, he could feel the aura radiating from them. They were actually powerful experts.

Indeed, a place like the auction truly needed this type of martial power so that every guest who came to the auction would feel safe.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Lu Chen and his group arrived at a separate room.

After entering, Lu Chen discovered that it was a suite. There was a sofa, chairs, tea table, and even two guest rooms. It was the equivalent of two rooms per room.

The decor here was very simple and unadorned, yet it gave off a very comfortable feeling.

The light in the room was clear and bright, and the moment he stepped into it, Lu Chen could feel his spirit shake.

Even the slight sleepiness on his body was all swept away. Moreover, his stomach that could not be considered to be hungry had, at this moment, ignited a strong appet.i.te, causing one"s appet.i.te to suddenly increase greatly.

Facing this sudden feeling, Lu Chen was not surprised at all. Lu Chen had seen quite a few auxiliary effects of this kind of array in the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

Whether it was the supporting barrier in Wu Siqi"s villa or the formation array that would make the people in the Dugu Family hungry.

In the Demon World, the spiritual energy was even denser, so the usage of this kind of Spiritual Array was naturally not a problem.

This was enough to prove that any Tao technique had more than just offensive effects. The other supplementary effects had a myriad of uses. They had some unique uses.

Based on what the little fox had said earlier, there were quite a few mantras and techniques in the Demon World that had been pa.s.sed down in an orderly fashion.

However, the Demon World was not like the previous Mage Era, because of the thinning of the Spiritual Energy, which restricted the various abilities of the people in the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

To be exact, it was the mastery of a few cultivation techniques and techniques. Because of the dense Spiritual Energy, whether it was the humans or fairies in the Demon World, the body would be tempered with enough Spiritual Energy.

In addition to the various extraordinary weapons, there were also quite a few people who used martial skills and cultivation techniques.

It was still almost half a quarter of an hour before lunch. However, within this formation, without using true energy to resist, it was indeed hard to endure the hunger.

"Big Brother Lu, you"re really hungry. Let"s eat early!"

He Qian was already exhausted from the journey. With the help of the formation, her stomach was already rumbling from hunger as she spoke in a tender voice.

Murong Yanran and Lin Siyun also opened their eyes wide to look at Lu Chen, obviously agreeing with He Qian"s suggestion.

"Waiter, quickly come up and order!"

Han Xi Yi did not care about all this, and directly called out to the waiter.

Lu Chen smiled and nodded towards the waiter, indicating for him to make the arrangements.

"h.e.l.lo, customer! "You are the honored platinum guest of honor, the food and lodging here is free of charge."

"This is the restaurant"s menu. Please have a look. After you order, the waiter will arrange everything for you!"

The waiter stood beside Lu Chen with a respectful smile on his face. At the same time, he handed over a menu in his hand.

Lu Chen also politely nodded his head, but after taking the menu, he couldn"t help but frown.

Looking at this unique menu, Lu Chen did not know which dish to order.

The Demon World"s menu was simply too unique. There were many ingredients on it that he had never even heard of before, let alone seen them.

Third level Fire Dragon Bird stewed bamboo shoots and fried second level Earth Drill Rats...

These menus, without exception, contained the meat of some Spirit Beasts. They were basically all the meat of Rank Three Spirit Beasts.

Rank 4 spirit beast meat was relatively rare, and there were no Rank 5 spirit beasts in sight.

After all, the strength of this Rank 5 Spirit Beast had already reached the same level as a human Earth lower Rank. It was impossible to capture it as one wished.

Even if they were able to catch them, they would be extremely rare. It was unlikely that they would be able to become free food for platinum guests.

After Lu Chen randomly ordered one or two dishes, he handed the rest to Han Xi Yi to handle.

Han Xi Yi was very familiar with the route, and very quickly picked up the menu, ordering a total of seven or eight dishes.

She showed the menu to everyone to confirm that there were no problems, then handed the menu to the waiter.

After almost ten minutes had pa.s.sed, the dishes they had ordered began to arrive on the table one by one.

When it was time to eat, He Qian was the first to pick up her chopsticks and start gobbling down the food.

In front of Lu Chen, she did not have the slightest bit of politeness and did not feel any burden from it. After all, it was not like they had known each other for a whole day.

Seeing He Qian wolfing down the food, Lu Chen knew that he couldn"t blame her for that.