Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 599

One million gold coins was a sum that most people in the southern part of Everlasting City would not even be able to reach.

The middle-aged man was sure that the kid in front of him was not someone with such a background.

Regarding the middle-aged man"s reaction, Lu Chen was too lazy to bother with it.

From his expression, one could tell that getting a VIP card was not an easy task. Otherwise, there wouldn"t be so many people lining up here.

Lu Chen"s starting price was set at one million and his starting bid was around two million. That was amazing.

However, this compound array jade talisman was able to cause even the appraisal masters in the auction house to be extremely shocked. It was obviously not something that an ordinary person could take out.

It seemed that they were in Everlasting City, or perhaps the entire Demon World.

Money was never easy to earn. Otherwise, these people who were desperately trying to squeeze through the gates of the auction house would not end up in this situation now.

This was because Lu Chen could sense that although these people were not honored guests in the auction house, most of them were actually quite strong.

However, among these people with extraordinary strength, the older ones made up more of them.

In addition to his innate talent, it was probably due to the lack of resources in the Pre-Sky Realm.

Even in the Demon World, good cultivation resources could make a person"s strength skyrocket.

However, not being able to make a good breakthrough in one"s strength and coming to this auction house to try one"s luck might allow one to obtain some suitable weapons or elixirs was also a way to increase one"s strength.

Seeing this jabbering middle-aged man, Lu Chen was truly annoyed. He immediately took out a platinum card and placed it in front of his chest.

Now that the auction had started, there was a lot less worry in their hearts. Even if they had other plans, it was unlikely that they would choose to make a move at such a time.

In addition, Lin Siyun and the other four girls squeezed into this crowd of people, making it difficult to avoid feeling that it wasn"t quite appropriate.

Fortunately, they had cloaks to hide their appearances. Otherwise, they might attract some unexpected trouble.

"Holy s.h.i.t, the heck, there really is one …" And it"s even a platinum VIP! "

When the middle-aged man saw the platinum card in Lu Chen"s hand, it shot out a dazzling light under the sunlight, causing him to be dazzled.

This was a real platinum card, and it was indeed from the Everlasting Southern Auction House. The middle-aged man couldn"t help but murmur to himself.

When he looked at Lu Chen again, his eyes flashed with surprise and disbelief.

At this moment, the onlookers on the side also noticed the platinum card in Lu Chen"s hand and widened their eyes.

Many people began to make way for them. Those who were able to obtain VIP cards were no ordinary people. Naturally, they did not want to bring trouble upon themselves.

Furthermore, it was a platinum VIP card!

"d.a.m.n it... This blind thing! If you have a VIP card, then come over and squeeze with us. "

It was at this time that Lu Chen entered another pa.s.sage in the auction house. An old man suddenly appeared in the crowd and couldn"t help but say this.

… ….

Arriving at the entrance of another underground pa.s.sage, Lu Chen followed the corridor in front of him. After making a turn, he walked all the way to the end.

Han Xi Yi and the rest followed closely behind as well. In less than half a minute, Lu Chen saw a huge auction venue in front of him.

Such a vast scene couldn"t help but cause Lu Chen to suck in a breath of cold air.

The packed seats in the hall dazzled the eyes of the onlookers.

In the middle was an auction platform built from a giant piece of jade.

When Lu Chen"s group walked over, many people in the surrounding looked at them in surprise.

In fact, many of them thought that this group of youngsters had walked into the wrong place.

However, it was impossible for such a foolish person to walk in the wrong place!

Even more people were curious as to what kind of treasure was in the hands of this group of youngsters to actually be able to enter the VIP entrance.

"h.e.l.lo, sir! Please show me your VIP card. "

Just as Lu Chen entered the VIP entrance, a pretty maid standing at the entrance said with a polite smile.

Lu Chen did not say anything. After nodding his head, he took out the platinum VIP card from his chest and handed it over to the maid.

The maid originally had a smile on her face, but when she saw the light reflected on the card, a look of surprise flashed across her face. Even a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

The maid quickly reacted as she bent over and said in a respectful tone: "Honorable guest, please follow me!"

After the maid hurriedly led Lu Chen and the others into the inner sect, she led the way at the front.

Very few people were able to enter the auction area alone. Most of them carried extraordinary treasures.

Even if they didn"t come to auction with a treasure, anyone who came to this place would have brought quite a few gold coins with them.

Thus, Lu Chen"s group of five did not stand out at all. On the contrary, those solo people were even more eye-catching.

Due to the huge size of the area, Lu Chen walked for nearly three minutes before arriving at the Platinum Distinguished Guest"s seat.

The maid then stopped and gently pointed to a small open booth in front of them, indicating that it was exclusive to the platinum honored guests.

Then she smiled at Lu Chen, bowed, and left.

Lu Chen arrived in front of the small room and discovered that although it wasn"t s.p.a.cious, it could seat at least six or seven people.

He walked directly into the private box and sat on the soft couch, while the other four women followed and sat on either side of him.

At this moment, even Han Xi Yi, who was born and raised in the Demon World, was sitting at the platinum VIP seats. When she saw the gazes from the other seats, she couldn"t help but become indescribably excited.

Only now did Lu Chen take off his cloak. Honestly speaking, he wasn"t used to wearing something like this, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

As for the other four women, they did not take off their cloaks like Lu Chen. Instead, they understood his intentions and continued to cover their faces.

Lu Chen turned his head slightly to look at the ordinary chairs behind him. It was truly crowded.

He sighed. This was the privilege of being treated like a platinum honored guest.

To put it bluntly, this was a privilege derived from money.

This point was the same for both the human and demon realms, even if the era was different.

However, sitting on this soft couch was actually not as comfortable as he had imagined.

Because at this moment, Lu Chen noticed the strange looks being cast at him from all around.

He couldn"t help but frown slightly. Amongst these gazes, it made Lu Chen feel uncomfortable. After all, no one wanted to be treated like an animal.

People continued to rush to the auction venue from the seats, but Lu Chen had arrived pretty early.