Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 623

The two figures sat down facing each other. When they were less than a hundred meters away, Lu Chen saw a handsome middle-aged man among them with his eyes closed and his hands clasped together.

From time to time, golden rays of light would burst forth from the palm of the middle-aged man, and when these rays of light shone onto his body, it revealed his facial features.

Lu Chen noticed that he had a head full of white hair, but his face still maintained its high-spirited look without showing any signs of aging.

Even though he was not old, he had white hair. Judging from the facial features of this middle-aged man, Lu Chen was the first to confirm it.

He was his own father, Lu Qingtian!

Only after eighteen years had pa.s.sed did he finally see his father"s face.

Lu Chen was extremely excited. His eyes turned red and the figure in front of him started to grow blurry.

He tried his best to hold back his tears. Looking at his father"s face, that lady in purple was without a doubt his mother, the Mystic Nine Heavens Sect"s Mystic Maiden.

Lu Chen had coincidentally heard of the t.i.tle of Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman from the higher ups of the Mysterious Gate. As for his mother"s real name, he did not know.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but to let out a bitter laugh in his heart. He had already grown up, but he didn"t even know his mother"s name.

This was indeed a very laughable joke!

From this angle, Lu Chen could only see the purple-dressed woman"s back.

As for his mother"s appearance, Lu Chen could not recall a single detail.

Originally, when he was separated from his parents, Lu Chen was still young. Naturally, he did not have many memories of them in his mind.

After all, Lu Chen had not cultivated his spiritual energy since he was young, and all the functions of his body were the same as those of an ordinary citizen.

As for the so-called bloodline inheritance, it was probably of little use in this Age of Chaos.

As for everything that happened in his childhood, Lu Chen had no impression of it.

Of course, there was also the possibility that his grandfather, Lu Qi, had used some sort of method to make him unable to recall the events of his childhood.

But which child does not want the company and care of their parents?

Although his grandfather, Lu Qi, took good care of him, his role as a parent was irreplaceable.

At this moment, Lu Chen saw his parents" figures grow clearer and clearer. An unprecedented feeling welled up in his heart, as if a spring breeze was blowing past him and a flower had bloomed on his skin.

When Lu Chen was less than fifty meters away from the center of the array, an invisible barrier blocked his path, causing him to stop in his tracks.

This invisible barrier was even thicker. Although it could not be seen or felt, Lu Chen believed that this barrier was even more indestructible than any metal wall.

Although this place appeared calm and peaceful, Lu Chen did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

He could clearly sense that there was a fierce aura surging underground within a fifty-meter radius of the invisible barrier.

At this moment, Lu Chen also activated his Spiritual Awareness and swept it towards the ground.

With his Spiritual Sense, this aura that did not belong to the fluctuations of Spiritual Energy, Lu Chen immediately made his judgement.

This was the aura of magic!

Could it be that this place was actually the s.p.a.ce crack of the Demon World?

Lu Chen was momentarily unable to make an accurate judgement on how large the Devil Realm"s spatial crack was.

However, compared to that tiny s.p.a.ce channel in the demonic world, it was still like a Senior Magus meeting a Junior Magus. The gap was simply too great.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen felt a violent tremble from where he was standing. He quickly scanned his surroundings and noticed that the surrounding gra.s.s and trees had long since turned into dust, melting into the soil.

It was obvious that these violent tremors had continued for an unknown period of time, turning this area into a sand dune.

As the violent tremors became more intense, Lu Chen could clearly sense that the invisible barrier was constantly emitting black mist.

Demonic energy?

This kind of obvious black fog, Lu Chen immediately made a judgment in his mind.

When the moqi touched the barrier it was like water touching red-hot iron. It made a sizzling sound.

The black demonic energy also dispersed at this moment, unable to break out of the barrier.

Obviously, without the invisible barrier of the Two Elements of Creation Formation, this demonic energy could easily flow into the mortal world.

At that time, the existence of both magic power and spiritual force would trigger a situation that Lu Chen did not dare to imagine.

Once this happened, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At this moment, the demonic qi that was gushing out from the ground was becoming denser and denser at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. When Lu Chen looked in front of him, even his vision was starting to blur.

Every time the demonic energy touched the invisible barrier, it would immediately scatter. However, the continuous attacks and the simultaneous attacks of so much demonic energy made the barrier tremble more violently.

This seemingly indestructible barrier was not as tough as it looked in this devilish energy.

Through the hazy black fog, Lu Chen could see the unsightly expression on his father Lu Qingtian"s face.

Soon after, Lu Chen saw a ten-meter wide area less than ten meters away from his father. The soil suddenly caved in.

As the mud caved in, Lu Chen, who was standing fifty meters away, felt the ground shake.

As if the entire world was flipped upside down, Lu Chen hurriedly urged the zhenqi in his body to circulate through his entire body. Only then did he stabilize his body from the tremor.

At this moment, at the spot where the ground had caved in, a beam of green light suddenly bloomed!

Lu Chen took a closer look and noticed that there was a dark light mixed within this cyan light.

One green and one black intertwined together. At first glance, it seemed as if they were mixed together into a dark green light.

As soon as this dark green light appeared, a six to seven meter wide green dragon head suddenly emerged from the soil.

Accompanied by a dragon roar that resonated through the sky, this green dragon that was infected by demonic energy flew out from the ground with an extremely frightening aura and seemed to soar through the nine heavens.

When this green dragon appeared completely on the ground, Lu Chen couldn"t help but gasp in surprise. He actually felt extremely uneasy under this kind of endless dragon aura.

This green dragon"s entire dragon head was six to seven meters wide, and its entire body was over five meters wide. From the looks of it, it would require at least four to five people to encircle it.

The green dragon was nearly ten zhang in length. After jumping out from the ground, it covered almost the entire fifty meter wide invisible barrier.

It had been some time since Lu Chen had seen a flood dragon, but when compared to this real green dragon, it was completely different.

However, after the flood dragon swallowed the Merit Beads, it turned into a real dragon and became a true dragon. Putting it together with the green dragon might make it comparable to the real dragon.