Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 624

The Azure Dragon in front of him was one of the four Divine Beasts. Its bloodline as a Divine Beast couldn"t be compared with that of a Flood Dragon.

There was an insurmountable gap in the bloodline itself.

However, within the s.p.a.ce of the Eye of Merit, Lu Chen still had the dragon"s whisker.

However, he didn"t know if this flood dragon"s promise could still be fulfilled.

Facing the green dragon that appeared in front of him, Lu Chen naturally did not dare to be careless in the slightest. His mind was focused to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen thought of something and took out the Dragon whisker that was gifted to him by the Flood Dragon from the Eye of Merit.

Lu Chen held the three-foot-long dragon whisker in his palm. Originally, according to the Flood Dragon"s instructions, he only needed to shout three times at the dragon whisker.

However, in the current Karakorum, if the flood dragon"s location was too far away, it might not be able to completely sense it.

This was also the little fox"s warning to Lu Chen at this time. Following its instructions, the little fox began to channel the power of merit in its body, moving in a strange trajectory.

Finally, Lu Chen poured the power of Merit into the Dragon Tooth. As the power of Merit poured in, the originally dull Dragon Tooth suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

But this golden light only flashed past, and then disappeared.

After this golden light flashed, Lu Chen immediately put away the Dragon Tooth and the Eye of Merit.

Even the little fox couldn"t give an accurate answer as to whether the flood dragon could sense this information or not.

However, Lu Chen could not completely rely on the Flood Dragon. After all, it had just recently transformed into a True Dragon.

He really didn"t know whether he would come or not, but it might not be very useful.

But in any case, the signal had already been sent out, so he believed that everything had a certain amount of certainty.

In addition, his parents were inside the formation, so the appearance of this green dragon must have put a lot of pressure on them.

Roar ~

The sound of a dragon"s roar resounded through the sky. Once again, it came from the invisible barrier, causing the earth to shake.

It was at this moment that Lu Chen saw his parents" bodies were suddenly protected by an energy barrier.

And this mutated green dragon, which was infected by magic, had pointed its spear at his parents the moment it appeared.

At this moment, the green dragon, thirty meters long, suddenly swung its tail. A sandstorm rose from the places the tail pa.s.sed.

The invisible barrier was already filled with a demonic air, causing Lu Chen"s vision to become blurry. As the sand was blown up, it was almost impossible to see Lu Chen"s parents clearly again.

They were suddenly surrounded by sand and dust. At the same time that the green dragon"s tail swept past them, it happened to pa.s.s by Lu Chen"s location.

However, Lu Chen did not enter the invisible barrier. The dragon"s tail was unable to reach him, and could only swing by.

Less than five meters away from the dragon"s tail, Lu Chen could clearly see the incredibly tough green dragon scales on the Azure Dragon"s body. They were like the toughest steel cast, giving off a feeling of indestructibility.

Just based on his physical body, he was able to possess such a powerful attack. He was indeed a legendary Divine Beast!

The force of the dragon"s tail swipe undoubtedly fell on his parents.

Lu Chen"s heart couldn"t help but tighten. Just the appearance of a green dragon was enough to make people feel powerless.

However, Lu Chen couldn"t imagine what kind of power the other three G.o.d Beasts had had.

However, according to the little fox, these four Divine Beasts had already been baptized by countless years of time, and their strength was far inferior to that of the past.

Moreover, because of the infection of the devilish aura, the consciousness of the divine beast was fighting with the devilish aura at the same time. It was simply difficult to concentrate all of its energy.

In addition, the spirit energy within the divine beast"s body had been depleted over the years, so its strength was no longer as strong as it was before.

Right now, they only used their physical bodies to attack, and did not use any innate divine abilities.

However, because the Green Dragon"s specific strength was affected by the Demon Qi, it was currently difficult to determine what level it belonged to.

From this point of view, it was sufficient to prove that the green dragon was infected by demonic energy and had already reached a deep-rooted level.

This was the reason why the divine beast had to suffer such a huge impact. Even so, the divine beast still retained some self-control from being completely corroded by the demonic energy.

In this crucial moment, Lu Chen"s body suddenly moved forward, as if he wanted to do something.

However, the invisible wall in front of him had completely blocked his path!

This invisible barrier was used to seal off the crack in s.p.a.ce in the demon realm, and Lu Chen had no way of forcefully breaking it apart. Otherwise, if the demon qi invaded the human world, it would be very troublesome.

At this moment, Lu Chen didn"t know whether to advance or retreat, but he felt uncomfortable inside. This complicated feeling filled up Lu Chen"s heart, causing him to be in a dilemma.

But as time pa.s.sed, there was no time for Lu Chen to think about anything else. That seemingly invincible dragon tail landed right in front of his parents.

Soon after, a loud boom was heard from where his parents had collided. This sound was heavy and thick, like a meteorite crashing into the ground.

At this moment, Lu Chen"s heart was clenched so tightly that he was on the verge of losing his breath.

He stared closely at the figure of his parents inside the invisible barrier, afraid that he would see something that would break his heart in the next moment.

It was a good thing that the energy barrier around his parents was quite strong, and they were able to block the green dragon"s attack.

However, his parents had to defend against the invasion of demonic energy and the attacks of the green dragon at the same time. Lu Chen knew very well that he would lose if he stayed here long enough, not to mention the other three G.o.d Beasts!

Lu Chen couldn"t relax at all.

Sure enough, this green dragon continuously swung its tail back and forth, bombarding the energy barrier around its parents.

Watching all this, Lu Chen"s eyes were about to pop out of their sockets!

Fortunately, even during the bombardment, Lu Chen could occasionally see his father Lu Qingtian through the cracks in the sand. His eyes were still closed, but he remained unmoved.

However, Lu Chen, who was standing in front of the invisible barrier, could clearly see that it was trembling violently.

It was obvious that the invisible barrier was connected to the energy barrier on his parents" bodies. They were both created by the Two Elements Formation.

According to this tempo, if the Azure Dragon continued to attack, even the strength of the Two Elements Formation would be able to withstand it.

However, to his parents, this was a huge drain on their energy reserves and so he could not do anything about it.

Lu Chen"s heart tightened, and his brows creased into a crease. He was extremely anxious in his heart.

"Little fox, stop talking there. Hurry up and think of a way to break this deadlock!"

"Once the formation is broken, my parents will definitely suffer a backlash from the formation …"

Lu Chen couldn"t help but speak to the little fox who was currently silent, full of worry.

"Milord, this isn"t something to be trifled with. It"s not that little fox can"t do anything about it, it"s just that the strength of this Azure Dragon really isn"t easy to say."

"Although it was affected by the demonic energy and its power had been weakened a lot, a skinny camel is still bigger than a horse."