Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 631

Immediately after, Zhuge Liusheng"s eyes darkened and she tightly frowned. The Azure Dragon inside the invisible barrier was not that easy to deal with.

If the three of them brazenly entered and attacked the Azure Dragon, they probably wouldn"t be able to get any benefits.

At this moment, Shangguan Zixi"s attention was focused on the green dragon in front of her. The zhenqi within her body was circulating rapidly throughout her entire body, preparing to strike at any moment.

The situation was critical. As for Lu Qingtian and Zhuge Liusheng"s reactions, Shangguan Zixi didn"t have much time to pay attention to them. First, she had to deal with the Azure Dragon in front of her.

At this moment, the furious Azure Dragon seemed to lose all sense of reason as it suddenly charged towards Lu Chen and the other two.

In this small s.p.a.ce, the huge palm and claw of the Azure Dragon arrived in the blink of an eye. The claw suddenly slammed down, vowing to kill the enemy in front of it.

Lu Chen possessed the Mao Mountain technique, Heavenly Thunder Steps. In terms of speed, it was not the slightest bit inferior to the Azure Dragon"s attack speed.

In fact, this was only because the green dragon was trapped in a cage. Due to its huge body, its speed had been restricted.

At the very least, Lu Chen and the other two were much more nimble when compared to the Azure Dragon. Moreover, any reaction from the Azure Dragon"s ma.s.sive body could be predicted in advance.

In addition, Shangguan Zixi and Han Xiyi"s strength in the Earth Realm was there. With their movement speed, they were able to avoid the blows of the huge green dragon claws.

There was no danger!

The green dragon"s attack missed, and the three figures instantly scattered in their respective directions.

The ground where the claws landed directly cracked open, and the four claws completely sunk into the ground, reaching a depth of three meters.

This kind of physical attack was exceptionally powerful. This was where the bloodline of a Divine Beast was strong.

Lu Chen, who had just dodged, panted on the side. He did not think that the Azure Dragon was as simple as a physical attack.

Earlier, when he had used the Azure Lotus Sword to pierce through its dragon scales, the Azure Dragon would have used the true power within its body when it was truly in danger.

Although the Azure Dragon had been infected by magic and lost its mind because of that, it was still a very th.o.r.n.y problem when the true power was placed there.

However, just as the green dragon palm landed on the ground, it suddenly swung its tail, directly sweeping away everything in the invisible barrier.

Although the speed of the Azure Dragon was limited, its ma.s.sive body had the advantage at this moment. Every attack it made was powerful enough to cover the entire enemy.

As the Azure Dragon swept out with its tail, Lu Chen prepared to dodge.

In the next moment, he saw countless vines growing on the ground, sweeping towards the green dragon.

These vines were as thick and imposing as two men"s arms.

Lu Chen had seen these vines surrounding and attacking the Red Scaled Wolf King, and it was obvious that Han Xiyi had done so.

In this narrow s.p.a.ce, the Azure Dragon could not evade at all. It could only allow the vines to wrap around its entire body.

These huge vines were like cast steel, they were indestructible.

By using such a thick vine, it could be seen that Han Xi Yi didn"t plan to hold back at all. She was going all out from the start.

After all, when dealing with one of the Four Divine Beasts, the Azure Dragon, his first attack was a powerful one.

Under the entanglement of this enormous vine, this dark green vine completely covered the body of the Azure Dragon.

The green dragon"s body was immediately bound on the spot, unable to move for a moment.

Although the green dragon"s strength was at the peak of low-rank Earth Realm, it still had quite a lot of suppression from Han XIe"s attack when it was only using brute force and was also at the same level of low-rank Earth Realm.

However, these vines were only able to control the green dragon for a short period of time.

If he wanted to deal a substantial amount of damage to the Azure Dragon, he would not be able to do so directly.

At this moment, Lu Chen, who had reacted at the first possible moment, suddenly moved, turning into a dark purple stream of light as he rushed towards the Azure Dragon.

The Blue Lotus Sword was still stuck in the dragon"s scale, and the seal that the little fox had broken had also disappeared.

To the Azure Dragon, this Azure Lotus Sword no longer posed any threat. In fact, it was like a needle that was inserted into its body, neither painful nor itchy.

As a result, it didn"t get enough attention from the Azure Dragon. Moreover, it was a bit delirious right now, because of the erosion of magic, it didn"t pay too much attention to it.

Taking advantage of the Azure Dragon being bound by the vine, Lu Chen quickly arrived at the Azure Lotus Sword"s location.

Once he landed on the dragon"s scale, Lu Chen discovered that the Blue Lotus Sword that was already two feet deep into the dragon"s scale had broken through the Azure Dragon"s toughest defense.

This scene was somewhat similar to when he had killed the Red Scaled Wolf.

Breaking through the defense of a spirit beast or divine beast with tough scales was undoubtedly a crucial step.

Then, without any hesitation, Lu Chen suddenly lifted his hand and gathered all of the strength in his body into his palm.

Following the little fox"s directions, Lu Chen found out the location of the Azure Dragon"s heart.

"Half-step Collapsing Fist!"

Immediately following that, Lu Chen"s fist suddenly struck out. His fist moved slightly to the side and accurately landed on the Blue Lotus Sword"s hilt.

Although the Azure Lotus Sword looked like an ordinary steel sword at this moment, its tough body was something that no other treasured sword could compare with.

Receiving the impact of Lu Chen"s fist, the Azure Lotus Sword jolted and immediately sunk into the body of the Azure Dragon.

The sharpness of the Blue Lotus Sword was unstoppable. Even the flesh and bones of a Divine Beast would not be able to withstand the sword"s attack.

At the same time the sword disappeared, just like how Lu Chen killed the Red Scaled Wolf King, Lu Chen had already prepared the safety b.u.t.ton in his palm. With a flick of his finger.

This safety buckle followed the path of the Azure Lotus Sword and disappeared into his body; it was as if he had thrown a bomb into the body of the Azure Dragon.

Furthermore, the attack from the Blue Lotus Sword was aimed in the direction of the heart of the Azure Dragon.

Similarly, if the safety b.u.t.ton exploded at the location of the Azure Dragon"s heart, in a situation where its heart didn"t have any form of protection, it would naturally be unable to withstand the impact of the safety b.u.t.ton"s explosion.

Just as Lu Chen finished doing all this, he was surprised to discover that there was suddenly an extremely strong wave of energy within the Azure Dragon"s body.

Before this power had even spread out, it had already caused Lu Chen"s mind to waver. A wave of dizziness. .h.i.t him, and his vision gradually blurred.

Accompanied by the dull exploding sounds of the jade talisman and the mournful wail of a dragon, the force rapidly approached Lu Chen.

This force was very fast, moreover, with the dragon"s body being so close to him, there did not seem to be any possibility for Lu Chen to escape.

Furthermore, Lu Chen could feel that at this moment, the world was trembling violently, as if the entire world was going to collapse in an instant. The power was extremely terrifying.

Even so, Lu Chen continued to furiously channel the Power of Merit within his body.

While activating the Heavenly Thunder Steps, most of the karmic power formed an energy shield around Lu Chen"s body.

In this short period of time, Lu Chen poured as much merit energy as he could into the protective barrier around him, causing it to become more solid.