Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 636

Lu Chen thought for a moment and felt a little relieved. Even if his father was guarding the Two Elements Array, he was a genius. Now that he had stepped into the Earth Stage Middle Rank, it was only natural for him to do so.

This sort of complete suppression of strength was not something that the Azure Dragon could block.

Lu Chen did his best to stay far away from this area and send the two girls to a safe place.

Not far away, Lu Chen slowly placed the two of them on the gra.s.s.

Their auras were extremely weak, so Lu Chen immediately circulated the power of karmic virtue in his palms and pressed them against their hearts.

As the power of merit poured into their bodies, Lu Chen discovered that the energy fluctuations in their bodies were extremely chaotic.

The meridians were also damaged to varying degrees, and the situation didn"t seem too optimistic.

Now that Lu Chen"s Power of Merit had reached Stage Four, the green power of Merit had a stronger healing effect.

The auras in their bodies gradually stabilized, but according to the current situation, they were only stable for a short period of time.

Even with such a severe injury, he still needed quite a bit of time to treat it.

These two women were suicidal when it came to fighting.

He completely disregarded the safety of his own life. No matter how much strength he used, he would use it.

After a deep sigh, Lu Chen was also deeply moved by the two of them "unafraid of death, and couldn"t help but feel a little sour in his heart.

If they hadn"t used such a desperate method, they would have already been attacked by the Azure Dragon Source Spirit before their parents could remove the formation.

It was obvious that apart from suppressing the other three divine beasts, the formation also had to seal the spatial tear in the Demonic World.

Presumably, under such circ.u.mstances, the formation wasn"t that strong. After all, it had already been eighteen years.

But now that the formation had been lifted, how were the spatial rifts in the Infernal Realm, as well as those three divine beasts, going about to deal with them?

Could it be that this disaster was about to come?

While stabilizing Han Xiyi and Shangguan Zixi"s injuries, Lu Chen then noticed the changes on the Azure Dragon"s body.

At this moment, its power was pouring out unceasingly. Its entire body seemed to have lost its soul, and its aura became sluggish along with it.

In the next moment, the st.u.r.dy green dragon"s body suddenly went soft and fell to the ground, producing a loud bang. Its huge body even caused the ground to shake.

And so, one of the Four Divine Beasts, the Azure Dragon, had fallen.

However, this G.o.d Beast that was heavily infected by magic could no longer be considered a G.o.d Beast.

Letting it stay in the mortal world would not bring much benefits, but it would harm the human world instead.

It was also at this moment that Lu Chen suddenly discovered that there was a force of merit constantly flowing out from the Merit Pool.

In just half a day, he had filled up the achievement pool twice and successfully condensed two green achievement beads.

This was undoubtedly an exceptionally pleasant surprise for Lu Chen.

The removal of this mutated divine beast could also be considered as removing a great calamity from the human world, thus obtaining an extremely considerable amount of merit power.

And in the eyes of the small fox, as it stared at the two shining achievement beads, its eyes were filled with a burning pa.s.sion.

After Lu Chen nodded his head at it, the little fox impatiently turned into a streak of light and flew towards the Merit Pearl. It swallowed it into its stomach and burped in satisfaction.

Immediately, Lu Chen shifted his attention away from Little Fox. His eyes were filled with emotion as he looked at the two figures flying over. They were indeed the parents of the Dual Elements Formations.

"Chen"er …"

However, when their parents arrived in front of Lu Chen, Lu Qingtian and Zhuge Rou Sang looked excitedly at Lu Chen.

The two of them called out to Lu Chen in unison, but were unable to say anything for a moment.

Eighteen years had pa.s.sed since they met. Lu Chen was still young then, and they had been looking forward to meeting day and night for a long time.

However, a strange feeling suddenly appeared. When this feeling came to Lu Chen"s mind, he suddenly froze.

It was an unnatural feeling, as if he had called out to his parents out of instinct.

Indeed, he might have seen it when he was young, but he couldn"t find it in his memories. Right now, he had no way to control the feeling of it happening.

However, at this moment, as a woman, this was her flesh and blood that fell from her own body.

Zhuge Rou Sang was unable to control her tears. However, she did not hug Lu Chen too tightly. After all, she did her best not to disturb him right now.

Zhuge Rou Sang"s gaze landed on Lu Qingtian and Shangguan Zixi. When she saw Shangguan Zixi"s dispirited expression, she couldn"t help but reveal a deep look of worry.

She had seen everything that had happened.

It had been eighteen years, but Shangguan Zixi still hadn"t changed at all.

Eighteen years ago, he almost lost his life while building the Two Elements Array. Eighteen years later, he was once again seriously injured by the Two Elements Array.

It was an unfathomable luck.

"Zixi …" After Lu Qingtian shifted his gaze away from Lu Chen, he immediately half knelt on the ground and looked excitedly at Shangguan Zixi.

Her thick palm gently brushed past Shangguan Zixi"s cheek. She couldn"t help but say: "Why are you so stupid … Just walked through the gates of h.e.l.l eighteen years ago. "

"After eighteen years, you will still be the same as before … There are so many men in this world, why do you have to go through so much trouble … "

Lu Qingtian could feel a trace of Yin Qi from Shangguan Zixi"s body, proving that her virgin body was still there.

Amidst this sigh, his heart was rather moved, and his emotions could not help but appear complicated.

"Father... Rest a.s.sured, Aunt Zixi"s current condition is relatively stable. Although her injuries are severe, it will take some time for her to recover … "

Seeing the worried expression on his father"s face, Lu Chen called out to him hesitantly. Then, he turned to his father and explained.

Not waiting for Lu Qingtian to react, Lu Chen"s face became serious, and he could not help but ask: "Dad, then … The Twin Elements Formation was lifted just like that, but the spatial rift in the demon realm … "

This question lingered in his mind, but there didn"t seem to be any sign of anxiety on his parents" faces.

Hearing Lu Chen"s question, Lu Qingtian first let out a deep sigh. Then, he calmly said, "The Twin Elements Formation has indeed been lifted, and the s.p.a.ce crack in the demon realm can no longer be guarded."

"As time, the spatial crack is also gradually expanding. It is within this spatial crack."

"There are already many monsters waiting for their food like crazy to break through this crack. I don"t know if it is out of curiosity or if they can"t wait to come to the mortal world!"

"Although the formation has been broken, it still has the power of the formation. I"m afraid that in less than two hours, these demons will arrive in the mortal world with the help of the spatial crack."

"This catastrophe in the mortal world will eventually befall us, delaying the situation for 18 years. Father has already done his best …"