Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 64

Lu Chen looked meaningfully at Director He, then turned to look at the somewhat embarra.s.sed Dao Minister Zhang. He suddenly smiled.

This time, Daoist Priest Zhang was even more embarra.s.sed.

He subconsciously glanced at Director He, who was standing at the side. The latter was winking at him nonstop, clearly not wanting to tell Lu Chen the truth.

Thus, Dao Master Zhang could only give Lu Chen an apologetic look.

Of course he knew. How could someone with such a powerful aura like Lu Chen not know what was going on here?

The reason why the other party had asked this question was likely because of this matter.

However, Daoist Master Zhang actually accepted Director He"s red packet for money today. Under such circ.u.mstances, it wouldn"t be good for him to take the initiative to speak up again.

Lu Chen let out a soft sigh, as if he was talking to himself, and said: "I can see that the sun is shining here, but the yin energy is very dense, so there must be vengeful spirits. The situation isn"t looking good!"

When the surrounding people heard Lu Chen"s words, other than the bearded Old Yellow who had already experienced Lu Chen"s ability, everyone else was shocked.

Especially Director He, who staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Director He stared at Lu Chen with wide eyes, then looked at Taoist Zhang.

Dao Lord Zhang nodded with a wry smile, "Director He, to be honest, this is a True G.o.d. I"m afraid you"ll have to ask this gentleman for help in the end. "

Director He walked up in quick steps. He wanted to shake hands with Lu Chen, but after some thought, he realized that something was wrong. He could only stand there anxiously and plead in a pleading tone:

"Master Lu, I was blind to fail to recognize Mount Tai just now. I hope that you can be merciful and help me through this ordeal." "The project has already been delayed for half a month, once the deadline has pa.s.sed, I would be done."

Lu Chen said indifferently: "Tell me the details of the situation! It"s best not to hide it, otherwise it might be even more troublesome. "

As Lu Chen spoke, he looked at the Great Qing River on his right, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

When he entered earlier, Lu Chen glanced at the blueprint.

The scenic road extended from there, and a bridge spanning the Great Qing River was built in the middle of it.

Standing in this position, he could vaguely see a strange power surging in that area.

This unprecedented force was a bit crazy. It seemed to have some sort of mysterious connection with the baleful qi that had appeared in this tomb.

Director He bit his lips. "Old Yellow, you"re an old man who has followed me for many years. Let"s keep today"s matter in the back of our minds!"

The bearded man nodded his head hurriedly, "Director He, I actually know all about it now. "But don"t worry, I won"t speak carelessly about these things even if I"m beaten to death, including my nephew."

Only then did Director He turn around and say to Daoist Priest Zhang, "I"ll have to trouble Daoist Master Lu to explain the specifics of the situation."

Zhang Daorong sighed and said, "In fact, it"s not a secret. I guess everyone involved in the construction should have guessed something. When they were beating up the abutment, they invited people to hit the pile of people."

A living person …

Lu Chen frowned.

No wonder he felt that something was amiss over at the Great Qinghe River. So the source was actually here.

He did not speak and continued to listen to Daoist Master Zhang"s story.

Just now, Director He had said that although he wanted to deal with Lu Chen, in reality, such a huge project required both the opening of the mountain and the erection of a bridge.

In China, and even the entire Southeast Asian region, there was no one who didn"t believe this.

This was not a feudal superst.i.tion, but a psychological comfort to the workers who were involved in the construction, or they would not have been able to start work at all.

Presumably before this, they had chosen a auspicious day where firecrackers would cry out in unison and burn incense to pray, offering sacrifices for the protection of the G.o.ds.

Landscape Avenue was one of the most important projects in the whole Jiangzhou City. On the day of construction, not only were there some important people who came to cut the decorations and lay the foundations, but they also paid a solemn sacrifice after they left.

Actually, the earlier stage of the scenic road project had been smooth sailing all along, as if it was a divine aid, Taoist Zhang told Lu Chen.

But when he got to the bridge, something went wrong.

There was nothing wrong with the piers on both sides of the bridge. However, the piers in the middle tried everything they could think of, but they just could not pour any concrete into the piers.

The construction was stuck.

At that time, the contractor with the surname "Zhu" realized that he had met with trouble after hearing the report from his subordinates.

Thus, he went to find an expert he was familiar with and asked him to help him see what was going on and whether there was any way to resolve it.

When the other party came to the construction site, he only took a glance and told him that the things here were very murderous and could not be discussed. Let"s change the blueprints!

At that time, when Chief Engineer Zhu heard this, he immediately became anxious.

This route had been repeatedly verified. Since it had already been decided, and the project had already been going on for so long, how could it be changed?

Therefore, he asked this expert to think of a way.

The man sighed and said only three words: "The living thing."

In fact, anyone who stayed at the construction site for a while would know what it meant when they heard the three words.

Chief Engineer Zhu hesitated, but in the end, he still decided to use it.

Of course, it would not be as cruel as it was in the past. It would directly use the workers on the floor to hit the piles, claiming that it was an engineering accident and that they would have to pay a sum of money to find someone who knew that they would die without a doubt.

In this world, there were always people who were at the end of their rope. They were willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their loved ones.

Finally, through his acquaintances, Liu sought out a father who was desperate for a large treatment fee because his daughter was suffering from advanced leukemia.

The deal was to cover all the costs of the little girl in the hospital and to pay an extra million.

The brave father jumped into the pit and spent his last moments and the cost of his life fighting for his daughter"s survival while leaving her a living allowance.

The moving concrete pumps poured mud into the pits, the man buried himself alive in the piers, and the piers were successfully poured, and he himself became part of the bridge.

This was actually just like an ancient sword forged by the ancients. In order to obtain a truly peerless sword, they would not hesitate to throw themselves into the furnace and become a sword spirit.

Of course, Lu Chen had heard of such things.

As the saying goes, one mountain and one river, one G.o.d.

The so-called G.o.d here was not actually a G.o.d, but a monster spirit.

Whether it was opening mountains to build roads or digging rivers to build bridges, it was often easy to pa.s.s through these places where people rarely visited and where there was a lack of Yang energy.

And this sort of place was often their place of cultivation.

There was a price to be paid if they were to make it convenient or even move around.

This was just like encountering a strong, unyielding family. If he didn"t give them enough benefits, all sorts of troubles would ensue.

If the other party was easier to talk to, he could just burn incense and paper to show enough respect and let bygones be bygones.

However, if he met one that was greedy, he would have to offer a sufficient exchange rate.