Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 641

The Karakorum Savant"s Ruins of Mount Kunlun was not located in the Jiang Prefecture. Everyone from the Celestial Sect of Wonders had come here through spatial tunnels.

As a result, no one dared to linger in this area. In fact, when the black fog appeared, almost everyone from the Celestial Sect of Wonders dared to linger …

They all walked out of the spatial pa.s.sageway.

In the blink of an eye, the bustling Kunlun Ruins turned into a desolate land in an instant.

This black cloud was simply too strange. It came from the fear in their hearts, so no one dared to step foot inside again.

After an unknown amount of time had pa.s.sed, Lu Chen raised his watch and looked at the time. It was already close to eight in the evening.

It had been almost an hour and a half since the release of the magic.

Originally, the surrounding s.p.a.ce was just a hazy scene, but at this moment, Lu Chen discovered that it was already difficult to see in front of him …

Look clearly.

It was as if the entire world had been filled with this black colored magic.

However, the golden barrier that his father had constructed was completely impregnable and did not have the slightest hint of damage.

Whenever this magic power touched the light screen, it would immediately dissipate, unable to even get close to them.

As long as they stayed in the light screen, they didn"t have to worry about their magic penetrating.

From the looks of it, this scattered magic was not enough to pose a threat to them.

However, this was only the protection of his father"s mid-grade earth-step light screen. If it were any other expert from the Celestial Sect of Wonders, they might not have been able to withstand it.

A medium-grade earth-step powerhouse, their strength and reserves were terrifying. If one did not directly feel them, it was simply impossible to feel how powerful they were.

Lu Chen used his Spiritual Sense and probed his father"s body. In the midst of this vast, medium-grade earth-step aura, it was like his Spiritual Sense had sunk into a sea.

His father, Lu Qingtian, had also reached the Earth Stage. Although they were only one stage higher than each other, the gap between their true strength was as wide as the gap between them.

This was no wonder. Even though the Azure Dragon"s origin energy had exploded forth crazily, it was still unable to create any ripples in the hands of his father.

"Father, Mother!" "How long will the magic last?"

Seeing that the demonic energy pouring out of the spatial cracks in the demon realm did not seem to stop, Lu Chen frowned, and once again, he couldn"t help but ask his parents.

This feeling of waiting and doing nothing really made him feel uncomfortable and restless.

"It"s about time. I estimate that we"ll have to wait for another quarter-of-an-hour. When that time comes, don"t walk out of this golden light barrier without permission!"

"Wait until all of the magic that has acc.u.mulated in the spatial crack for many years is poured out. Then, your mother and I will temporarily seal the spatial crack in the Demon World."

"If nothing unexpected happens, there shouldn"t be much problem sealing it for one or two years."

Lu Qingtian stared at the s.p.a.ce crack in the distance with a serious expression. His expression changed to one of relief.

Over the past eighteen years, he had desperately tried to seal off the s.p.a.ce channel of this demonic world. However, the result that he had always been unwilling to see had still happened.

From another point of view, this was undoubtedly a relief. Lu Chen could also feel the same feeling from his father"s words.

What was coming had finally come!

Seeing his father in such a state, Lu Chen actually felt gratified in his heart. At least his family of three would be fine, they would be able to reunite once more.

As long as he was human, he would obey the will of the heavens!

That was exactly what he said.

A quarter of an hour later, just as her father had expected, the magic power that was continuously gushing out of the cracks in the s.p.a.ce of the demon realm was already becoming lesser and thinner.

In the area that Lu Chen was in, the dark gray sky had also gradually regained a trace of light.

However, it was already late at night, and only the bright moonlight shined on this piece of land.

It was already very hard to see the existence of magic with the naked eye, and this kind of magic would have fused with the air and become a part of it.

After giving some instructions to Lu Qingtian and Lu Chen, the two of them moved their bodies and prepared to seal the spatial crack again.

"Um …" Once you seal that spatial pa.s.sageway, will you still be able to stay there for 18 years? "

Seeing that Lu Qingtian was about to leave, Shangguan Zixi"s beautiful eyes turned as she looked at him worriedly.

It had been eighteen years since they last met, and now that she heard that he was going to seal off some spatial pa.s.sageway, Shangguan Zixi was naturally very nervous, afraid that the story would repeat itself.

After eighteen years, they finally met again with great difficulty, and it was even more difficult for them to accept Lu Qingtian and Zhuge Liusheng. She did not want to lose all of this.

It wasn"t just Shangguan Zixi who was confused about the Devil Realm"s spatial pa.s.sageway, even Han Xiyi who was present was unable to make heads or tails of it.

The otherworldly spatial pa.s.sageway was completely new. Even though Han Xiyi had come to this place where spiritual energy was spa.r.s.e, she still hadn"t had the time to ask Lu Chen about it.

She might be able to understand that it was a pa.s.sageway to another world, but all of this completely overturned her previous understanding of the world.

"It won"t, and it"s no longer necessary."

"Only when my power becomes even more powerful will I be able to completely seal this demonic dimension"s spatial pa.s.sageway afterwards. If I continue to guard there, I"ll only be able to enjoy another 18 years!"

"Eighteen years is really too long … Besides, I promised you that I will make it up to you in the following days! "

Lu Qingtian stopped in his tracks, turned slightly to the side, and said to Shangguan Zixi with a serious expression.

He raised his head and sighed deeply, then affectionately kissed Shangguan Zixi"s forehead.

Without waiting for Shangguan Zixi"s reaction, Lu Qingtian said softly, "Wait for me! "I"ll be right back."

As soon as Lu Qingtian finished his sentence, without any hesitation, he and his wife flew towards the s.p.a.ce crack.

Shangguan Zixi could still feel the warmth remaining on his forehead. Suddenly, a warm feeling rose in his heart.

Seeing the figure that rapidly disappeared in front of her, her tensed heart felt a bit more at ease, but her eyes were still filled with worry.