Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 642

"This …" Hearing the little fox"s words, Lu Chen was rather surprised. His father"s thoughts were quite meticulous.

It had taken eighteen years to prepare so many spirit beast spirit crystals in advance. At the same time of suppressing the spatial tears in the demonic pa.s.sageway, he had also raised his strength to the middle rank of the Profound Realm.

This sort of method could no longer be described with just talent alone.

The image of his father suddenly grew larger in Lu Chen"s mind.

At this moment, through the golden barrier, Lu Chen could see that there were flashes of golden light from time to time from where the spatial crack in the Demon World was located.

All of a sudden, the ground near where they were suddenly shook violently. Three parts of the ground suddenly caved in, as if something had broken out from the earth.

Following that, Lu Chen saw three strange heads with different appearances suddenly jump up from the ground.

The first one to fly out of the ground was a golden divine beast similar to a phoenix. Its entire body seemed to be wrapped in raging flames, and its aura was terrifying.

With a single glance, Lu Chen determined that it was definitely one of the four great mythical beasts, the Vermillion Bird!

The Vermillion Bird Divine Beast shook the golden feathers on its body and flew into the sky with the momentum of soaring through the nine heavens. It seemed as if it was afraid of staying in this place for another second.

Although its whole body was glowing with a golden light, causing people to feel a sense of awe from its heart, black spots had already appeared on its golden feathers.

This was obviously caused by the demonic energy, and it had already manifested on his body.

In other words, a G.o.d Beast infected by magic might even be categorized as a magic beast.

At the same time, a mysterious white tiger jumped out of the ground, and ran away without any hesitation as if it was frightened.

This White Tiger was three meters tall and extremely agile. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a streak of white light and disappeared from where it stood.

However, what surprised Lu Chen the most was the tortoise-like divine beast that came out last.

Other than the Divine Beast Black Tortoise, there was no other possibility for this appearance.

The Black Tortoise"s body was enormous and it was roughly ten meters wide. However, the speed it displayed was not the slightest bit inferior to the White Tiger.

In the blink of an eye, the Black Tortoise also disappeared from where it was. With only the naked eye, there was no trace of it. No trace of it could be seen.

The three Divine Beasts that emerged from the ground in succession seemed to be afraid of something. It was likely that they were afraid of the powerful strength displayed by their parents.

After nearly half an hour, the golden light that had burst out from where Lu Chen"s parents were gradually dissipated.

Following that, his parents" figures left the s.p.a.ce crack in the demon realm and appeared at Lu Chen"s location.

"In the next one or two years, there shouldn"t be any problems with the s.p.a.ce cracks in the demon realm. We can finally have a good rest."

"Chen"er, you must remember father"s words. You mustn"t give yourself such a big burden. Just love the important people by your side for your entire life!"

"Those things that saved the lives of the people in this world are all bulls.h.i.t. We don"t have that much ability, so there"s no need to carry such a big burden."

"Sigh, this matter has finally come to an end. The magic and magical beasts that poured out could be tossed around as much as they liked in the mortal world. We just need to try our best."

"Right, how is our Lu family now? It"s been so many years since I"ve seen them, have you contacted any members of your family? "

Lu Qingtian let out a long sigh. After staying in the Two Elements of Creation Formation for eighteen years, he was indeed homesick.

"The situation in our family isn"t too good. After you left the Lu family, the people from the Celestial Sect of Wonders fought over that Earth Ranked Technique …"

Mentioning the issue, Lu Chen sighed heavily and told his father everything he knew.

"What, these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! That year when I was there, none of them dared to make a move and they were all very respectful to my Lu family. As soon as I left, they treated the Lu family like this. This is outrageous! "

When Lu Qingtian heard about the situation within the Lu family, he was extremely worried. He couldn"t help but be enraged and wanted to capture all the people that had harmed the Lu family in one fell swoop.

Lu Chen waited for his father to calm down a little, then he mentioned the battle and told his father in detail.

"Ah, you mean. Which battle was still alive? Quick, quickly bring me to see him! "

When Lu Chen mentioned what battle, Lu Qingtian"s calm heart immediately became excited.

"Senior Zhan"s injuries have just improved. The following treatment will be taken care of by the Unparalleled Sacred Hand, Dugu Wuhe."

"With Dugu Wuhe"s medical skills, there shouldn"t be much of a problem with what kind of treatment Senior Zhan has. He should very likely be in the Dugu Family right now."

From his father"s reaction, Lu Chen could tell that his father cared a lot about which battle he would fight.

What kind of battle wounds were the injuries he had received while constructing the Two Elements of Creation Formation? He was willing to sacrifice himself to help the formation.

Father naturally saw everything in his eyes. Who was sincere and who was good friends, naturally, he saw everything clearly.

Seeing his father"s worried expression, Lu Chen did not hesitate any longer and prepared to leave the Karakorum Savant"s Ruins together with his father.

The s.p.a.ce cracks in the demonic world"s pa.s.sageway had been temporarily sealed off by a formation array. Nothing strange would happen in the short term, and now that he was here, he couldn"t do anything.

The magic had already spread to the air of the mortal world, and the magical beasts were scattered everywhere.

Faced with such a situation, they didn"t have a better solution to resolve the situation. They could only think of a countermeasure and slowly try to solve it.

Afterwards, Lu Chen, his parents, and the others all rushed towards the exit of the Karakorum Ruins.

All along the way, Lu Qingtian used his Golden Light Barrier to protect everyone from the influence of his magic.

Lu Chen discovered that on the way back, there was an unprecedented feeling of desolation and desolation compared to before.

After walking for a while, he didn"t see a single person.

Because of the dense Spiritual Energy, the Karakorum had always been favored by the members of the Celestial Sect of Wonders. It was usually very lively, but now it no longer had its previous appearance.

After pa.s.sing through the water curtain in the spatial pa.s.sageway, Lu Chen noticed that the magical aura outside had become very hard to sense, as if it had completely disappeared.

It was obvious that this magic was not strong enough to travel through the s.p.a.ce pa.s.sage and reach the borders of Jiang Prefecture. However, no one would dare to set foot in the Ruins of Karakorum in the future.

After Lu Chen walked out of the water curtain, he arrived at the exit and immediately saw a black ma.s.s of people.

There were no longer any fluctuations of demonic energy here. The disciples of the Celestial Sect of Wonders who had escaped the Karakorum Ruins did not feel any danger and thus stayed here to wait for news.

In particular, He Qian, Lin Siyun, and Murong Xin`er, who were worried about Lu Chen"s safety, were anxiously waiting for the exit.

Other than these few ladies who had a special relationship with him, Lu Chen also saw many familiar faces in the crowd.

Perhaps the curiosity of many in the Celestial Sect of Wonders had yet to completely dissipate as they were uncertain as to what had happened to the Two Elements Formation.