Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 65

The most common point was to use the three beasts to sacrifice.

Furthermore, the person in charge of offering sacrifices could not be an ordinary person. He had to be like that Taoist Zhang or that master, skilled in opening the altar, and demonstrate enough sincerity to communicate with him.

The more powerful ones were not animals, but the living, even the children.

This was the so-called "living post". It was also called the "living post".

Man is the spirit of all things, the spine has the power to hold the sky above the ground.

There were some monsters that would often encounter bottlenecks when they reached a certain level of cultivation, and they would need a special opportunity to make progress.

At this time, if someone had the opportunity to talk to him about conditions, he would naturally make a similar request.

After listening to Daoist Priest Zhang"s explanation, Lu Chen became even more puzzled.

He turned to Director He and asked, "Did you not fulfill that man"s conditions?"

Chief He said cautiously, "This is under the personal supervision of Chief Zhu. How could he dare to go against his conscience and not pay for it? The little girl"s medical expenses and a million dollars have been paid. "

Lu Chen nodded, turned around and said to Taoist Zhang: "Taoist Zhang, I would like to take a look first."

Daoist Master Zhang said with a cautious expression, "Mr Lu, I know that you are a bold and talented person, but it is best for you to be careful."

"I"ve told you the basic situation, but there seems to be something strange about that ancient tomb. It"s just that my ability is limited and I can"t see through it, much less solve it."

"I was trying to open the altar just now and wanted to negotiate with him. But suddenly, a cold wind blew and my altar was destroyed. I even suffered quite a bit of backlash."

With that, he turned to the crowd, bringing the young man with him as he walked out.

Originally, Lu Chen was a little curious about why Taoist Zhang would suddenly choose to leave at this time.

Wasn"t it supposed to follow along to see what was going on?

However, with the little fox"s reminder, he immediately understood.

So it turned out that this Daoist Priest Zhang was someone who abided by the rules. Even though he wanted to personally experience it, in the end, he suppressed this thought, unwilling to pry into Lu Chen"s methods.

When everyone had watched as Taoist Zhang left, Director He turned around with a face full of antic.i.p.ation and said, "Master Lu, the reason you"ve come this time is …"

Lu Chen smiled lightly: "Your workers took something they shouldn"t have, I"ll bring it back."

Director He was stunned for a moment before looking at Old Yellow.

Old Yellow said awkwardly, "Director He, it"s all our fault for being greedy. Didn"t they dig an ancient tomb under the PaG.o.da tree there? "There"s nothing valuable inside, just a Blood Stone Jade Pendant and an inkstone."

"And then you took it?" Director He frowned.

Apparently he thought that the problem was that the project had stopped.

Old Yellow quivered and looked at Lu Chen for help.

Lu Chen smiled gently: "Although there"s a little relationship, it"s not the root cause. However, we should deal with this matter first! "

Lu Chen said as he prepared to walk in the direction of the PaG.o.da tree.

Director He hesitated for a moment, then caught up to Lu Chen in quick steps, "The matter with the bridge …"

After saying that, he subconsciously looked in the direction of the Great Clear River.

"Let"s take a look first." "Actually, I"m not too sure either." Lu Chen continued to walk forward.

Actually, there was no need for Lao Huang to lead the way at this point. He already knew where the main culprit was.

"Master Lu, please do me a favor. I have dragged this on for too long. According to the contract, I"ll lose everything." Director He said with a conflicted expression.

Lu Chen stopped and sighed lightly: "To be honest, this is my first time dealing with this kind of thing and I don"t have much experience. I can only do my best. "

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, Director He was stunned for a moment, but he did not say anything else. Instead, he followed Lu Chen"s footsteps and headed in the direction of the PaG.o.da tree.

Actually, the closer they got to this place, the more Lu Chen felt that something was unusual here.

It seemed to be just as the little fox had speculated, Lord Mu"s spiritual wisdom had always been guarding the area around his grave. It seemed that his obsession was indeed not small.

No wonder there was such a huge commotion after Huang Tianwei took the love token.

Lu Chen was standing under a giant locust tree that had at least three of them hugging each other. His gaze landed on a spot about thirty meters away.

A large pit had appeared there, and beside it was a pile of bowl-sized roots.

It seemed like this was the tomb where the jade pendant was found.

Right in front of the ancient tomb, there was a shattered altar, scattered with ashes and red candles. There was also some blood, paper money and other things.

This should be where that Daoist Priest Zhang used the altar opening technique.

It was a scorching summer day outside, and the sun was extremely poisonous. However, standing under the shade of a tree, it gave off a deep feeling of yin energy.

In particular, Old Yellow, the man who had been following closely behind him, shuddered.

The two of them quickly exchanged glances and saw the fear in each other"s eyes.

Their gazes quickly landed on Lu Chen"s face.

However, seeing that there was nothing out of the ordinary about his calm demeanor, Director He clenched his teeth and quickly followed him.

Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly realized that the ice-cold feeling from before vanished like smoke in thin air.

His body felt much warmer all of a sudden …

Thus, when he looked at Lu Chen again, his eyes were filled with amazement and antic.i.p.ation.

But how would he know that Lu Chen really had no experience with these things?

The reason why there was no fear was partly because the existence of the little fox had given Lu Chen enough confidence.

On the other hand, Lu Chen naturally had the protection of the Power of Merit.

Even though the killing intent here was thick, it couldn"t even get close to him.

Because of this, Lu Chen appeared so calm and collected, as if nothing had happened.

Lu Chen observed the surroundings for a moment before walking over to the shattered altar and stood still.

This place was only three meters away from the tomb.

Lu Chen frowned as he searched for a while, but to no avail. There was no sign of a soul at all.

In his heart, he said to the little fox that was already sitting on his shoulder, "Little fox, I feel that this place is unusual, but unfortunately, I can"t figure out why."

"Can you help me see what"s going on? On the way, find out what kind of spiritual intelligence and intelligence it is, and have a good talk with it. See what exactly is going on here! "

The little fox put away its usual mischievous smile and hugged its front paw like a human. It said with some emotion:

"I never thought that there would be such a strong Baleful Yin Force in a place like this where the spiritual energy is thin. Moreover, the air of resentment is so strong." "It"s rare, really rare!"

However, when he finished, he subconsciously licked his lips.

Then, it stood up from Lu Chen"s shoulder and scanned the surroundings with glowing eyes.

Looking at its current appearance, it didn"t seem to be looking for a soul, but rather for delicious food ….