Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 662

This kind of feeling caused Lu Chen to be even more excited. As someone who came from a special forces background, he was already very good at close combat.

Such a carefree feeling was enough to make one"s blood boil.

However, when the lightning on Lu Chen"s fists swirled up, the opposing soldier zombie"s speed was also extremely quick. Almost at the same time, it launched a sharp attack towards Lu Chen.

Their hands were stretched out in front of them, and their bodies looked stiff and awkward.

However, to Lu Chen"s surprise, these zombies were actually extremely fast. With a single leap, they arrived right in front of him.

Their tensed hands swept towards Lu Chen ferociously, wanting to smash the person in front of them into pieces.

These zombies had the strength of high-grade Profound Rank soldiers. Although they did not know how to use Tao techniques, they were still extremely powerful.

If they were careless and got hit, they really wouldn"t be able to take it.

This was the reason why Chen Dairong and Yu Shenghui felt like retreating the moment they saw these zombies. They were powerless to fight back.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, was different. With the support of the Heavenly Thunder Steps, his movement speed was naturally extremely fast.

However, at such a close distance, it was as if he was sticking close to the zombie"s hands and trying to avoid its attacks.

As soon as he dodged the attack, several more zombies attacked with their hands, not giving him any time to catch his breath.

Under the siege of these attacks, Lu Chen could only put some distance between them and avoid their attacks.

At the same time, Lu Chen noticed that although these zombies attacked very quickly, their brains weren"t enough.

This group of zombies could only jump around and jump around, they were not good at joining forces. Nearly fifteen zombies were huddled together in a place that couldn"t be considered s.p.a.cious enough, and they couldn"t move away.

People squeezed into people to kill, but the zombies couldn"t kill the zombies.

However, as time pa.s.sed, the zombie"s movements became slower and more crowded. Its attacks were not as astonishing as they appeared to be.

Although the strength of these zombies was not low, they did not have much intelligence. Therefore, it was not difficult to deal with them one on one.

The main reason was because they were attacking together. If they were surrounded by it, it would be extremely bad.

Seeing such a situation, Lu Chen immediately came to a decision.

He then suddenly moved his body, directly attacking a lone zombie.

For these zombies, he could use his extremely fast movement technique to avoid the attacks of the other zombies, while at the same time, he could also attack the zombies on the other side, one by one, and gradually eliminate them.

After a clap of thunder, Lu Chen immediately turned into a dark purple ray of light. The dark purple lightning coiled around his fist, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the zombie soldier.

The purple lightning suddenly expanded and struck the chest of the zombie in front of him.

The zombie soldier was attacked by the purple lightning, and the rusty metal armor on its chest was struck by the Thunder Palm.

The purple lightning seemed to be burning some sort of power on the armor, gradually destroying its solid defense.

It was precisely because these zombies had this kind of strength that their armor became so indestructible.

However, Lu Chen"s Palm Lightning belonged to the most masculine type of Dao arts. It was the nemesis of this evil being.

Once this power was ignited, everyone not far away could clearly see a black and white intertwining fog rise up from the zombie"s chest.

Yu Shenghui, who was standing at the side, could not help but stare with wide eyes in disbelief at the scene before him.

A single punch from a young man like Lu Chen had an instantaneous effect on those zombies. The power and effect of his cultivation technique was actually this strong!

Recalling his own performance just now, he initially felt disdain towards the zombies, but when he saw the zombies, he immediately panicked and retreated. Yu Shenghui"s face reddened in a way that was rarely seen.

Fortunately, at this moment, everyone else was focused on watching Lu Chen kill zombies, no one was paying attention to his expression.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Shenghui saw Lu Chen"s fist sink into the zombie"s chest at a speed visible to the naked eye. The entire process was unimpeded, as if it was nothing.

Finally, Lu Chen"s fist penetrated the zombie"s chest, forming a hole the size of a soccer ball.

In the eyes of others, this indestructible zombie body was as good as paper in Lu Chen"s hands, a one-hit kill.

Chen Dairong was astonished. He had underestimated this young man, worried that they would get in his way and sacrifice their lives for no reason. He did not expect them to be so fierce.

You really can"t judge a book by its cover!

These youngsters didn"t seem to be on good terms with Yu Shenghui, where did they come from?

Chen Dairong was considered a local tyrant in the Dragon Province, but he had never heard of the names of these youngsters. He could only sigh at the fact that these youngsters were so powerful that others would always look up to them.

Han XIyi and Lin Siyun were not the least bit surprised by Lu Chen"s performance. He had an unperturbed expression on his face, without the slightest worry.

After going through so many large battle formations, these few small zombies couldn"t possibly deal any damage to Lu Chen.

At this moment, the moment the zombie was penetrated by Lu Chen"s fist, the rest of its body was set on fire.

A moment later, the high-grade Profound Rank zombie turned into a pile of charcoal and immediately became a burnt corpse without any ability to move anymore.

Yu Shenghui"s expression changed again and again. The power of this lightning art was this tyrannical!

Putting aside the fact that this young man had learned the Palm Lightning Arcane Art from somewhere, his background was extraordinary. Not only that, but he had even learned it to such an extent!

Was this really the strength that a high-grade Profound Rank martial artist should have?

This sort of monstrous genius was truly hard to understand!

After all, Yu Shenghui was in the western part of Dragon State. He was in a huge state with Jiang Prefecture.

If he drove there, it would take him at least 3,000 kilometers to get to the western part of Longzhou.

The two places were quite far from each other. Even though Lu Chen"s reputation had spread far and wide in the Jiang Prefecture, the people here in the Dragon Prefecture had rarely heard of Lu Chen"s reputation and deeds.

It could be said that he had never heard of it before!

Originally, the western part of the Dragon State was very close to the Karakorum, and there was even a spatial pa.s.sageway that led to the Jiang Prefecture.

However, the people of the western part of the Dragon Province weren"t interested in the Jiang Prefecture.

This was mainly because the spiritual energy in the Jiang Prefecture was much thinner than in the western part of the Dragon Prefecture.

Apart from the occasional greetings from the two forces, most of them were old friends who had nothing to do with each other.

The power of the Jiang Prefecture was nothing compared to the western part of the Dragon Province.

Quasi-Earth Stage strength was already considered one of the top powerhouses in Jiang Prefecture with a high status.

However, the western part of the Dragon Continent was filled with quasi-Earth Stage experts. Who knew how many of them there were, making the standing of the quasi-Earth Stage experts very ordinary.

So, almost everyone"s goal was to reach the Earth Stage. They all wanted to reach a higher level.

He would turn into a dragon whenever he encountered wind and cloud!