Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 68

Spiritual Body level?

Not seen for a thousand years?

Lu Chen didn"t understand what was going on.

He could not help but ask, "Little fox, what is the background of this woman? You didn"t come from anywhere else, did you? "

The little fox said snappily, "Who the h.e.l.l knows where that came from!? No doubt about it. Unfortunately, I met little fox, so I was destined for bad luck! "

As he finished speaking, Lu Chen saw the other side of him tremble.

In the next moment, a golden light as thick as a bowl shot out toward the white-clothed woman.

"Level 10 Body Securing Technique!"

In the air, the little fox"s voice suddenly exploded.


With a flash of light, the woman in white was wrapped in a golden coc.o.o.n of light.

The silvery-white energy within her body burst out crazily, attacking in all directions, as though it wanted to break through the light coc.o.o.n.

This time"s attack was not like the previous ones, only visible to Lu Chen. Even Qing Qingyun, who was busy setting up the formation, was stunned.


He exclaimed and was about to come over to help.

The woman in white exclaimed and then sternly ordered, "Dao Friend Qing Yun, continue setting up the formation. Don"t worry about me!"

After saying that, the silver light around her body exploded, and the lotus petals danced in the air, breaking through the golden coc.o.o.n and regaining her freedom.

At this time, she no longer had time to care about Lu Chen. She opened her eyes wide in a defensive manner as she vigilantly scanned her surroundings.

Unfortunately, after searching for a while, he still couldn"t find anything.

So she frowned and shouted, "Who is it! Who the h.e.l.l are you? So what if you"re playing games, do you dare to fight me in the open? "

Even so, Lu Chen did not dare to move recklessly.

Just now, he had already seen that this woman in white was extremely skilled. Even at this moment, Lu Chen was not confident in being able to escape from her side.

If the enemy were to kill him in a moment of desperation, it would be an injustice.

The little fox"s heart ached for the power that he had acc.u.mulated with great difficulty using the Merit Bead and ran out just like that. At the same time, it looked unhappily at the girl who had used her sword to abduct Lu Chen.

"I don"t believe in evil!"

The little fox fiercely cursed. With a flash, it broke through the barrier surrounding the Spiritual Sense and turned into a streak of white light, returning to the Merit Pearl.


The little fox dove head first into the contribution points pool that was about to overflow. The liquid power of contribution points immediately began to boil.

Then, as the white light on the little fox grew brighter, the karmic power within it began to decrease at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. Soon, it reached the bottom!

When the little fox appeared again, its body was completely enveloped by the white light.

This fellow had actually refined the power of a pool of karmic virtue in one go?

However, the next scene caused Lu Chen to be dumbstruck, his heart thumping in his chest.

The little fox"s body underwent a drastic change, unexpectedly turning into a beautiful and charming woman.

Su Daji …

Lu Chen saw two tails appear behind it.

That"s right!

He suddenly remembered that when he first appeared, the little fox had said that he was a Nine-tailed Sky Fox.

Lu Chen vaguely knew that the more these legendary strange beasts" tails were expressed, the stronger their mana would be.

Now that the little fox had absorbed a pool of karmic power, its strength had clearly increased by quite a bit, so showing two tails was within reason.

It was just that it did not expect the beast to be so beautiful when it took human form. It was simply a soul capturing technique.

"Lord, I will stall her. Remember to touch her spirit point later." And her spiritual acupoint is above the Shanzhong acupoint. "

When the little fox spoke again, Lu Chen could feel his mind was in turmoil. He didn"t even dare to look at the little fox anymore.

Without waiting for Lu Chen to continue asking, the little fox continued, "Because she has an innate spiritual body, this woman has a natural resistance to all kinds of Dao arts attacks."

"However, although her spirit body is very powerful, before she can truly control this power, her spirit point is her fatal weakness."

"Once someone hits her Spirit Point, all the Upper Sky Qi in her body will be temporarily sealed. It would be no different from a cripple."

"When I use the Ultimate Stabilizing Spell, I"ll probably be able to stop her for a few seconds. After that, I"ll lose at least 80% of my battle prowess. Therefore, Master, there is only one chance. You must grasp it well! "

Lu Chen was also a little surprised.

He never thought that the so-called Upper Sky Spiritual Body would be so powerful. The usually stingy little fox was actually forced to such a state.

As if it had sensed the thoughts in Lu Chen"s mind, the little fox, while adapting to the explosive power in its body, said with a bit of a mocking tone:

"Master, there is no need to be envious. With the Eye of Merit in your hands, you are stronger than anything else. "The Eye of Merit is a spiritual treasure that has existed since the beginning of the world. It is in charge of the order of reward and punishment of the world."

"Might as well say so! All of the Immortals and Buddhas you know have been created by relying on the power of karmic virtue. Even many demons and ghosts yearn for the power of virtue to help them cultivate. "

Lu Chen felt a little awkward that the little fox had actually humiliated him.

He already knew about the origin of the Merit Pearl when he first received the information.

However, towards the little fox, Lu Chen was always on his guard.

The little fox didn"t seem to know that he already knew these secrets, so it pretended to be well-educated.

Lu Chen"s reaction clearly made the little fox very satisfied. It reminded him, "You have to judge correctly. We must succeed at once! "

After finishing his sentence, he shot a beam of golden light at the woman, "Ultimate Stabilizing Technique!"

A golden coc.o.o.n of light even more dazzling than before appeared out of thin air, completely enveloping the white-clothed woman.

Lu Chen had been preparing to take action since the moment the light coc.o.o.n appeared.

His finger ferociously stabbed at the Shanzhong acupoint on the white clothed female"s chest.


The woman in white let out a surprised cry. It was as if all her energy had been sucked out of her. She collapsed to the ground, paralyzed.

At the same time, the silvery white brilliance within her body dimmed.

Lu Chen grabbed the short sword in her hand and turned it around, pressing the tip of the sword against her throat.

The woman in white weakly glanced at him, her eyes filled with unspeakable astonishment and anger.


Qing Yun Zi, who was trying to destroy the soul of the book spirit by activating his array, suddenly reacted and shouted.

In the next moment, he appeared beside Lu Chen in a flash, reaching out with his hand to capture him.

Unfortunately, the little fox was already waiting for him in the dark.

Just as he made contact with Lu Chen"s body, he suddenly felt a chill run through his body, and soon after, he found that he was no longer able to move.

"Hehe!" You, who haven"t even broken through to the peak of the yellow level, can be considered a blessing in disguise for me to make a move against a spiritual body of the Connate realm. "

Just as the little fox finished its triumphant speech, it collapsed to the ground like a deflated balloon.