Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 69

"It"s really you!" However... How was this possible … Is it really the method to recite it? It didn"t make sense at all... How can a human do this? "And he"s so young …"

The woman had finally recovered and said incredulously as she stared at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen suddenly laughed, "This is called a true person not showing his face, not revealing his true appearance." One must know that there is always a heaven above the heavens. If you are unable to do so, it does not mean that others are unable to do so as well. "

"What"s more, if you don"t make a move, I"m afraid others will treat you as an ordinary person. So we"re the same. "

Lu Chen understood that a man"s wealth was his own fault.

He did not want to expose the existence of the little fox and let these people know that he possessed the Eye of Merit.

"Looks like I have underestimated the people of this world. However, we have no grievances and no enmity, so why do you want to scheme against us? " The woman frowned and said.

"I schemed against you?" Lu Chen sneered, "It seems like you were the one who made the first move!"

As he spoke, he pointed at his own neck.

Although there were already signs of scabs, the wound was still there.

"But it was clearly you …" The white-clothed woman paused here.

He stared straight at the wound on Lu Chen"s neck, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

"Milord, don"t waste your breath. My Body Securing Curse can"t be sustained for too long, and this old Daoist isn"t easy to deal with either." The little fox replied weakly.

Only then did Lu Chen realize that the little fox had returned to its original appearance.

It was just that its figure had become even dimmer than when it first saw it.

It looked like he had used up quite a bit of his energy and probably paid a considerable price in order to be able to use that ultimate technique to stop the white-robed woman.

Yang Yan looked towards Qing Yun.

Indeed, at this moment, the golden light around Qing Yun started to grow dimmer and dimmer. It started to twist and look like it was about to fall apart.

Lu Chen hurriedly grabbed the woman, and the sharp edge of the sword was pressed against her throat.

Originally, Lu Chen was unwilling to do something like abducting a woman.

However, he"d been threatened just now, and the situation was urgent, so he couldn"t care less.

Now that the little fox was injured, the Golden Light Shield could not hold out for long.

If Qing Qingzi"s formation really destroyed this Ming dynasty scholar"s spiritual wisdom, then his efforts would have been in vain.

"You might not believe me if I said it, but I originally only wanted to communicate with the spirit of the tomb master. I wanted to understand the whole situation, and I simply didn"t have any intention of becoming enemies with the two of you." Lu Chen directly stated his position on this matter.

"What is there to ask?"

Before he could say anything, the lady in white frowned and said as if it was a matter of course,

"No matter what the reason is, since he"s already dead, he should return to the dust and return to the earth. That is the way of the heavens."

"It"s wrong for it to ignore everything and forcefully stay in the mortal world. Now that we"re borrowing the other party"s evil aura to wreak havoc, we naturally have to get rid of them as soon as possible! "

Lu Chen sneered.

He could roughly guess what these cultivators were thinking.

It was simply the inner thought of the so-called righteous person.

He always believed that he was the embodiment of justice, and he always came up with all sorts of plausible reasons for his actions.

"What are you laughing at?" She was obviously being held hostage, but the woman in white didn"t seem to be afraid at all as she coldly asked.

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and said with disdain: "You guys are enjoying killing the devil without a single detail, but are you really doing it on behalf of the heavens?!"

"Buddha says, put down the butcher"s knife and immediately become Buddha! "You don"t have any tolerance at all. What kind of way are you cultivating?"

"You"re still acting on behalf of the heavens? In my opinion, that"s just a joke! All self-righteous excuses. "

"How dare you!" Qing Yun couldn"t help but curse.

He had already successfully broken free of the Body Securing Technique"s restraints. True energy surged from his body as he stared at Lu Chen like a tiger eyeing its prey.

Lu Chen met Qing Qingzi"s gaze and said lightly: "Don"t worry, this is a legal society. If it"s not necessary, I would not really kill people."

"I just want to solve the mystery in my heart. Therefore, I hope that Daoist Priest Qing Yun can stop the formation and allow me to communicate with the owner of this tomb. "

"Just answer the questions in my mind. Moreover, Master Mu truly has the intention of harming the human world. Even without you doing anything, I will still take care of it. "

Qing Yun looked at the woman who had been pressed into the Spirit Point by Lu Chen and finally nodded, gritting his teeth as he said:

"Alright! "But you must not hurt her. Otherwise, no matter what kind of origins the benefactor has, no matter how strong the backing is, my Sect or even the entire Sect will not rest until you are dead!"

With that, he performed a hand incantation and put away the jade talisman.

Lu Chen then said to the white-clothed woman: "Miss, I"ll have to trouble you for a moment. I just want to settle the cause and effect of this place"s surging resentment."

"Although we have different ideas, our final goal is to solve this issue and prevent more innocent people from getting hurt."

When the white-clothed woman heard these words, a trace of warmth finally appeared on her frosty face.

Lu Chen simply let her go and spoke to the scholar"s spirit who was protected by the Golden Light Shield of the little fox:

"Can you tell me the reason why you still have a strand of your soul on this earth? I might be able to help you. "

Seeing that Lu Chen was able to communicate with him, a trace of pleasant surprise flashed across his originally angry face.

It immediately cupped its fists and said: "Master, I am Wu Yue, and I have friends. Thank you very much. "May I ask for your name?"

"Lu Chen!"

"So it"s Master Lu Chen." Wu Yue said, "Actually, I"ve been trying to find someone to talk to for the past few hundred years, but no one who meets me can hear me or see me."

"Even the master and disciple that came just now couldn"t communicate with me, except for a little bit of cultivation experience."

Saying that, Wu Yue shook her head helplessly.

"This is your jade pendant, I"ll return it to you now. "As the saying goes, those who don"t know are innocent, don"t pester that person anymore."

As Lu Chen spoke, he placed the jade pendant on the stone surface.

Of course he knew that at the moment, Wu Yue only had a strand of her spiritual will left, and couldn"t even touch anything.

Then, Lu Chen turned around to look at the bearded Old Yellow, who was standing far away with a frightened expression on his face, and said in a deep voice:

"When you go back and bury Young Master Wu"s body, remember to bring out that Ink Platform and bury him with this piece of jade."

Even though in the previous fights, ordinary people like Old Hu couldn"t see it at all.

But no matter what, he could tell that whether it was Lu Chen, the white-clothed woman, or Qing Yun Zi, they were all proficient in their skills.

The key point was that he could hear their conversation. Although he could not understand it, he did not dare to say half a word of disagreement!

Right now, he couldn"t wait to go back to his workshop and get that inkstone, so he could get this over with.