Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 70

What Lu Chen did not expect was that the moment Wu Yue saw Old Yellow, she flew into a rage.

He pointed at the bearded man, gritted his teeth and said, "That"s the b.a.s.t.a.r.d! And that nephew of his who was worse than a beast! They are the robbers. "

"It"s a pity that I can"t touch this creature. I can only watch as these robbers destroy my grave and steal my love!"

Lu Chen glanced at the bearded man, whose body was trembling in fear, and sighed in his heart.

Actually, what the bearded man did was understandable.

In this era where faith was lacking, if they were to encounter such a good thing, most people would think that it was their luck that had come.

As for the possibility that disrespect to the dead might lead to disaster or something, of course, it was not a matter of concern.

Before that happened, if someone reminded them, they would rather scoff at them and even curse back.

Lu Chen could completely understand Wu Yue"s feelings at this moment. He said with a smile: "Don"t worry, they already know their wrongs, so just treat it as giving them a chance to turn over a new leaf."

"Besides, this jade pendant has already returned to its original owner. I will have them clean up your bones and give you a Feng Shui treasure. Afterwards, I will find a way to transcend your dead soul."

Unfortunately, Wu Yue didn"t seem to be satisfied with Lu Chen"s offer.

It coldly snorted. "Hmph! These b.a.s.t.a.r.ds were not greedy enough and died with regret! Why must you plead for them! "

"Let"s let them go and let them go. The cycle of karmic retribution reacts to our displeasure." If you spare them, I am willing to fulfill your long-cherished wish and help you reincarnate. "

Sure enough, when Lu Chen said these words, Wu Yue"s spirit was staring straight at him, her face revealing a hint of pleasant surprise.

The reason why he was so sure that Wu Yue"s wish had yet to come true was because she was willing to stay in the mortal world as a ghost, and probably only because of this reason.

Furthermore, seeing how much it cared about this jade pendant as a token of its affection, Lu Chen guessed that it must have done so out of love.

"I... I haven"t found her yet. What does rebirth mean to me? "What"s the point..."

Wu Yue mumbled hysterically for a while, then let out a heavy sigh and continued:

"I had originally planned to be together with her in love, but my family had fallen and it was extremely difficult for me to support myself. So what could I possibly do to make her happy?"

"Sigh!" A scholar was useless, a scholar was useless! How could I, a poor scholar, miss out on a good girl for the rest of my life? "

As Lu Chen looked at that lost expression on its face, he couldn"t help but feel some sympathy for its plight.

Over the past few hundred years, it had told countless people its story, but none of them had heard it.

"Thus, I decided to take the Imperial Examinations, and at least earn myself a rank and a half, so that I could come back and propose to her."

"Originally, I wanted to quietly go by myself, but who would"ve thought that she would find out. That night, she gave me this piece of jade … "What a great omen …"

"Unfortunately, the son of the County Magistrate went to study with me. I didn"t expect him to harbor malicious intentions and secretly adore that young lady for a long time."

"But back then, I didn"t even know about this. I treated him as a good friend and trusted him completely. While I was unprepared, this fellow knocked me out and threw me into this valley.

"It was also a pa.s.sing old granny who looked pitifully upon me. She called for her family members to collect my bones and bury me by the side of the road. This is why we have this home. "

"However, I came to my hometown to find her at such a young age. I had originally thought that even if I were to see her marry into another family, as long as she was happy and happy, I wouldn"t be able to find her."

"I have been wasting my time for hundreds of years, yet I still can"t find anything..." If you can help me find her descendant and help me return this jade pendant to her, then I will forget about this person stealing my treasure. "

Looking at Wu Yue"s earnest expression, Lu Chen suddenly pointed at the PaG.o.da tree behind him: "The person you"ve been looking for is by your side!"

"What?!" Wu Yue stared at Lu Chen with a look of disbelief, "You … … What do you mean? "How could she be by my side? How could she be by my side?"

Lu Chen sighed lightly: "I don"t know why, but you guys can"t get in touch with each other. I"ll give it a try."

As Lu Chen spoke, he squatted down and placed a hand on a exposed locust tree root.

"Sir!" "This is..." The originally listless little fox suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Lu Chen in disbelief.

Lu Chen ignored him and used all his Spiritual Sense to continuously rush towards the roots of the locust tree.

Actually, Lu Chen had already felt a faintly discernible aura when he had just arrived.

This Qi was completely different from the one on the scholar"s body, but it was also very intimate. Moreover, it was exactly the same as one of the remnants of the Qi on the jade pendant.

Although it was very weak, on the way here, Lu Chen had been holding it in his hand. With his unique talent, he gradually locked onto it.

However, Lu Chen had tried to read its memories or even communicate with it, but to no avail.

However, when he saw the locust tree, especially when he realized that its roots and crown seemed to be silently guarding the scholar"s grave, a bold idea immediately emerged in his mind.

Lu Chen tried hard for a moment. He could indeed feel that this aura had become much stronger, but he was still unable to communicate with it.

He frowned and thought for a while. Then, his eyes inadvertently fell on the jade pendant not far away.

A light bulb lit up in his mind as he hurriedly held it in his hand and placed the jade pendant on top of the root.


The aura instantly became much stronger, and then countless memory fragments crazily rushed towards Lu Chen.

When he opened his eyes again, there were actually tears in them.

He was not a sentimental person. Since he had become sensible, he could already count the number of times he had cried with one hand.

But this time, he was deeply moved by his lovers" persistence.

After slightly adjusting his mood, he said to Wu Yue, "That lady"s name is Nie Rou Niang, right?"

Suddenly, Wu Yue"s spiritual consciousness trembled violently, and she subconsciously charged towards Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen"s body shone with a golden light and he was sent flying backwards.

Although his spirit power had become illusory, he still asked with difficulty, "Are you speaking the truth? Is she here? However... Why didn"t she come out? Why didn"t she come out? "

Lu Chen sighed and shook his head: "Can you listen to me quietly?"

Wu Yue quickly nodded her head, "Master, please speak, please speak!"

Lu Chen said, "She waited a long time for you to get no news of her. Seeing that her son from the county and her family are forcing her to marry again, she disguised herself as a man and came to find you."

Wu Yue said in a daze: "Rou Niang came to find me? "Rou Niang came to find me, why didn"t I see it? Why didn"t I see you …"