Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 76

"Master, this fellow"s cultivation is high to begin with, and he already possesses the body of a half dragon. He is only missing an opportunity to transform into a dragon. And now that you have devoured the soul, your power must have risen dramatically. You need to be careful later on. " The little fox narrowed its eyes as it looked at the whirlpool, reminding him slowly.

It was rare for Lu Chen to see the little fox being so serious. He asked doubtfully, "What, this guy"s so amazing, you can"t even deal with him?"

The little fox quickly glanced at Qing Yun and Lin Siyun and pouted, saying:

"If it wasn"t for those two who were in the way earlier, Xiao Hu would have had no choice but to exhaust his cultivation and borrow the power of contribution points to temporarily increase his strength. There is indeed a way!"

"But now, if this fellow really turns hostile, then although I can still subdue it with the help of the heavens, the losses will be even greater."

"After all, this guy has been cultivating here for a thousand years, and he has the support of the dragon fountain. Now that he has received a soul sacrifice, his strength has increased tremendously."

"So, it"s best not to take the risk unless you have no other choice. "If possible, listen to what conditions it has, and try to fulfill them as much as possible!"

"When the time comes, you will first communicate with its soul, and then I will talk to it. No matter what, it is still a flood dragon that is about to transform into a dragon, so its use is still not small. "

At this point, the little fox had a sly smile on its face.

This kind of smile was too familiar. Even Lu Chen felt a little nervous for this Flood Dragon.

He didn"t say much and just nodded his head, staring at the black whirlpool near the pier, waiting for the flood dragon to appear.

According to the little fox, snakes and flood dragons were both evil creatures that loved Baleful Yin Force.

However, as the saying goes, the extremes of things are always reversed. The moment one incarnates as a dragon, the cathode would turn into a positive, becoming an extremely positive existence.

Of course, this sort of extreme transformation meant that it was extremely dangerous.

There was usually not even a single dragon that could be transformed into a dragon.

In other words, even a hundred flood dragons might not be able to form a true dragon.

However, if a Flood Dragon wanted to successfully transform into a dragon, not only did it have to have a solid foundation, it also had to depend on karmic luck.

Thus, from this point of view, Lu Chen actually had the confidence to negotiate.

The fog near the river surface was becoming denser and denser, greatly affecting everyone"s line of sight, even Lu Chen, who possessed the power of merit, was no exception.

There was no need to talk about Chief Engineer Zhu and the others. At this moment, they were basically unable to see anything more than a meter away.

Fortunately, under the protection of Lu Chen"s force of merit, they were not eroded by the extremely dense Baleful Yin Force. Therefore, they felt a little better.

But whether it was Qing Yun or Lin Siyun, both of them were covered in a white halo of light at this moment, using it to resist the corrosion of the Baleful Yin Force.


Following a roar that seemed to come from the void, a huge figure flashed in the mist.

It had a hideous head, two eyes the size of lanterns, and two horns on its head.

Except the head. The other places were hidden in the thick fog, and it was difficult to see the whole picture clearly.

When the flood dragon appeared, its imposing manner directly locked onto Lu Chen.

It was because he had the power to protect himself. When this evil aura reached its peak, his body shone with a golden light, as if a golden immortal had descended into the world.

"Who are you? What do you want from me? "

A berserk voice sounded in Lu Chen"s heart. It was the dragon"s soul conversation.

In that instant, even Lu Chen felt his mind tremble.

He took a deep breath and composed himself before replying, "I didn"t mean to offend you guys, but I just wanted to have a chat with Jiang Dashan, the father."

"The father of the child … You mean that human who was willing to sacrifice his soul to borrow my power? Humph! He is now a part of me. If you have anything to say, just say it to me! " The dragon impatiently said.

"Can you make the decision?" Lu Chen asked.

"Of course I can!" The dragon proudly stated.

At this moment, the little fox at the side could not help but speak up.

"That was easy to say!" The little fox"s unrestrained voice rang out as it sneered and said, "Since others are willing to sacrifice their souls, they must have come to an agreement with you. If you are unable to do it, are you not afraid of being struck by lightning and being killed in body and spirit? "

"Who are you?!" The flood dragon was startled. Its head, which had been exposed from the fog, suddenly shrank back.

"Nine Tailed Heavenly Fox!" The little fox proudly revealed its ident.i.ty.

After a few seconds of silence, the dragon suddenly said, "That"s not right! It couldn"t be the Nine Tailed Heavenly Fox. You should be its soul projection! "

"What do you think?" The little fox coldly snorted, "If this sovereign descended, do you think you would still talk to me like this!?"

"You … What exactly do you want?! " The dragon said as he clenched his teeth.

As expected, it was the shadow of a famous tree. Lu Chen could also feel that this menacing fellow had been intimidated by the ident.i.ty of the little fox, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox.

"Let"s talk about our conditions first!" We are willing to give you the Merit Beads to help you acc.u.mulate enough meritorious services to increase your chances of successfully transcending the tribulation. "However, you have to agree to a few conditions." The little fox said.

"Merit Beads?" The Flood Dragon"s voice was clearly trembling, and it sounded more like it was caused by excitement.

It was silent for a moment, then said: "How many conditions? "Let"s hear it first."

"First, give up on Jiang Dashan"s sacrifice to your soul. We are prepared to send him to the next life so that he can be reincarnated as a human." That"s no problem, right? " The little fox immediately threw out the first condition.

The dragon hesitated before replying, "A Merit Pearl. I agree to that condition. "

"Sure! But only red. No matter how high the level is, there"s nothing we can do. " The little fox said.

The Flood Dragon stuck its head out and gave Lu Chen a deep look. It seemed to have understood something and immediately agreed: "No problem! "It"s just a red Merit Pearl."

The little fox smiled and threw out a second condition.

"Withdraw your Baleful Yin Force. At the same time, adjust the structure of this place." Being independent is not as enjoyable as being alone. After all, you"re not the only one who has the dragon fountain, so others don"t have any benefits, right? "

This time, the flood dragon didn"t hesitate and directly accepted it.

However, the condition was two red Merit Pearls.

According to him, withdrawing Baleful Yin Force was one condition, but adjusting the structure of this place was another.

The normally shrewd little fox would never let it go as it wished. It immediately erased the Baleful Yin Force"s condition, saying only that it would change the pattern and ensure the protection of the spirit energy here.

The flood dragon was immediately dumbfounded. After thinking for a while, he could only agree.

This was because in order to fulfill the requirements for the pattern, one had to remove the nearby Baleful Yin Force.

"The third!" At this point, the little fox suddenly stopped.

The dragon impatiently asked: "What"s the third one? Why don"t you hurry up and tell me?"

The little fox curled its lips and said with a smile, "Why are you in such a hurry? I haven"t even thought about it!"