Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 79

Seeing that Doctor Lei"s thoughts were finally clear, Lu Chen immediately changed the topic.

He smiled and said, "As the saying goes, there is no harm in being prepared. Doctor Lei can tell me the specific condition of your illness first.

Doctor Lei let out a wry smile, "Teacher Lu, I am ashamed to say that this Miss Wu has a bad temper and doesn"t seem to be cooperating at all. Maybe it"s because I"m not proficient enough, but after looking at it a few times, I still can"t see what"s wrong with it. "

"I even wondered if she had a mental illness and thought she was sick. That"s why she went looking for medicine."

Lu Chen was even more curious now.

Even Doctor Lei couldn"t figure it out. Was it really a mental illness?

While the two of them were chatting, the car had already stopped outside of Wu Siqi"s villa"s entrance.

It was most likely Doctor Lei"s car. The person in charge of the gate did not question him and just opened the door, allowing Doctor Lei to drive the car into the courtyard and stop.

After getting off the car, Doctor Lei looked around and couldn"t help but frown.

He lowered his voice and said to Lu Chen, "This is different from the first time I came. Something"s wrong, Mr Lu, be careful."

Lu Chen nodded. His body had been enhanced by the power of karmic virtue and his senses were sharp. Actually, he had already felt that there were a lot of people gathered in the villa.

There were also a few different auras among these people.

On the surface, Lu Chen seemed to be underestimating the situation, but he was already secretly on guard. Together with Doctor Lei, they followed the butler into the villa.

As soon as he entered the living room of the villa, Lu Chen noticed a huge crowd of people sitting in it.

Moreover, their bodies more or less emitted the smell of various types of medicine. There were even some who simply carried medicine boxes on their back. With a single glance, one could tell that they were fellow colleagues of Doctor Lei.

Lu Chen immediately understood.

This was probably all gathered by Wu Siqi.

He couldn"t help but become even more curious as to what kind of strange illness Wu Siqi was suffering from to have called so many people over at once.

What made him even more curious was that the person who had come to treat the patient was missing his main target.

At this time, a spry old man with slightly gray hair and a head full of vigor walked in.

He counted the people, gently coughed twice, and asked solemnly: "May I ask which mister or lady has come uninvited? This is a personal invitation, please leave. "

Everyone looked at each other, and in the end, their gazes landed on Lu Chen.

It was only at this moment that Doctor Lei suddenly came back to his senses. He hurriedly explained: "This is Mister Lu Chen, his medical skills have reached perfection. I told Miss Wu about him before. "

"So it"s Mr Lu Chen." The butler looked as if he had suddenly realized something, and quickly cupped his fists as he said, "Please excuse me!" Please forgive this old one for being so unreasonable. "

Lu Chen waved his hand and calmly said, "No worries."

The housekeeper bowed to everyone and said, "The reason why we are gathered here today is because our young miss"s condition has worsened."

"Everyone here is the doctor that Miss thinks highly of. I hope everyone can pool their thoughts and help her achieve a breakthrough this time."

"However," the butler paused for a moment, then continued, "My Miss understands that all of you have come from far away, so she specially requested that you take a short rest in order to put out your best conditions to help her control her illness."

"For this reason, we have prepared excellent dishes. Please move to the next restaurant and have some food before going to diagnose it."

It was strange to be in no hurry to treat a serious illness.

However, as if they were already familiar with this young miss" temper, no one objected, including Doctor Lei.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, looked like he was just watching a show.

He and Doctor Ley followed the others to the dining room.

Before the dishes were served, there were already people at the table who could not help but whisper to each other.

Right now, Lu Chen only knew that Lady Wu vomited heavily every day, but he didn"t know the exact reason.

Doctor Lei also seemed to be confused.

Therefore, before seeing the person in person, Lu Chen could only remain silent.

Of course, there might be some clues to their story.

There were not only people like Lu Chen and Doctor Lei who were there, there were also many Western doctors.

There was even a therapist in a pair of gold-rimmed, looking like a skeleton in the workplace.

It seemed like Wu Siqi had really gone to every corner to seek medical help for this illness and had thought of every method possible.

"Impossible!" The X-ray B gastroscope has already been done. There is absolutely no foreign body inside. " A doctor retorted in a low voice.

The two of them seemed to be acquainted with one another, and their words sounded casual.

Sitting on the other side of him was a middle-aged man with white hair and a beard. He frowned and muttered, "From the pulse, I can see nothing unusual …"

Another older doctor also said, "Although this Miss Wu has gastrointestinal problems, it"s not a big problem. Ordinary people would at least have some. I don"t know why …"

"You quacks!" At this moment, a voice rang out, loud and ear-piercing in the hall.

It was as if he wanted to attract everyone"s attention.

Then, when everyone looked at him with unfriendly gazes, he continued to loudly say,

"I"ve seen the medicine you use. It was made by trembling. All of them are conservative in their usage, so they don"t dare to use some of the more effective ones. "

Lu Chen couldn"t help but frown as he thought to himself, "Which bold person is this? Even if it"s the truth, shouldn"t he speak so arrogantly in this kind of setting?"

Not to mention the top doctors, even in Jiang Prefecture, they would be ranked very high.

Who was this guy and how dare he be so arrogant?!

Actually, Lu Chen had still underestimated the doctors present.

Those who were able to be invited were not just famous doctors in Jiang Prefecture.

Many were famous even throughout the province.

Otherwise, when Doctor Ley appeared, these people would have gone up to greet him.

However, the real situation was that Doctor Lei did not have anything to be proud of. They were merely acquaintances who nodded their heads.

These people were used to people praising them, so they naturally could not bear this grievance.

One of them was about to argue with him, but he was stopped by someone beside him.

"Don"t argue with him! He"s the famous medical genius, Yu Xing. "

"It"s him?!" Those who wanted to argue all widened their eyes and swallowed their words.

The friend who was kind enough to stop him nodded and said with a sigh, "This is an impressive place for doctors. He was accepted into the medical academy at the age of ten, finished his undergraduate studies at the university, and then went to study at Harvard. He came back three years later with a doctor from the Harvard Medical School."

"After returning to China, he had been traveling to different parts of the country to study medicine. He seemed to be studying traditional medicine in different parts of China. Not only traditional Chinese medicine, but even doctor Miao, Meng, and Tibetan doctors have studied it!" "He really does have some skill."