Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 82

After the woman left, Doctor Lei glanced at the exquisite tea set and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Immediately after, he raised his head and looked at Lu Chen with some hesitation, seemingly hesitating.

Of course, Lu Chen knew what he was worried about. With a gentle smile, he said, "Doctor Lei, don"t worry. There definitely won"t be any problems with the tea."

Doctor Lei smiled awkwardly, then picked up a piece of the heart to eat. He vaguely explained:

"Lu laoshi, don"t take it amiss. Speaking of which, there were too many patients at noon, so we only planned to treat three of them. In the end, we made an exception."

"Well, I was going to have a meal, but then I received a call from Miss Wu. "I"m really hungry for not having eaten lunch." "… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

As Doctor Lei spoke, he picked up a cup of tea and gulped it down.

Seeing how the doctor was wolfing down his food, Lu Chen nodded his head lightly: "The parents of a doctor should be able to help one person, right?"

Half an hour had already pa.s.sed when the door to Wu Siqi"s room was opened once again.

Looking at Yu Xing"s ashen face, Lu Chen couldn"t help but raise his eyebrows.

On the other hand, Doctor Lei, who had nearly finished all the tea break seemed to not be surprised by this result.

Lu Chen hesitated for a moment, then walked over and asked softly, "What, Senior Yu, is Miss Wu"s condition very difficult?"

Yu Xing raised his head and looked at Lu Chen indifferently: "We didn"t find anything! Are you happy? I would like to see if you can see what kind of strange disease this is! "

"Then this junior will try his luck!" Lu Chen said with a smile as if he didn"t care about Yu Xing"s sarcastic tone.

Actually, Lu Chen could feel it. Although Yu Xing had a weird temper and was difficult to get along with, it was only aimed at people he didn"t like.

Relatively speaking, his att.i.tude towards himself was already pretty good.

In reality, those who were truly capable had all sorts of strange fetishes.

At that time, Master Lu"s eyes were similarly high and his temper was equally bad.

However, when it comes to treating patients, it is always with all the effort that one can put in to achieve the heart of a doctor"s parents.

Following that, Lu Chen turned around and said to Doctor Lei, "Doctor Lei, you"re the senior. Why don"t you go first!"

Doctor Lei hesitated for a moment, smiled wryly and nodded his head. Then, he pushed open the door and entered.

After about five minutes, Doctor Lei came out again. He gently shook his head and said, "I"m not good at anything. I don"t see anything special about me."

However, his expression was indifferent, unlike Yu Xing"s dejected one from before.

Lu Chen nodded and didn"t say anything more. He directly pushed open Wu Siqi"s door and walked in.

When Lu Chen entered the room, Wu Siqi only lazily looked up for a moment and asked with an indifferent tone, "Is Mr Lu a Chinese doctor or a western doctor?"

Lu Chen softly said two words: "Traditional Chinese Medicine."

"As expected..." There was no expression on Wu Siqi"s face. She straightened herself on the sofa and said softly, "Unfortunately, it"s probably useless."

Lu Chen"s eyes darkened, and he immediately asked with a smile, "Miss Wu, why do you say that? Why do you think that Chinese medicine isn"t enough?"

Wu Siqi frowned slightly and then said carelessly, "You"ve made a doctor out of a long illness. Actually, before you, I"ve already seen a lot of the so-called Xing Lin nation"s experts, but they were helpless to do anything about it."

"Actually, I don"t deny Chinese medicine. I also hope that Chinese medicine can be spread far and wide in order to establish its name in this era."

"Furthermore, I believe that this Chinese medicine can indeed cure illnesses and save lives. It"s a pity that it was purposely made mysterious by others."

"Even if it"s obvious that the illness has been cured, the specific medicinal effects and medical knowledge still gives off a vague feeling, making it hard to believe."

"Western medicine may have all kinds of side effects, and it looks simple and crude, but when people use data to talk, they always give people a more reasonable feeling."

"To tell you the truth, if it wasn"t for the fact that no matter whether or not you"re a doctor or a housekeeper, I wouldn"t want to see you even if you pa.s.sed the examination."

Lu Chen suddenly smiled: "Then Miss Wu must thank your housekeeper properly."

Wu Siqi"s eyes darkened as if she couldn"t react in time. But then, she actually burst out laughing.

"I thought that this doctor was quite arrogant. I didn"t expect him to be so far off from you. I hope your ability is worthy of this kind of arrogance. "

Lu Chen also smiled and confidently said, "Whether it"s useful or not, it"s not too late for Miss Wu to talk about it."

Seeing Lu Chen"s confident appearance, Wu Siqi"s originally somewhat lazy expression was immediately swept away.

She nodded her head and stretched out her right hand: "Male, female, male, female, female, please, Mister Lu!"

Without another word, Lu Chen went up to establish a pulse.

No wonder Yu Xing couldn"t check for any problems.

According to the thinking of traditional Chinese medicine, there was no problem with this meridian. This Miss Wu was as healthy as she could be.

However, to Lu Chen, all of this was just a facade.

It could even be more accurate to say that from the moment he had been standing at the door, he had already sensed the problem on Wu Siqi"s body.

It was just that the distance between them was quite far, so he did not dare to make a conclusion regarding the specific circ.u.mstances.

But now that he had touched her body, Lu Chen already knew clearly in his heart that Wu Siqi wasn"t suffering from any disease. Instead, there was a strange power contained within her body.

However, this was the first time Lu Chen had encountered this kind of power, so he was prepared to study it.

With a thought, Lu Chen activated the zhenqi in his body that was mixed with the power of karmic virtue and quickly injected it into Wu Siqi"s meridian channels.

With the infusion of this true energy, Lu Chen"s gaze became heavier and heavier.

Even though this strange energy was faintly discernible, it had deeply rooted itself into Wu Siqi"s strange meridians and veins.

However, when these forces encountered the power of karmic virtue, they were caught off guard and quickly fused together.

As for the rest, it was as if he had encountered a flood of ferocious beasts. He was afraid that he could not avoid them, so he hid himself in a deeper place. It was almost impossible to sense their presence.

"Sir, do you need any help?"

Lu Chen wasn"t surprised to hear the little fox"s voice.

These few days, the Eye of Merit wasn"t like before. Because the patient was completely cured, the power of Merit continuously flowed out.

However, they were constantly acc.u.mulating, bit by bit, into a sand paG.o.da. The situation was extremely good.

In fact, the little fox had used up all of the liquid energy around the spring, but in less than half a day, it had managed to acc.u.mulate half of the energy.

Since this fellow"s cultivation had been greatly damaged, and he needed the power of merit to restore his cultivation, he naturally cared a lot about it.

Of course, Lu Chen was also happy to see this happen. He immediately went straight to the point and asked, "Did you find any clues?"