Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 83

The little fox didn"t hide anything and directly told Lu Chen about the secret it had discovered, indicating that he could easily deal with it with the power of merit.

So that"s how it was!

The corners of Lu Chen"s lips couldn"t help but curl up into a smile.

Throughout this entire process, Wu Siqi had actually been secretly observing Lu Chen"s reaction.

Seeing the smile at the corner of his mouth, Wu Siqi could not help but ask, "Mr. Lu, did you figure it out? What"s wrong with me? "

Lu Chen looked around at the servants and butlers, and said with some hesitation, "I"m afraid it"s not convenient."

Wu Siqi"s eyes darkened as she asked somewhat anxiously, "Everyone here is a trustworthy person, is there anything inconvenient?!"

However, even though she said that, she dismissed the servants and stewards by her side.

Lu Chen immediately understood.

It seemed that these wealthy families were never born with easy lives.

Of course, Lu Chen didn"t mind this at all.

It was impossible for him to have any kind of interaction with the servants of the Wu family. Even if they had opinions on him, it wouldn"t be a big deal.

Right now, there were only two people in the room, Wu Siqi and Lu Chen, as well as the butler who had yet to leave.

Wu Siqi looked at Lu Chen"s puzzled expression and explained with a smile, "This is Uncle He. He was a relative of mine that watched me grow up."

Wu Siqi was still anxious to find out what kind of strange illness she had. She immediately asked, "Can you tell me what kind of illness it is now?"

"Gu!" Lu Chen softly spat out a single word.


Wu Siqi exclaimed, her eyes wide open as she looked at Lu Chen in disbelief, a trace of fear in her eyes.

Obviously, this young miss knew what Lu Chen was talking about.

Lu Chen nodded his head, organized the information that the little fox had just told him, and said in a serious tone:

"This kind of Gu is not ordinary, it"s a very rare Gu called the Shadow Snake Gu. I happened to read about it in an old book, but I didn"t expect to meet it here."

"Shadow Snake Gu …" Wu Siqi nodded slightly and said as if she were talking to herself, "That"s right, that"s right! "No wonder even modern medical devices are unable to find anything. So many doctors are helpless."

At this point, Wu Siqi"s expression had already gradually become solemn.

Since this Gu is not common, it is even more impossible to infect it from thin air.

Wu Siqi couldn"t help but begin to quickly ponder what kind of person would do something to her and use this kind of method to do it.

However, after thinking for a long time, she still couldn"t come up with anything. She could only once again turn her gaze towards Lu Chen.

"So, what exactly is the Shadow Snake Gu?" Wu Siqi asked.

Lu Chen knew that the other person would have this question. He didn"t hesitate and directly relayed what the little fox had just told him to Wu Siqi.

The Shadow Snake Gu was the most difficult type of Gu to deal with, and was equally famous as the Golden Silkworm Gu.

This Gu was tying all kinds of poisonous snakes to a poppy and watering them daily with its venom.

One poison was used up, and another was used.

After repeating this process and waiting for the poppy to grow, the seed he obtained would contain millions of venom from poisonous snakes.

Moreover, this was not the end.

In the process of purification, the Magus had also used a secret technique, trapping the souls of the poisonous snakes within the poppy fruit.

The powders made from these poppy fruits are highly soluble in water and truly colorless and tasteless.

He only needed to hide a little bit between his nails and bounce it into the target"s restaurant before being hit.

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, Wu Siqi"s face was initially livid, but gradually, her expression became very calm.

This kind of reaction made Lu Chen a little curious.

Clearly seeing through his doubt, Wu Siqi suddenly smiled. "Since Mister Lu knows the origins of this Gu poison and is so confident about it, then you must have a way to cure it, right?"

Suddenly enlightened, Lu Chen nodded and said, "To tell Miss Wu the truth, if I were a little later, I wouldn"t have been so confident."

Wu Siqi immediately said, "If that"s the case, then I"ll leave everything to you, Mr. Lu. But I am actually a little curious about this Black Serpent Gu, can Mr Lu tell me more about it? "

Of course, Lu Chen was clear that Wu Siqi was not simply saying this out of curiosity. She was using this opportunity to figure out who was targeting her.

Originally, Lu Chen felt that he needed to clarify a bit with Wu Siqi, so he added, "Miss Wu is currently at the initial stage of the Gu"s illness. Although this Gu is already lying in ambush in her body, it hasn"t started to act up yet."

"However, it has taken root in your eight extraordinary meridians and is showing signs of extending into your entire body. Thus, it has stimulated your body, so it will have symptoms of vomiting."

"Although it has a long incubation period, and even under the current circ.u.mstances, it may take a year or more, but once it explodes it will be fatal."

"In the book, it would feel like countless snakes rolling around in one"s stomach, and when it flared up, it would feel like tens of thousands of snakes piercing into one"s heart."

"How many snakes does this Gu use to refine? There are so many snakes rolling around in one"s stomach, but there are usually no more than 100 of them and they are unable to refine this Gu."

"Also, your belly will slowly grow two to three inches long, and you"ll be able to jump around in the shape of a snake. However, modern medical devices are simply unable to find it."

"When you are like a snake spitting out saliva, you will die within thirty days. Judging from your situation, Miss Wu, you must have been admitted half a year ago. "

Lu Chen blurted out the information he had obtained from the little fox, together with Wu Siqi"s own situation.

After listening to all of this, Wu Siqi"s face had already turned pale from fright. She was no longer as calm and composed as before. "I beg of Mr. Lu to save me!"

Lu Chen wasn"t surprised.

After all, if this kind of thing were to happen to a girl, no matter how strong her nerves were, she probably wouldn"t be able to bear it.

In fact, Lady Wu"s reaction was already pretty good. At least she was finally unable to keep her composure when she heard the last part of the story.

If it was someone else, perhaps they would not even wait for him to finish and directly beg him to act.

Lu Chen smiled and comforted her, "Miss Wu is still in the incubation period and hasn"t had an attack. Her treatment is relatively easy."

"Mister Lu!" Wu Siqi grabbed Lu Chen"s arm and said somewhat excitedly, "Please, you must save me! The reward and the like were easy to deal with! As long as you can help me get rid of this insect poison quickly! "

Seemingly realizing that she might be being overly emotional, she let go of Lu Chen"s hand and explained rather awkwardly:

"To tell you the truth, I"m most afraid of cold-blooded animals, snakes, frogs, or lizards."

Seeing Wu Siqi"s incoherent speech, she was completely different from the cold and composed young miss of a rich family.

Lu Chen knew that she was truly afraid.