Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 84

"Miss Wu is not in a hurry." Lu Chen looked into Wu Siqi"s eyes confidently, "I"m confident I can cure the Shadow Snake Gu in your body. However, these Shadow Snake Gu are very difficult to deal with, and it will be difficult to get them all in one fell swoop. "

"Therefore, I will be giving you acupuncture treatment in the next few days. I hope you can set up a schedule."

"No problem, absolutely no problem." Without even thinking about it, Wu Siqi immediately said, "If possible, Mr Lu can even stay here with me for the time being."

Lu Chen had yet to speak when Uncle He, who was the butler, said, "Mister Lu, if you need anything, just say it. This old man will follow your instructions immediately." This disease has been torturing Eldest Miss for a long time. I hope that Mr Lu will take your time! "

Lu Chen nodded, then asked Wu Siqi to immediately take off her coat and ask Uncle He to find a set of silver needles.

Even though he had the little fox"s help, he could directly use the power of merit to purge the Gu poison from Wu Siqi"s body.

However, in the light of Wu Siqi"s comment on Chinese medicine just now, Lu Chen had a different idea.

That year, Master Lu had been using his actual actions to redeem himself and had put in a lot of effort.

Only one person"s strength was still limited. Although Old Master Lu"s medical skills were very high, other than those who had been fortunate enough to receive his treatment and have experienced the wonders of traditional Chinese medicine, there was no substantial impact on the environment.

The only result was that due to Old Master Lu, TCM had established an extremely good reputation within a hundred miles radius of the small mountain village.

Many barefoot doctors who wanted to fish in troubled waters had to look elsewhere.

There were even a few people who had tried to find Old Master Lu for trouble, but had ended up being intimidated by his powerful martial skill and had no choice but to run far away.

That was all.

Maybe he could help make some changes.

Although his current method may not be the real Chinese medical method, Lu Chen was well aware of the mysteriousness of Chinese medicine. Changing his method to correct its name didn"t seem to be wrong …

The treatment went very smoothly, because they had other intentions in mind. Therefore, when Lu Chen injected the needles, his technique was extremely gaudy, almost blinding Wu Siqi.

Even Uncle He, who was a pract.i.tioner, looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

Because during the treatment just now, Lu Chen had obviously used his internal energy.

Moreover, the strength that he had displayed had completely stunned Uncle He.

Before leaving, Lu Chen instructed a few more things to pay attention to about the recent meals, wrote a prescription, and personally gave it to Lu Siqi.

Although his Yin Snake Gu was still in its incubation period and had not shown itself, in reality, it could not ignore the consumption of her vital energy and blood.

As such, Lu Chen"s Blood Replenishing Powder could be considered to be quite effective.

Of course, this was under the premise that the power of virtue had successfully suppressed the spread of the Shadow Snake Venom, otherwise no matter how good the medicine was, it would all be in vain.

When he opened the door again, Lu Chen discovered that both Yu Xing and Doctor Lei were anxiously standing by the door.

The former carried doubt while the latter"s eyes were filled with antic.i.p.ation.

In comparison, Yu Xing did not believe that Lu Chen could see through this.

As for Doctor Lei, because he had seen Lu Chen"s G.o.dly abilities before, he was actually full of confidence in him.

It could even be said that at this moment, he was a little blindly worshipping Lu Chen.

When Yu Xing saw the expression on his housekeeper, Uncle He"s eyes flashed with disbelief: "You found out what illness it was?"

Lu Chen did not say anything, but Uncle He had already said, "I"m sorry, but it"s not convenient to say the illness of my Young Miss."

"Hmm? "What do you mean?" Yu Xing raised his brows and looked at Uncle He with a burning gaze.

Uncle He"s eyes narrowed slightly as he met Liu Ming"s gaze without showing any signs of weakness.

Lu Chen found it hilarious.

This Uncle He didn"t look that amazing, but he was actually not simple either.

Looking at his calm aura, he was actually an inner force expert.

Compared to Doctor Lei, who had successfully broken through, he was not much weaker.

The most important thing was, this Uncle He"s control of his aura far exceeded that of ordinary people.

Yu Xing might be stronger than the steward, but it was probably because of his personality that he was even more arrogant than the steward.

Yu Xing clearly felt that Uncle He was extraordinary. He frowned, then looked towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen chuckled and said to Uncle He, "Actually, there"s nothing much to hide. It"s just that I"ve been infected by the Gu."

"Has he been infected with a Gu?"

Doctor Lei widened his eyes in shock.

Yu Xing, on the other hand, looked like he had come to a realization. He then looked at Lu Chen with shining eyes and impatiently asked:

"What exactly is the situation? Can you treat it? That"s right, since you can see it, you must be able to treat it. I... Can I see it? "

Yu Xing was not surprised by Lu Chen"s request.

To put it bluntly, the person in front of him was a medical fanatic.

This was just like someone obsessed with martial arts. If they suddenly heard that there was some peerless skill, they would be impatient to see it for themselves.

In this era where things were flowing freely, doctors like Yu Xing who were really obsessed with medical skills and willing to part with their luxurious lives abroad were already as rare as phoenix feathers and qilin horns.

Without any complaints, they spent their youth and pa.s.sion on the path towards higher medical skills, which was similarly worthy of Lu Chen"s respect.

Therefore, Lu Chen didn"t mind fulfilling his request to share some information about the Shadow Snake Gu with him.

Seeing Lu Chen loosen his mouth, Uncle He did not insist and nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Only then did Lu Chen say, "This is the initial symptoms of the Shadow Snake Gu." You can"t tell the problem from the pulse or the color. "

"Right now I need to get some medicine to help with the treatment. I will come back tomorrow and we will talk about the Shadow Snake Gu then."

Yu Xing nodded his head. Instead, he urged Lu Chen to hurry and prescribe medicine and try his best to not delay Wu Siqi"s condition.

When Uncle He personally escorted Lu Chen to the villa"s garden, he suddenly stopped his footsteps, turned around, and said apologetically to Lu Chen:

"Mr. Lu, my young lady"s words were a bit offensive just now, please take care of it."

Lu Chen smiled indifferently: "The heart of a doctor"s parents." "Besides, Miss Wu is right. Now that the wind is blowing in the east and the form of traditional Chinese medicine is weak, it has a lot to do with us as well."

Uncle He softly sighed: "Sigh! Actually, it"s not that Eldest Miss doesn"t believe you, but because of a special reason, she has always held some aversion towards Chinese medicine. "

Lu Chen was a little curious and asked, "Could it be that Miss Wu was once taken advantage of by Chinese medicine?"

"Not really." Uncle He gently shook his head, "To put it bluntly, it"s still because of Miss Biao. "Oh right, you should know this Young Madam Biao as well."

As he finished speaking, the expression on Uncle He"s face suddenly turned strange.