Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 87

Of course, what Lin Jun said was the truth.

When Lu Chen used his zhenqi to check his body, he quickly locked onto the warhead.

The bullet stuck close to his spine, crushing his nerves.

Not to mention decades ago, even the current surgeons didn"t dare say they had absolute confidence that they could remove the bullet.

"For the next two days, I will first find a way to adjust old senior Lin"s condition. I will strive to take out the bullet once and then physically restore some of the muscles in his legs."

"With the treatment of the potion, I"ll be able to walk for less than half a month."

"This... Is this for real?! " Lin Jun couldn"t believe his ears as he stared at Lu Chen in disbelief.

He had long since given up hope, having failed time and time again.

Ever since he had retreated from the battlefield thirty years ago, he had been searching for a variety of treatments.

As long as there were some famous people, whether it was Chinese medicine or western medicine, they would be able to go through it once.

However, no matter how hard she tried, her legs were completely numb.

Even if there were people who dared to try, the 10% chance of success wouldn"t even make him want to try.

That would be a life wager!

At this point, Lu Chen was the only one who had the confidence that he could take out the bullets for him.

He was also the first person to rely on just his pulse diagnosis and observation to thoroughly understand his body"s condition.

"Don"t worry, the situation is much better than you imagined. I have a good grasp of the situation." Lu Chen consoled with a smile.

"But... Can traditional Chinese medicine be operated on? " Lin Dong asked hesitantly.

Actually, it wasn"t just him, everyone else was doing the same. All of them stared at Lu Chen in antic.i.p.ation.

It even included Lei Ming and Bai Wen Jing as well as their martial uncles.

In his impression, all the Chinese medicine always used all kinds of medicament as internal medicine, a.s.sisted by acupuncture, cupping, ma.s.sage and other external means to treat the disease.

It was rare to hear of any Chinese medicine that could still be operated on.

Besides, this was a major operation that targeted sensitive parts of the spine.

For Chinese traditional medicine, the story of the anatomy of the human body dates back to the Eastern Han Dynasty.

That era had already been going on for a long time, so it was hard to say if the stories pa.s.sed down were history or fiction.

But Lu Chen smiled and explained: "Of course! In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was already a record of Hua Tuo cutting the bones and healing Second Master Guan, asking for Cao Cao"s skull to be removed. "

"Even if there was a history book about it, and even if there was a Chinese medicine dissecting technique, it would have gone back to the Southbright period, far surpa.s.sing the Western anatomy of 500 years ago."

These stories about Chinese medicine were actually taught to him by Lu Chen"s grandfather.

Moreover, Lu Chen had personally witnessed the old man wielding a saber before.

It was an operation to remove a heart tumor for an old woman who had no money to go to the hospital.

According to the grandmother"s family, the success rate was only thirty percent.

Therefore, the three sons who had planned to beat the old lady to the ground and send her to the operating table had no choice but to give up after the grandma"s strong rejection.

However, after being operated on by Old Master Lu, it had only been ten days before the old lady was able to walk.

The most important thing was that the whole process didn"t require the medical anesthesia and blood transfusion from the western medicine at all.

The old gramps immediately used acupuncture to block the blood in the old granny"s veins and began the operation.

Grandpa Lu Chen had a set of self-made surgical instruments.

Some of them borrowed from western medicine, but most of them were unique.

The removal of cardiac tumors has been very successful and has even caused a sensation in the region.

The newsletter was far less developed than it is now, but it was still reported in the newspapers.

Unfortunately, the old man seemed to be afraid that someone would discover his whereabouts, so he quickly brought Lu Chen to another place to live. After half a year of peace and quiet.

"Anyway, I don"t have much time left. "With this old body of mine, if there is any hope for me to stand up again, I am willing to give it a try."

The old man was the first to speak, and his att.i.tude was considered to be clear.

"If Doctor Lu has any requests, just speak up. We will definitely cooperate fully." Although Lin Dong was a bit hesitant, his father had already opened his mouth.

He knew that for his father all these years, his greatest wish was to once again stand up and walk around on his own two feet.

Everyone in the family longed to fulfill his wish in the old man"s lifetime.

As long as they could succeed, no matter how big of a price they had to pay, they would not complain.

"You can rest a.s.sured that the operation is not complicated. As long as you prepare well, there won"t be much danger." Lu Chen said confidently.

"Then I"ll leave everything to Doctor Lu!"

The middle-aged man nodded and didn"t say anything else.

However, as the saying goes, care will lead to chaos. His eyes were still filled with worry.

Actually, Lu Chen could completely understand Lin Dong"s feelings.

Because of the matter with Old Man Yang, he had gained a bit of credibility in Lin Dongdong"s heart.

However, this was a matter of great importance. It was impossible to completely rea.s.sure the other side.

Lu Chen did not want to give any more explanations or a.s.surances.

Because in his view, rather than trying to convince others, it was better to prove it with his actions.

Suddenly, Lu Chen"s hand pressed down on the old man"s palm. True energy that was fused with the power of merit was released and poured into the old man"s body in an unending stream.

He was prepared to first unravel the Lin Army"s eight extraordinary meridians.

For one thing, he could do the necessary preparations to lay a solid foundation for the next treatment.

Secondly, he hoped to give Lin Jun and his family and comrades enough confidence.

This was because in order to withstand the surgery, strengthening the meridian and blood flow was a necessary process.

Due to Lin Jun persisting in practicing the Tao technique for a long time, his health was very good, which saved Lu Chen a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, even with the help of meritorious services, it would still take a lot of effort.

Feeling the endless power from Lu Chen being transferred into his body, Lin Jun had an expression of disbelief on his face.

He clearly did not expect that at such a young age, Lu Chen had so much inner strength in his body.

When he felt the inner strength continuously gushing into his legs and breaking through the layers of obstructions, Lin Jun"s jaw dropped.

One had to know that because he yearned to stand up once again, after obtaining this Internal Martial Arts technique called "Taihe Fist", he diligently practiced day and night, and it really gave him a feeling of Qi.

These auras were un.o.bstructed in other areas, but once it reached his legs, he would not be able to take another step forward.

Just as he was about to say something, Lu Chen had already opened his mouth to stop him.

"Old Senior Lin, don"t say anything. Just try to cooperate. I"m preparing to help you break your legs."

Although Lin Dong was surprised, Lin Jun still gently nodded his head as he felt the surging strength within his body. After which, he slowly closed his eyes and began to match it.