Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 90

Taking advantage of Sunday, Lu Chen fulfilled his previous promise.

He called out the two girls, intending to go to the Walking Street, which was located in the east of Jiangzhou City. He also wanted to get himself a good set of clothes.

When he left the army, he left in a hurry and didn"t take much with him.

There were only two sets of clothes, both athletic and a little out of date.

Although the simple and arduous style of a soldier was deeply engraved in his bones, Lu Chen was not a pedant. Since he had returned to the lives of ordinary people, he should get used to this kind of life as soon as possible. There was no need for him to be seen as an outsider.

Besides, he could be considered a teacher now, so he should pay more attention to his appearance.

Hu Weiguo"s condition had been carefully treated by Lu Chen, and with the treatment of Frozen Lung Powder, he had almost recovered in just two days.

While Hu Lingling was filled with grat.i.tude towards Lu Chen, she was also very excited.

"Brother!" Look, this Winnie Bear is so good-looking! It"s good to be a pillow. "

Hu Lingling could no longer move in front of a luxurious toy store on the second floor of Wanda Plaza.

She pointed at a cute teddy bear with an excited expression, as if stars were twinkling in her eyes.

"If you like it, I"ll buy it for you?" Lu Chen said as he pulled her into the toy store.

"Forget it! No need. I heard that every toy in this store costs hundreds of dollars! The one in the window must be even more expensive. Let"s just take a look. " Hu Lingling quickly refused.

Although Hu Lingling had always wanted to own a toy Winnie Bear, she didn"t want to waste money in such a specialty store.

If she really wanted it, she would rather change it to a knock-off version on the internet.

At least two-thirds or more of the money would be saved.

Now that Lu Chen suddenly offered to buy it out for her, she instinctively wanted to reject him.

"h.e.l.lo, can you wrap this bear up for me?"

Lu Chen called out to a pretty and pretty shop a.s.sistant at the side. Without saying anything further, he took out a bank card and prepared to buy the Vigny Bear for Hu Lingling.

He could tell that Hu Lingling really liked this toy.

"Brother, there"s no need, there"s really no need."

Hu Lingling tried her best to dissuade Lu Chen. She did not want Lu Chenhua to waste money like this.

Although she had 1.5 million yuan in her pocket, Hu Lingling never wanted to use it.

She was still thinking of how she would use this money when her brother got married in the future, and how she would marry her sister-in-law into the family in such a carefree manner.

"I"m fine. I was just about to give you something as a greeting gift when I came out for a walk today." "But after looking at it for a long time, I still don"t know what to give."

"It"s rare that you like it, so you don"t need to think too much about it. I hope you don"t mind. "

Lu Chen said with a beaming smile, his eyes gleaming with a doting light.

He Qian couldn"t help but feel a bit disappointed when she saw how intimate the two of them were.

He Qian had a brother herself, and there were quite a few cousins as well.

However, someone like her, who came from a family, being intimate was a bit extravagant.

He Qian herself was aloof from worldly affairs, even to the point of being indifferent towards family properties and the like.

In order to escape her family"s internal strife, she decided to find a job after graduating from university.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt a sour feeling in his heart …

Just as the clerk was about to wrap the little bear up, a couple walked over.

The man was tall and wore a flowery checked shirt. Half of his face was covered by a pair of aviator"s There was a trace of unruliness on his face.

The woman wore a light green skirting skirt. She snuggled against the man"s chest like a small bird and had a blissful expression on her face.

"How much is this one? Give me one as well, it"s for my girlfriend." The man smiled at the clerk.

"I"m sorry, this is the last one. It has already been bought by this gentleman." The clerk said apologetically.

"What a coincidence!" The man was disappointed. He looked at the girl in his arms and shook his head lightly, "Little Qi, we came late. It"s only this one. Otherwise … Choose another one? "

The woman quickly glanced at Hu Lingling and a trace of disdain flashed across her eyes.

However, when his gaze landed on Lu Chen, his eyes slightly lit up.

But that was all.

She then turned her head away and said to the man with a bitter face, "Brother Dong, this is a limited edition Winnie Bear, it"s very valuable. It"s said that we only get two in our city."

"The other one has already been bought by Die. I must get it this time. To tell you the truth, I brought you here today because of it. Besides, haven"t you paid for it yet? "

As she spoke, she glanced at the bank card in Lu Chen"s hand, whether intentionally or not.

The man called Dong-ge hesitated for a moment, then he took off his His gaze quickly swept across Hu Lingling, then turned towards Lu Chen.

"Bro, my name is Xie Dong, how about you give me some face?" he asked with a smile.

"Sorry! My sister likes it too, so I can"t cut her off. " Lu Chen said indifferently.

Although Xie Dong was wearing when he arrived, ordinary people wouldn"t be able to see the look in his eyes.

However, as soon as he entered the door, Lu Chen noticed that this guy had been wandering around Hu Lingling and He Qian"s body. Who knew what he was planning?

In addition, the woman called Xiaoqi by Xie Dong"s side was not a good person either.

Although it was well concealed, the contempt in his eyes could not escape Lu Chen"s notice.

Hearing this, Xie Dong"s eyes darkened as a cold light flashed through them.

He then smiled softly and turned around to look at the girl in his arms. He seemed to say helplessly,

"You heard it, I"m not willing, so I think it"s better not to. Is it really possible that I have discussed it with Xiao Die? "

The woman called Xiaoqi was stunned for a moment, then looked at the man beside her with suspicion.

Then, she looked at Hu Lingling and then at He Qian, who was beside her.

In an instant, she seemed to have understood something, and her anger instantly rose.

How could she not understand that the sudden change in her arrogant and domineering boyfriend was due to him discovering a new target?

He didn"t know whether it was the girl in front of him or the one not far away.

Or maybe … Both!

Although she knew that this sort of thing was unstoppable, it was right in front of her. Thus, she was immediately enraged.

Frowning, she looked at Hu Lingling with a hint of hostility, "Little sister, how about this. Choose any one and treat it as a gift from me." Just give me this limited edition Winnie the Bear. "

"Anyway, they"re all Vigny Bears. You can just take them for yourself, but in reality they"re useless. They"re more or less like pearls in the dark."