Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 93

"Eh? Why are you here? And what kind of play are you singing? " The first thing Lu Chen saw was Xie Dong, who was standing to the side with a red face and a trembling body.

"This fellow actually wanted to call people to stop you and the two mistress, so I conveniently gave him a lesson." What do you think? " Zhang Junwei said as if he was taking the credit.

Lu Chen"s brows twitched as he glanced at Xie Dong.

Xie Dong"s body flickered as he hurriedly said, "Teacher Lu, I had eyes but failed to recognize Mt. Tai. Today, I crashed into you. I"ll arrange wine for you to apologize to you later!"

"Go! It was someone else who took action this time, consider yourself lucky. If you were to fall into my hands, it would be too late for you to regret it. I"ll return what you just said to you: There is no medicine for regret in this world! " Lu Chen said indifferently.

Xie Dong did not say anything. He stared deeply at Lu Chen, then turned and walked away.

In the instant he turned around, a malevolent glint flashed across his eyes.

Just then, Zhang Junwei"s voice suddenly sounded out, "Are you not convinced? Why don"t you go and ask your distant cousin, Liu Kai, young master Liu, and find out who Teacher Lu is? "

Xie Dong"s body visibly paused for a moment before he quickened his pace and walked in the direction of the parking lot.

"Brother Dong, wait for me!"

The woman chased after him from afar. Unfortunately, Xie Dong did not let her get in the car and just drove away.

Lu Chen turned around to look at Zhang Junwei, revealing a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

Towards this fellow who was like candy, he could not shake him off no matter how he threw him off. He was actually a little speechless.

Fight was not allowed.

This fellow probably wouldn"t be able to take two of his blows either.


He didn"t want to waste his breath.

This fellow"s skin was thicker than an ancient city wall, and no matter how he scolded, he still had a face full of smiles.

However, with his character, was teaching him kung fu really good?

"Master, please accept me! I"ll bring you some tea, and you can even ma.s.sage your legs and back. " Zhang Junwei begged sincerely.

"If I accept you, you won"t follow me?" Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and sized Zhang Junwei up.

Zhang Junwei was stunned for a moment when Lou Cheng asked.

I don"t think I was purposely following Lu Chen, right?

Today was completely a coincidence.

However, since his Master had already asked, why would he hesitate? He would definitely agree.

"Whatever Master wants me to do, I will do. I promise I will do my best without hesitation." Zhang Junwei nodded and said seriously.

Lu Chen pondered for a moment, "Okay, tonight at 10: 00, come to my dorm and wait for me." I live in Building 2. "

"That"s great! Master, I need to hurry back and prepare. " Zhang Junwei shouted excitedly.

"Let"s go!" "Let"s hurry up and go!" Lu Chen waved his hand as if he was shooing away flies.

He wished that this eyesore could get as far away as possible.

After Zhang Junwei received Lu Chen"s promise, how could he be willing to stay any longer? He immediately disappeared from Lu Chen"s sight at the fastest speed possible.

"Brother, you really plan on taking this guy as your disciple?" He doesn"t look very reliable. " Hu Lingling did not have a good impression of Zhang Junwei.

Especially when this fellow was obviously not bad looking, but when he smiled, it always gave off a wretched feeling.

"What else can we do? Can it be that we"re really going to make him follow us all the time? Just thinking about it makes me feel a little uncomfortable. " Lu Chen shook his head helplessly.

Hu Lingling nodded as if she understood Ye Zichen"s words, but she did not say anything.

Accompanying the two misses Lu Chen was a walk, but apart from the limited edition Winnie Bear, he didn"t buy anything.

After strolling around for three hours, he stopped at a dessert shop to eat something.

If not for Lu Chen"s strong physical fitness, he probably wouldn"t have been able to hold on for so long.

Seeing that neither of the two girls had any intention of making a move, Lu Chen finally couldn"t help but express his intention to arrange a set of clothes for them.

When he said this, both of their eyes shone brightly.

For a moment, he actually had a bad premonition.

As expected, although the two girls didn"t have the desire to buy things for themselves, they had already revealed all of their innate buying desire.

Originally, Lu Chen had thought that any famous brand would look good, but Hu Lingling and He Qian"s eyes both became picky at this moment.

The two of them had their own unique insights, and they often spoke of it in the same way.

He Qian could understand, but what about Hu Lingling?

Lu Chen felt that she didn"t care too much about his attire. On the contrary, she spoke clearly about men"s clothes.

However, he soon understood.

It turned out that Hu Lingling had always been daydreaming about how her older brother, Hu Xiu, would use him for practice in the future when she had money.

Thinking about Hu Xiu, Lu Chen almost did not reject Hu Lingling"s suggestion.

He had unknowingly bought a huge pile.

However, he ignored He Qian"s feelings.

When this sensitive woman noticed Lu Chen"s att.i.tude towards Hu Lingling, the trace of resentment in her heart was magnified.

In the end, He Qian simply shut her mouth and silently stayed at the side. Occasionally, she would chime in and bury her thoughts deep within her heart.

"Hey!" Master, why do I smell a sour smell in the air? "

Just as Lu Chen accepted Hu Lingling"s suggestion and grabbed onto the fourth set of clothes, the little fox, who had been watching from the sidelines, finally couldn"t hold back anymore.

"Yes, I feel it. You don"t need to remind me!" Lu Chen replied indifferently.

He wasn"t someone who didn"t know how to react, so he obviously knew about He Qian"s change in mood.

However, because of his guilt towards Hu Xiu, Lu Chen did not want his sister to be harmed in the slightest.

Even if it was emotional.

He would do everything he could to protect her and make her happy.

This was also the promise Lu Chen made in front of Hu Xiu"s tombstone before he left.

"So you did it on purpose?" The little fox said sincerely, "I think this Miss He is pretty good, she suits you well."

"The most important thing is her physique. If you two can be together, then it would be good for you."

Lu Chen only smiled but did not reply.

"Just buy me clothes today, how about each of you buy a set? As you can see, I just made a small fortune, a total of two million! Hurry up and ruthlessly slaughter me, and let me experience the taste of being a tyc.o.o.n. "

At this moment, the two girls were stunned.

Did he just earn two million?

They thought that it was all of Lu Chen"s savings.

Hu Lingling was in a dazed state and could not figure out the possible source of the money.

On the other hand, He Qian seemed to have understood something after a brief moment of silence.

With Lu Chen"s superb medical skills, if he were to encounter a suitable opportunity, earning money wouldn"t be an issue at all.

"Could it be a medical fee?"

In the end, He Qian couldn"t help but ask.

Lu Chen nodded: "Speaking of which, you also know this person."

"Me too? Two million in one go … "Could it be Uncle Yang?"

Then she shook her head, as if to deny her guess.