Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 97

Along the way, He Qian saw something.

However, she was more curious about Lu Chen"s level, which was why she didn"t make a move.

Initially, due to her preconceived impression of Lu Chen, she had always felt that he must be hiding something.

However, after Lu Chen had asked a few rookie questions, her heart was once again filled with doubt.

Of course, after this round of sparring, He Qian had no choice but to admit that although Lu Chen"s question was very low-leveled, his judgement was still quite high.

If not for Lu Chen"s reminder, she would have thought that the buyer had picked up something big.

He Qian had even guessed in her heart that Lu Chen must have seen many good things and naturally trained his eyesight that ordinary people did not have.

Lu Chen did not say anything. He walked straight to the booth where he found the target and picked it up from the pile of jades.

He had noticed earlier that the items on the stall were rather miscellaneous.

An old man led two helpers and occupied two booths.

It looked so dazzling, but it just didn"t seem professional. It looked more like a hodgepodge.

Bronze, Tang, blue and white plates, colored bowls, jade, calligraphy and painting, root carvings, silver and even modern paper money and tickets could be seen.

It could be said that from the Warring States to the Republic of China, everything here could be said to be representative of one"s kind.

The key was that apart from porcelain, which was easy to break, they were all piled up in a random manner. If one wanted to trade for something, they would have to go through a lot of difficulty to do so.

Because of this, quite a few customers came to look for the treasure they liked.

Because there was always a confident collector who thought that he had a keen eye and was able to find real treasures among a pile of handicrafts.

Furthermore, the more casual the owner was, the cheaper it felt to others, which naturally attracted more friends.

In Lu Chen"s hand, there was a red jade carving in the shape of a laying silkworm.

He held it in his hand and looked at it by the light of the lamp. There was a tinge of dust on it, but there was no special cleaning. At first glance, it looked gray, as if it had just been unearthed.

The exposed part of the Jade Silkworm was blood-red, and it faintly emitted a strange glow.

When they first saw it, very few people would be willing to take another look.

If Lu Chen had not felt that its body was different from the others, he would have taken it for granted that it was an old handicraft.

"This is it, this is it! Take it down, my lord, and take it down. I sensed a familiar smell from it, the smell of a divine silkworm. "

The little fox eagerly said, and even sniffled in excitement.

Lu Chen acted as if he knew everything. He immediately grabbed the silkworm and examined it carefully.

This Jade Silkworm looked chubby and innocent, with a cartoon style.

No matter how you looked at it, it looked like a modern art piece.

After he had a closer look, Lu Chen was overjoyed.

It was exquisite and smooth, with an indescribable texture.

The most important thing was that it still had a faint amount of spiritual energy.

Of course, this sliver of spiritual energy was extremely thin, and if one didn"t hold it in their hands, it was almost impossible to feel its existence.

This was all thanks to the little knowledge he had obtained from He Qian.

He Qian was wearing a yellow jade pendant on her chest. When she coincidentally saw a replica earlier, she intentionally took it out to compare.

Lu Chen compared the two and memorized the characteristics of the jade.

It was needless to say that it was exquisite and smooth, and it contained an indisputable amount of spiritual energy.

He Qian"s yellow jade pendant was obviously not ordinary.

According to the little fox, jade was a material that absorbed spiritual energy. Thus, to Lu Chen, it was very easy to differentiate between the truth and the falsehood.

"Sir, this is a Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm!" The Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm, ranked sixth among the ten divine silkworms! Even though it was still a cub, it still had life! I"ve picked up a treasure. This time, I"ve really picked up a treasure! " Standing on Lu Chen"s shoulder, the little fox was so excited that it was dancing with joy.

"What"s the use?" Lu Chen asked directly.

"Before it has matured, every time one of its eyes opened, a drop of blood and tears would flow out. The tears of blood from the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm could allow a dying person to live for one more year. Six b.l.o.o.d.y tears would be six years! " The little fox gestured.

"What about after it matures?" Lu Chen asked, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

She already possessed such a miraculous ability before she matured. If she matured after that …

Lu Chen was filled with antic.i.p.ation towards the little fox"s answer.

"If it can catalyze maturation, it only needs to take out a drop of blood essence for it to devour. Once it turns into a coc.o.o.n and refines it, it can be reborn and possess a body comparable to a G.o.d or devil."

Although Lu Chen was mentally prepared, when the little fox gave its answer, Lu Chen was still stunned.

"A body comparable to a FiendG.o.d"s?" Isn"t that similar to swallowing a Purple Merit Bead? " Lu Chen asked doubtfully.

The little fox shook its head and said, "Master, you must not underestimate the Eye of Merit that you possess. It has the power to traverse s.p.a.ce and time. "

Lu Chen said awkwardly, "Alright! I ignored that. "Next time is not the case."

The little fox laughed indifferently and continued to explain, "It is a little weaker than the purple achievement bead. However, this effect will last longer than the Purple Merit Beads.

"Wait, you said absorb it, this …" It"s alive! " Lu Chen asked in astonishment.

Just now, he had really neglected this matter.

"Of course. Moreover, this was not jade. It only looked like jade. Of course... While it was still sleeping, its body was already made of jade, so it"s fine even if you call it jade. "

"As for whether it is alive … Hee hee! You can now try injecting the power of merits into it. "

"Something that can be born from the heavens and the earth can only be encountered by luck and not sought after. Milord, your luck is really good."

Hearing the little fox"s words, Lu Chen immediately injected a wisp of his merit power into it.

When the power came in contact with the Jade Silkworm, a purple light suddenly flashed around the Jade Silkworm and shook violently.

At the same time, a surge of spiritual force was sent back, causing Lu Chen"s heart to tremble.

It"s really alive...

And in that instant, it was as if he had touched the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s soul!

However, there seemed to be an invisible barrier separating them, forcefully cutting off this feeling.