Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 98

Lu Chen suppressed the joy in his heart. He had really picked up a treasure this time.

He calmly asked, "Boss, I think this item is pretty good. Please give me a price!"

The boss glanced at the Jade Silkworm in Lu Chen"s hand, then looked at Hu Lingling and He Qian, who were behind him.


Without waiting for Lu Chen to speak, He Qian had already walked up to him and asked.

The eyes of the vendor darkened immediately.

He Qian immediately walked over and took Lu Chen"s arm, explaining, "He"s my boyfriend."

The stall owner smiled helplessly and glanced at Hu Lingling, who was standing at the side.

Seeing that the latter had no reaction, he could only gently shake his head, smiled and said, "Lady, this blade is too ruthless. Good heavens! If he were to strike his ankle, he wouldn"t be able to do it. The two of you truly want it, please give me a price that is truly sincere. "

He Qian immediately asked, "Is it eight hundred?" This was too expensive. "This price might as well be two big shots."

"But boss, do you really take us for idiots just because we are young? Hubby, let"s forget about it! "

Both Lu Chen and Hu Lingling knew that He Qian was helping to push down the price, so they naturally did not say anything.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, when both parties were negotiating the price, it was not easy for others to interrupt. This was also the rule of the antique shop.

However, He Qian openly admitted that she was Lu Chen"s girlfriend, so it was naturally a different story.

"80 yuan definitely won"t do. We"re already a far cry from the original party. It"s better to stay up late at night than to lose money!"

"What"s more, this is a good item. This little brother here definitely has an idea about what a true ancient jade carving is." The booth owner said indifferently, not letting go.

At this moment, Hu Lingling, who was standing at the side, suddenly spoke up.

"Brother, it"s not like we understand these things, why don"t we take a look?" There are a lot of gadgets on the 231. If you like it, you can buy a bunch. "

Hu Lingling said as she took Lu Chen"s other arm.

The booth owner looked at Lu Chen in surprise. There was envy in his eyes, but more of a bitter smile.

"Since you like it, then come up with a realistic price! If you don"t want to earn money, you can just treat it as making a friend. " The vendor hesitated for a moment before placing his gaze on Lu Chen and clasping his hands respectfully.

He had actually wanted eight thousand.

It was because he felt that this price was worthy of Lu Chen.

Just now, he had noticed that Lu Chen had looked at him for a long time before asking for a price.

It had been received for five dollars from a child on his way to the country to dig up land.

The kid said he picked it up from the dirt he dug out of the ground while they were digging the well.

He looked for a long time, but still couldn"t figure out what was going on.

The only thing he knew was that its shape was pretty good. It wasn"t even comparable to sculpting, but it was obvious that it wasn"t made by injection.

He didn"t even know what the real texture was.

However, based on the principle of not letting it go, he had spent five yuan to buy it as a handicraft.

Now that he had finally found someone he liked, he naturally wanted to sell it for a good price.

It was also Lu Chen and co."s attire that caused the vendor to secretly raise the price in his heart.

After choosing clothes in the shopping mall, Lu Chen and Hu Lingling both changed into new clothes.

Given how the three of them relied on their clothes, no matter how you looked at them, they all looked like rich lords.

Most importantly, the three of them were all in their early twenties, they were definitely handsome men and women. The stall owner naturally treated the three of them like fat sheep, if he didn"t ruthlessly cut them down, he would feel sorry for himself.

Otherwise, he would really be willing to pay the eighty dollars.

Lu Chen knew that this was a good item, but he didn"t want to lower the price.

Even if it was eighty thousand dollars, he would still be happy to buy it.

Of course, now that He Qian was helping him push the price down, she was acting as his girlfriend, so it wasn"t good for him to not appreciate her kindness.

In any case, the booth owner did not know the price, so he did not know how much money had been collected.

Thinking for a moment, Lu Chen stretched out his five fingers and asked tentatively, "I"ll take the five hundred yuan. We"re friends!"

The stall owner was obviously unwilling. He gently shook his head and said with a pained expression, "It seems that you really like it. If it"s like this, then I"ll have to ask for a lucky number. Eight hundred and eight! You send it, I"ll send it too. "

"You really want it?" He Qian had an anxious look, "I think that even if this thing is made of jade or stone, its quality won"t be much better. "If you like it, I"ll let Master Yuan show it to you later."

For a moment, even Lu Chen thought that she was truly worried that he had misjudged her.

However, upon sensing the strength with which she grabbed his arm, Lu Chen understood.

As expected, when he heard the name of the third grandpa Yuan, the restaurant owner was obviously stunned for a moment.

He then cupped his fists towards He Qian and said with a wry smile, "Lady Yuan actually knows Third Master Yuan. That"s for sure!" 500 is 500! "If you have the chance, remember to tell him that Qi Lao Er and Qi Changen greet him."

Without waiting for Lu Chen to speak, He Qian took out five old heads and handed them over swiftly.

Unfortunately, just as the boss who claimed to be Qi Changgen touched the money, a voice suddenly rang out, "Ten thousand yuan. I want this."

Lu Chen"s brows twitched. He had just met someone who wanted to block him.

But since he asked for 10,000 yuan, it was obvious that he had come prepared.

Could he have noticed something?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen looked in the direction of the voice.

"10,000 yuan, hurry up and wrap it up for me!" "Boss." A short guy with a crew cut said with a gloomy look in his eyes.

The slightly taller man beside him looked at Lu Chen, his gaze slightly sinking.

He opened his mouth, but didn"t say anything, and only gave Lu Chen an apologetic smile.

Qi Zhang looked at Lu Chen with a troubled expression, then looked at the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm in his hand.

Although he was very interested in the ten thousand yuan, it wasn"t within his scope to do things without any rules. He had to be the first to arrive and then to arrive.

This is especially important in the antique industry.

Not to mention in a place like the Ghost Market.

If he broke the rules for this ten thousand yuan, then he wouldn"t be able to stay in this circle anymore.

The first to arrive was Lu Chen, and he had already agreed on the price to pay.

Secondly, from He Qian"s tone, she seemed to be acquainted with Master Yuan. Many people here were considered to be the grandsons and disciples of this old man. He himself was one of them, so he didn"t dare to act rashly.

It was not an exaggeration to say that once he broke the rules, someone would immediately expel him.

The young man saw his hesitation and frowned. He took out another stack of money and slapped it on the stall. "I"ll add another 5000 yuan. Please be more efficient, Boss."

Hearing that, the boss wryly smiled and looked towards Lu Chen: "Little brother, otherwise …" Let"s discuss? I think this mister really does like this thing, or else we"ll just give it to him. Pick another one for me and we can discuss the price. "

As he spoke, he gave Lu Chen many winks, clearly hoping that he would cooperate.